RB 2508 PG 2461Certificate of Ownership and Dedication I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the Certification for Subsurface Sewage property shown and described hereon and that I we) hereby Approval is hereby granted for adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum budding restriction lines and dedicate all rights-of-way streets. alleys. walks. easements. parks. and other open sp es to pubpc or private use as t dd. C.C-Ld'' Date lT Signature, lot(s) #2 ----defined as ill, fount County. Tennessee as being suitable for subsurface ewage disposal (SSD) with . the listed attached restrictions Date Certificate of Accuracy I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Blount County Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations t 2d Date Regist d Surve r Certificate of Approval for Recording I hereby certify that the subdivision plat hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations or the Blount County Planning Region. with the exception of s h variances. if any.. as noted in the minutes of the Planning Com ission, and t at it has been approved by that body for recor ng n the office o county r Signed tanning Commissi Date Certification for Existing Subsurface Sewage Lot 1 In accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system (SSD) on the property represented by this plat In approving this plat for recordation. the Blount County Environmental Health Department makes no representation as to the performance of the existing SSD system. or its future opeV rate~j I m• rM r') _(/"p Director of Env nmental Health Date BLount Count ealth Department /~4 BRANNUM 684/638 tY W J J W W LL L~ W 1 54' 49"E N~° 59.6A 0 O Ln 4 N ~ 00 I Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec 526837 Recd: 15.00 Instrument 813438 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 2/9/2018 at 3:55 PM Total: 17.00 in Record Book 2508 Pgs 2461-2461 1. NORTH DIRECTION BASED ON TENNESSEE STATE PLANE (GRID) 2. THIS SURVEY IS A PROFESSIONAL OPINION AND DOES NOT CONVEY OR WARRANT TITLE. 3. THIS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY THAT MIGHT BE FOUND WITH A TITLE SEARCH. 4. ALL IRON PINS SET SHOULD BE CAPPED WITH "SNODERLY RLS#2988" ON CAP. 5. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT-30', REAR-20', SIDE-10', & FROM EASEMENTS-10'. 6. TOTAL ACREAGE OF PLAT: 2.0 ACRES;2 LOTS 7. THE OWNER AND/OR DEVELOPER OF ANY LOT, IN DEVELOPING THE LOT INTO BUILDING, WHETHER PRIMARY STRUCTURE OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, OR CONDUCTING ANY DEVELOPMENT OR USE THAT WILL DISTURB SOILS ON THE LOT, SHALL RESERVE AND MAINTAIN AREA SUFFICIENT FOR PRIMARY, SECONDARY (AND TERTIARY WHEN APPLICABLE) SEPTIC FIELD LINES APPROPRIATE TO THE SIZE AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OR ACTIVITIES. THE BLOUNT COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SHOULD BE CONSULTED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE AREA TO BE RESERVED UNDISTURBED FOR SEPTIC FIELD USE. 8. JOINT PERMANENT EASEMENT WAS CREATED TO SERVE LOT 2 AND IS RECORDED AS: R82502/1828 rl_ Z U U CERTIFICATION N (NOT VAUD WATHOU RE SAL OF A TENNESSEE = J LICENSED SURVEYOR) W I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN HERON WAS COMPLETED UNDER MY DIRECTION N Q "t AND SAID SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. N I FURTHER ll'1 T~IAT THI MEETS THE MINIMUM AN TECHNICAA~~- STANDp~~ppRQR FOR1H BY THE TENNESSEE.:STA BOX ( EX F t D SURVEYORS IN CHAPTO TANDRRBC~F~ TI NO SEARCH OF ~ ATL OjiD At(ASIl E THIS J FICE. I CERTFY fiAT./p11S~ IS A,, CORY V V Y`'Alill RATIO OF P11IEg90N IOWBy AS SHOWN THE UN SU S 1 S26' 53' 17"E 50.08' - : HERON. r Ln TF 1AEA3161 E SLIRIA:YOR z O g6il 7C~: No. 81 0 00 00 DATE OFy§1lW 13UW Z 11 N J o U LEGEND o N 0 IRON PIN FOUND (IPF) N O IRON PIN SET (IPS) is LOT LINE J S7 N76' 04' WE 42.0 301 O ' I 0 s ~ "C4 `N M ~t NI 1.25 AC +I l (54392.5920 FT') O c Lul ( -T 30'MBSL Prior to any construction of a structure. mobile or permanent. the plans for the exact house/structure location must be approved and a SSD system permit issued by the Division of Environmental Health. Water taps.. water lines, underground utilities and driveways should be located at the side property lines unless otherwise noted. Any cutting. filling or alterations of th sod conditions may void this approval. Director Environmental alth Date BLount ounty Health Department CERTIFICATION FOR SUBSURFACE SEWAGE SIZING House design size. location.. and driveway design will determine the actual number of bedrooms for which a permit may be issued Lots. 2 are approved for standard individual subsurface sewage disposal system serving a maximum of j~6a bedrooms. NOTES: i it O N 0.75 AC .0 0 O (32646.8070 FT') N N !n ~ I Z' N22- 21' 18"W 35.56' 38' 42"11 U O o I~, I ~ N (Y Li m~t~liyA , J 'N 1 /A i Imo ct 10;1 z G' i Bin'?etd ~~e~ Clover Hill 411 y 33 Spring view t 't SI N `_j LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) ORNIPER S PATRICIA A K ASLEY PO BOX 5415 MARYVILLE, TN 37802 0 50 100 200 Feet 1 "=100' SHANE D SNODERLY, PE. RLS FINAL PLAT - KEASLER PROPERTY PARCEL(S): 8.00 ZONING: R-1 ' 9 11 AR XFORD INI3L803 0DERLY M L- AND ,IKV~Y w»,r,>-,,,2 4753 MORGANTON RD =,oD' °,7 e 7 657/274 w SOS 170.21 Record Book 2508 Page 2461