4601B.CITY OF ALCOA TENNESSEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES: o CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR ' RECORDING " .l hereby certify that the subdUsion plat shown here has been found to comply with the• Subdivision Regulations 1. 1/2 new iron rods will be set at' all internal :lot corners: Q I for Alcoa, Tennessee, with the exception of .such va '.nces, J any, as are noted in the minutes of the Alcoa O C MuricipaVRegional. Planning mrnlss/on d the t.has n approved for recording In the Office of the 2. Drainage and. utility. easements shall be 5 feet '" SINCE N C 1 9 9 y . on each side of a!! in lot ones and 10 feet on the inside of all exterior lot. lines. and street ri hts of wa . There . � J v E 7 9 Blount,unfy Register o s shall be eOSerr7entS b m per utility providers specifications..for all as -built utilities, unless otherwise noted: '�! 0 it 9 y ec a4:: " ann, ssron. a e : 3. Front Building . setback shall be 30 feet from all street nghts of way and joint permanent easements,. unless otherwise noted in restrictions. All other Setbacks shall �� a ST.EKLING be in -accordance _ to Blount County Zoning Regulations.. a'v E N: G" "t N E E R t N G t tq c CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION 4. Non 2I ° Instruments "of .Record reflecting easements, rights of way, and/or ownership were furnished to the Surveyor, axes t. as shown hereon. The Surveyor has made no �4 0 t (we) hereby. certify that "l am (we are) the owner(s) of the* property shown and described hereon and that 1 atfem t. t0 aC P y . c cess the >- I .AND SURVEYING (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction P publlC records for any "easements. Subject #o : any easements, regulations or restrictions . in effect at the time of this survey. No title opinion is ( 9 expressed or implied..: Anes, d, dedicate all streets, all, wal s, "parks, and other open space to public use as noted. CIVIL ENGINEERING NXt/N 5. The Surveyor has mode no attempt to 'locate: underground utilities, underground foundations, underground encroachments or underground improvements, except as CONSULTING VampRhyne a shown hereon. Actual location of all underground utilities should be .verified #hrough Tennessee 1 Call (1-800-351-1111) or the . utility . provider prior to any excavation ROA� 1 or "construction. HUNT 3 LAND PLANNING - - 2a �2 WEST t o 1020 VVII t IAM BLOUNT DRIVE SAirley Rhyne a 6. Located' in Flood Zone 'X" (Area of minimal flood hazard), according to Flood Insurance Rate .Map 47009CO117C, dated September 19, 2007. N M�YV2LE , NNESSF�E C �JP__C � . Z The purpose of the plot is to remove parcel lines, and `any "associated standard easements along the lines being ,removed.. In addition the property will be �° ' �. �� P P 1r \ 37802-8401. Vora. Rhyne a e re -subdivided so that the existing residences will be on separate parcels/lots. P.O. BOX 4878: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF STORMWATER 8. Blount. County Zoning District: Suburbanizing (S) (Plot is under City of Alcoa Planning Jurisdiction). MARYVILLE TENNESSEE I hereby certify" that stormwater improvements, including all drainage structures and appurtenances, have been 37802-48 78 installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with a!/ local, state and federal regulations, or provisions 9. Easements if any, following former parcel lines are hereby released upon recording of this plot, unless otherwise noted. have been made. for the installations, in the. subdivision shown hereon: LOCATION MAP PHONE: 865-984-3905 4 .- y _� 10. The owner and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building,, whether primary structure or .accessory structure, or. conducting. any development or use NO TO SCAL FAX: 865-981-2815 - un om,wa er epa en Date that will. disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and maintain- area, sufficient for primary, secondary (and tertiary when applicable) septic field lines appropriate to the u7Ww.sterling.us.com size and use of buildings and other development or activities.. The Blount County Environmental Health Department should be consulted prior to any construction to CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF WATER determine appropriate area to be reserved undisturbed for septic field use. I,E(?Fr,'ND: 11. Access to Lot . 2 shall be restricted to Armona Road. and no additional curb cuts permitted along West Hunt Road for either lot. EIR EXISTING IRON ROD hereby certify that water improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all 'local, state. and era! "re lations, or provisions have been made for the installations, in the subdivision shown _ EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE N hereon. 