RB 2418 PG 672Baseline Surveying, PLLC lza P.O. Box 6204; Maryville, 7N 378o2 Site Cell: (865) 256-1104 E-mail: surveyor2366@gmail.eom o 06 1 Surveyor's title opinion is expressed or implied. y/boa' ve 2. No underground footers or utilities were located. C1\0 3. This survey reflects only matters of record as shown hereon. o 4. Drainage and utility easements shall be 5 feet wide on each side of o, - interior lot lines and as-built utilities, and 10 feet wide along exterior lot U lines and street rights-of-way. Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) 5. This property does not lie within a .special flood hazard area as shown by FIRM #47009C0235C, effective 9119107. 6. Blount County Zone S. 7. The owner and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building, whether primary structure or secondary structure, or conducting any development or use that will disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and maintain area sufficient for primary, secondary (and tertiary when applicable) septic field lines appropriate to the size and use of buildings and other development or activities. The Blount County Environmental Health Department should be consultedprior to any construction to determine appropriate area to be reserved undisturbed for septic field use. i E'E O~ °iN ` `L i L iW 11 °i c D~ Lot I II-J o°~ O JCO I 47185 SgFt D~ 1.083 Acres o to ' ~ ~ 1 C U 1 1 ~ W o ' L ' U 1 i i 1 ~ ~I i 1 ~ i 1/2" IR( Legend: IR(O) = Iron Rod (Old) IR(N) = Iron Rod (New) IP(O) = Iron Pipe (Old) WDB = Warranty Deed Book RB = Record Book S,o~y0' G: s Ldr./ I Policies of the To n"Ma Ao~ig of Billy & Edna Carrigan sot a aMju~atedot0. the Blount Cau~Y i`Iealti2 S WDB 363/476 ~+poMlVam~)affie ft"tlnj'p+wrf. ag~ya~ O0'bk PW tar r ~y~ iy? th, =MW qp aaslwr~ Iw Aw , ; ~ A y~.~ r4lydtE~r,~'4ar.r.. w 1/2" IR(O) 4 r,..t'7!f app Hrur P.~1 ocG(gve 5 O~ nn 49 4969 S, Qo Q 8i a 0 ti F T'o SOo ~~e .0 has Remaining Property 00 of Darrell & Tina Tyler 0 100' Scale: 1" =100' LINE BEARING HORIZ DIST L1 S45023'11 8"W 25.13' Certificate ofAccuraci, and Precision 1 hereby certif, , that this is a category 1 survey and the ratio of Precision of the unadjusted survey is 1:79,964 as shown hereon and that this survey was performed in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum Standards of Practice. Additionally, I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct suvev to the accuracy required by the Blount County Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations. Alan T. Barnard, TN RLS #2366 •~t. BARN • P • LAN % 9 •0 • Qom. • XVSG SQ • • (DAGRI L W ( ;V • •a i J► oo - 4k' of . SSEE Nom' Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec 477650 Recd: 15.00 Instrument 744373 Job # 1566 Blount County, Tennessee District 6, CLT Map 78 Date: May 8, 2015 Part of Parcel 106 Owners: Darrell K. & Tina M 3214 Clover Hill Ridge Rd Maryville, TN 37801 Phone: 865-806-7035 Deed Ref.: RB 2360/2792 Tyler ' ~ Property Address: 3301 Clover Hill Ridge Maryville, TN 37801 0.00 Recorded Clerk: other: 2.00 6/5/2015 at 11:58 AM Total: 17.00 in Record Book 2418 Pgs 672-672 +/-13.8 Acres IR(O) .,re 1/2" IR(N a to 0 2'199 act or o{ , 0 ~Oa \aq S 68o3S e s~te\d9e l e, es VIN ~Ge c G\ov ec 6010 Bra P Jo oo Certification of Ownership and Dedication G I (we) hereby certify that 1 am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all rights-of- way, streets, alleys, walks, easements, parks, and other open spaces to public or private use as no f) 5" 15- EIA-%-o r- Date Owner(s) Certificate of Approval for Recording 1 hereby certify that the subdivision plat hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for the Blount County Planning Re . n, with the exception of such variances, if any, as noted in the minutes of the Plann n Commission, and that it has been approved by that body for recording in the afft e o the c•oun egnster. A.- 15 Date Secretary, Planning Commission Tyler Property Record Book 2418 Page 672