RB 2426 PG 1658A=8.21 ' ACCORDING TO TENNESSEE CODE ANNOTATED SECTION 13-3-401 11111111/ (4)B, THIS PLAT DOES NOT FALL WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF A ~~OQHER tij R=5.00' "SUBDIVISION" THAT MUST BE APPROVED BY THE MARYVILLE N% D=94006'08 " REGIONAL PLANNI lS ION. Ali;* B=S10 54'08"W -Q,- :;*,A~ s,p•;tf1 ry~~ C=7.32' SECRETARY PLA lNG COMMISSIO - To CLAN IA~Tene aio-14'W 60.4' M r I L0 NAIL & DISK' ti ti ~Q ~ v mp o Z :zI QL O I W O ~I Q I o rOAGRIC URE _ SEVIERVILLE ROAD = N57.57' 12 " (PUBLIC R/W VARIES) O ' E G 19.63 E CONCRETE rf • , rn IFS •••O u, ❑ ce CURB . Src- W O O to O O Z I I I I 32' - i I I ~ t I LEGEND: A= R= B= D= C= Ac. SF ❑ CB q RB NIR S5757'12'IV - ''1A, BACK OF SIDEWALK X4)d PO /NT OF BEC/NN/NG RB 2122 PG 2435 N. RAL, LLC TRACT 1 RB 2122 PG 2435 112WIR TRACT 3 CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION Y l (we) hereby certify that l am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown e crib hereon and that l (we) ereby adopt this plat with my (our) O fre c se and d e this ht o way to public use. -.-.-.-._O.wner RB 2122 PG 2435 ~0 W 0- N 00 ot TRACT 1 w ARC LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE CHORD LENGTH ACRES SQUARE FEET CATCH BASIN CENTERLINE RECORD BOOK NEW IRON ROD BOUNDARY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PARCEL LINE ROAD CENTERLINE CONCRETE CURB LEGAL DESCRIPTION. PLA T OF SITUATED in District 9, Blount County, Tennessee, and being RIGHT OF WA Y ACQ UISITION a portion of Tract 3 of Record Book 2122, Page 2435 and being more particularly described as follows: PROPERTY OF BEGINNING on a point in the southeastern right of way line of Sevierville Road, said point being S 57-57-11 W, 110.50 feet from on existing iron rod marking the common corner of the parent tract of RAL, LLC and Fuller (Record Book 2151, Page 1972), said point being N 73-14 E, 60.4 feet from the centerline intersection of Sevierville Road and Washington Street (S.R. 35); thence from the POINT OF BEGINNING crossing the property of RAL, LLC S 10-54-06 W. 34.07 feet to a point in the eastern right of way line of Washington Street (S.R. 35); thence with Washington Street (S.R. 35) N 36-09-00 W, 19.63 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 5.00 feet, an arc distance of 8.21 feet, having a chord of S 10-54-08 W, 7.32 feet to a point in the southeastern right of way line of Sevierville Rood; thence with Sevierville Road N 57-57-12 E, 19.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.007 Ac., 305 S.F. more or less, as surveyed by Christopher M. Rosser, RLS 11929 of Sterling Engineering, Inc. 1020 William Blount Drive, Maryville, TN. 37801. RAL, LLC AUGUST 17, 2015 1 "=20' DISTRICT 9, BLOUNT COUNTY TENNESSEE PORTION OF TRACT 3 OF RECORD BOOK 2122 PAGE 2435 TAX MAP 58A "B" PARCEL 12 20' 10' 0 20' 40' 1 " = 20' STERLING E N G I N E E R I N G, I N C LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSULTING & LAND PLANNING 1020 William Blount Drive, Maryville, Tennessee 37801 (VOL) 9843905 SEI#5984-A T i a z m a 0 X W Record Book 2426 Page 1658 CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY ° I hereby certify that the plat shown and described hereon is a true and a~ 0 Ln correct survey to the accuracy required by the Maryville Regional Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to " ro a a the sp if/ ations of the Maryville Regional Subdivision Regulations. a C I a o N a N 'I N ~ x Registered an Surveyor Date q H m SURVEYOR'S NOTE: 0 0 1. The purpose of this plot is to acquire the area shown as 4, .0110 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 public right-of-way. The area shown shall be joined in and rI ; H o o N a become a part of the existing right-of-way and no separate M 1-1 w C4 tract of land shall be created by this plat. V v ai w I hereby certify that this is Category I survey, and the ratio of v u A o precision of the unadjusted survey is 1: 10.000 as shown hereon, a y u o H and this survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum Standards of Practice. g. • 1S Z--~ Tennessee L.S. 1929 Date ~o