12. There are non conforming structures located on Lot 2 and at such time the non -conforming structures are either removed, destroyed or replaced all required NIR NEW IRON ROD setbacks shall be met in conformance with. City of Alcoa and/or" Blount County requirements/the local jurisdictional authority': N&D NAIL &DISK O '3' 2"� Z Y A= ARC LENGTH oca „ es p ng ge " a e 13. All future utilities are to be underground. R= RADIUS r! " D= CENTRAL ANGLE (DELTA) rov er SEPTIC TANK AND FIELD LINE NOTES: B= CHORD BEARING (..y PP C= CHORD LENGTH 0 ,7 Lot 1 _Septic Tank located .by field shots on lids. Field Line Area location Ac. ACRES Imo+ CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF ELECTRIC is approximate per. Bill Wilson (Blount County Environmental Health). a . / hereby certify that the electric improvements have been Installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance Q SF SQUARE FEET " with all /�eal,.state and federal regulations, or provisions have been made for the installations, in the subdivision o Lot 2 Septic Tank. and Field Line location. is approximate per Bill Wilson WDB WARRANTY DEED BOOK O. shown hereon. " C,�C,� �, Q p :2 (Blount County. Environmental Health). RB " RECORD BOOK w G� PG PAGE RB 2569 PG 2506 0 Qi The Septic .. ., F �,f of � provng en, e�nc dote �� OTank location is denoted by o circle with .ST text. RR RAILROAD. �..� TAX MAP. 35 PARCEL .15.00 m ' TYP TYPICAL C Cr '-�y rr� ;4CcP� ,hFy�m-� Pp r,?, �� to Chi The Drain Field Area / Line is denote by a thicker line with a "D" N8T23' 12 "E 1/2"NiR N87 23' 12 "E P R M i e R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY >/2"�lP HAND HOLE 6" CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ACCURACY 178.41' 19f.25041, �e ECECrRic � 13WM WATER METER 00 I herebycerfif that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required BOOK 367 PAGE 51SEM y P Y y 9 - BOOK 367 PAGE 512 ENrJ V ❑ EM ELECTRIC METER by the Alcoa MunicipaVRegional Planning Commission and that the. monuments have been placed as shown PARCEL LINE ... _ _ PARCEL LINE _ • _ • _ _ i L3 hereon, to the specification of the Subdivision Regulations 'for Alcoa, Tennessee. This is a Category / Land Survey TO BE REMOVED ' �''�1 O GM GAS METER To BE REMovED t l ¢ PP POWER POLE (PP) and the ratio of precision of the unadjusted survey is aqual to or greater than 1: f 0 000. BOOK 335 PAGE 199 I BOOK 335 PAGE 199 1 ' . . Z I. fi4 0 ST SEPTIC TANK O megrs ere Surveyor Date 1 1. 028 Ac. i l 1 100.13 FOP FIBER OPTIC POST o 1.029 Ac. !t- GUY WIRE O PARCEL LINE j T CSX 0 wv WATER VALVE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF STREET NAMES PARCEL uNE _ _ TO BE REMOVED _ i24/�fsPORTgTjo 1 hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat in the subdivision RR : TO BE REMOVED ❑ 0 ,? .m l5 RA/4 ROAD AI BOUNDARY LINE ° �, i ¢'� EAS,E,tijE/VT ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE shown hereon ore correct (2) flre names of any new roads, whether public or private, do not duplicate any 3 EXISANG existingnames and said names are o roved, and 3 the roe SHEDS EASEMENT LINE pp O property rfy numbers of the lots shown on. this plat "are Ng � �, �'. ►-•� in formonce with E-911 System. N w p(i pENCE�ST :n 3p, FR ,� S9'45'40 "W - • - . - • - • _ . - . _ . - . _ PARCEL LINE wR� o M s�eacKr l 337.98' - - - _ - - -BUILDING SETBACK LINE - u on o e RHYNE c N ? IXISTlNG ROAD CENTERLINE WDB 380 PG 41 Nam. SEE PIA i I EDGE OF ROAD BLOUNT _ COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TAX MAP 36 PARCEL 19.00 �; o �, -NOTE 12 x - x FENCE LINE in "accordance with the policies of the" Tennessee Department, of Environment and Conservation, the Blount County P mD A , d d DITCH "LINE00 Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system (SSD) on the property � �� �? EM G I W WATER LINE represented by this plat The Blount County Environmental Health Department makes no representation as to the �C E ELECTRIC LINW O performance of the existing SSD"system, or its future .operation." a �i N WM 2 NIR dvF. FR c G CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CERTIFICATE: OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETS G PP ---h � �` ° ° - ' DRAIN FIELD LINE/AREA I hereby certify that street improvements have. been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with al! local, state and fed i regu! or provisions have: been made for the installations, In the subdivision - 1/ ''� o shown hereon. r o /�15 V' Z Op© sun sun :,g a up a e � � o OWNER PARCEL 17.00:�JAMES H. RHYNE & SHIRLEY RHYNE Nof B/aunf nty. lghway Supenntendent is only signing for the County Roads, not for West Hunt Raad (a viEp�sUC U 1210 NUN]' ROAD sto MARYVILLE, TN 37801 0 ER 1 LOT 11.029 AC. Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register S79.2254"w DISTRICT. 10, BLOUNT COUNTY PN•• • • M Blount County Tennessee 76.90' WDB 335 PG 199 `�� �� �0 LA/vU Rec #: 657663 C /+ .(V� sG b V 'i Rec' d: 15.00 Instrument #: 983155 WDB. 367 PG 512 = LS Z:y 879 22 54 w TAX MAP 36 PARCEL 1.7.00 . ;� gcRicu RE ` State: 0.00 n Clerk: 0.00 Recorded 13.03' .. :w o: Other: 2.00 4/8/2024 at 9:35 AM Total: 17.00 in A=64.23' p ,%��g Map File FILE Pgs 46018-4601B R=680.00 1\T OWNER -PARCEL 1U.00. i3/► C� '•�% 1 �! DORA L. RHYNE r 0 0=5�244 t " " 1210 " HUNT ROAD: L B=S76.40 34 W i N C=64.20' MARS VILL 1.0283AC� ��r'FSSEE�t�O````�. i 0' DISTRICT 10, BLOUNT COUNTY � Co yriyht 2024 Steding Engineering, Inc. WDB 165. PG 371 CAM gbts Reserved 0 0 N 0 TAX MAP" 36 "PARCEL 18.00SHEET M f9 N 100' 50' D 1DO' 200' FS O tf 1 ss 00 s 1 DESIGNED: M SURVEYOR'S "CERTIFICATION. DRAWN: SDC a I hereby "certify that this is a Category I survey, the ratio of CHECKED: CMR CD precision of the unadjusted survey is 1: 10,000 or greater as shown hereon, DATE: " 1/2/24 and this survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum Standards of Practice. SCALE: 111 = tJQ' . a� DRAWING: 7858•FS Co Tennessee R.L.S.1929 Date PROJECT NO: - SEI#7858.