4602ABLOUNT COUNTY TENNESSEE CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY l hereby certity that the plan .shown and described hereon is :a true and correct. survey to the accuracy required by. BLOUNT 'COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT �.� 0� CERTIFICATE OF.APPROVA FOR RECORDING y y the Blount County Regional Planning Commission andthat the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the Approval.is, herebygronted for lots defined as Lamon Pro 1 l hereby certify that the subdivision plat h reon. has been found to comply with: the Subdivision Regulations for the perty�lount County, Tennessee, as being .o Blount Cou arming Region, with the a cepGon of suc variances, if any, as noted in the minutes of the: Planning specifications of the. Blount County Regional Subdivision Regulations.suitable for subsurface sewage disposal (SSD) with the listed. or attached: restrictions. mission, and that r been approve by that b for recording in the office of the :county' register. ( Ayes �y�P� Pilor to any construction of a structure, mobile or permanent, the plans for. the exact house/structure 11t�G �s" Mti ¢---= /� Registered an urveyor ate location must be approved and a SSD system permit issued by the Division of Environmental Health. �� 5• ��iL secretary, onn ng m ran a e 'T . Wafer taps, wafer /Ines, underground utilities and dnlreways should be located at the side property lines �o JF` ' CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETS unless otherwise noted. Any cutting, filling, or alteration of the soil conditions may void this approval. / Np This subdivision lies along an existing public County road. The improvements related'to streets have- been.Installed ' CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION 9 � P" oy according to County specinations;'and according to the spec cations of the B/aunt Coun Plannin .Commission's '`' ^"-' q� 2- SITE 1 (we) hereby certify that .i am (we ore) the owner(q) of the: property shown and described hereon and that 1 we) Subdivision R - - g rec or,. vronmen a ea Blount- ea e a en hereby adopt thin fan of subdivision with m egulations, cept as noted hereon, o proper. provisions have. been made for their installation. p vote y p p. y (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all d hts-of--wa., s ts, alleys, walks, easements, arks .and other open spaces public or private use as z 9 y l's P P P P P . House size, location and design will determine the actual number of bedrooms for which a permit may noted, be Issued. Countyrg way upen en en e �� ._ L approved for standard Individual subsurface sewage disposal system servinga maximum of %4 �1 L f: 1 are aPProv . G T CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS. .g{ bedrooms. o an a a n Vote po � The owner °and or. developer of any lot, 4n developing the lot into building,whether primarystructure or Ro'r a " Certificate.. of Approval of Road Names and Property -Numbers (E-91 f).l hereby certify that (1) the names of existing accessory structure or conducting any development or use that will disturb .soils on the lot, shall public roods shown on. this subdivision, plot are correct, (2) the names of any.new roods, whether public or private, reserve and maintain area sufclent for rimy, seconds LOCATION MAP P P p ry, secondary (and tertiary. when en,applicable) septic field NOT TO `SCALE : CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF . WATER UTILITIES do o duplicate any existing n mes .and said names are approved, and ;(3) the property' numbers of the.lots shown lines appropriate to the size and .use of buildings and other development or activities. The Blount on th s plat ore in canto n with the E-911 System. County Environmental Health Department should be consulted prior to any construction to determine I hereby certify that the water improvements have been installed In an acceptable manner and according to the appropriate area Environmental be reserved undisturbed fore field use. specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations, except as noted .hereon; or proper provisions.: have been / /�r1septic made f stallot/on. rgn uro 7 G1' a e In,accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environment . and Conservation, the Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system / (SSD) on the property represented b this ((,¢t_2j. The Blount County Environmental Health ngmeer roger a r ua r y on Department a e QRO Department makes no representation as to the performance of the existing SSD system, or its future N5T24'S1 „E. P operation. C T10N OF THE APPROVAL OF SANITA EWER UTILITIES 80.53' P�P� LEGEND: 1 hereby certify Teetory sewer improvements have bwill be installed in an acceptable manner and P�j hereon according to the specifications Blount County eYi a Land Developments .Regulations in the Subdivision shown a�� �� EIR EXISTING IRON ROD provided the developer makes pro sand pays the required fees to the City of Mo The pursuant fo / 2 O P�E�q 5 NlR NEW IRON ROD the 'Rules, Regulations, Rates and P of Maryville er quality Control Department: y F E5 / / QE�SE�G 5 5�� A= ARC LENGTH . . / R00 0�' PP o�`GR��S oR5 RADIUS gmwater Quality onpo en Date D= CENTRAL ANGLE (DELTA) ��PL L23 \\ yp��5 1/2"NIR �WiTyESs B= CHORD BEARING. CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY SERVICE Q PSP ®1s.13, „ - CHORD LENGTH r( L 5 S39'30 14 E C Theproperty- shown on this. subdivision plat is within the service area of the utility. �� / \c \ AC. ACRES a The following condition(s) oPP S� / Pd \�L\ lw V SF SQUARE FEET SCHROCK CIRCLE VIEW HOMES SID WDB WARRANTY DEED BOOK Ix,ots T are served by existing powerlrnes - WDB 613 PG 209 PLAT REF.' 1405B MRB MISC. RECORD BOOK Lots --are/will be serviced by new powerlines as per agreement- between owner of subdivision property L PG PAGE and utility. 5, J��\G y �`�� �\ S39730'14"E .. TYP TYPICAL \� • �4 / \\ 606.40 R/W. RIGHT-. OF —WAY Note: In any of the above instances, extension . of the service connection is she responsibility of the individual lot N48'03'00 "E PP / \ \ owner, T accordance with the established. policies of a utility company. 354.86 / O��G \ Q PP POWER POLE '(PP) / N 1' 10'57"W -3 GUY WIRE g�pG��5 \\ rgno uro Uate. / 10 5 \\ 119.16' BOUNDARY LINE PILE ROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE 1 I F I RB 2546 PG 212 — - — — PARCEL LINE 3.333 Ac. I kez: \ . — BUILDING SETBACK LINE. 3 — E SEC•nON .239 Ac Outside of Zone A / / I �- � ROAD CENTERLINE To cLaL souj►j & s�we`o/ , , ' — — — — — — EDGE OF ROAD NIG WAY EW R9A� N37 07 35 E / i . i \ uS sPR�N \ 125:75' \: 4R1 — EDGE OF GRAVEL/ROAD sow. s7g2s'w N _ 52'11 "E 22�•2 \ o�� , N \ ERiY CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CUP) \ 30gPc� 138.95Noo /� 1 c' \ : 6 LAUGH c E c o �� RB' 2727 PG 1473: ELECTRIC LINE (Ot/ERHEAD) N28-1039W 5 G / j / 1 �F 1 .2�� ��G ue ELECTRIC LINE (EXISTING U/G) 0 276.84' 9 r e _ \ �, o c� ,� oO�0 — 100 YEAR FLOOD LINE STATE OF TENNESSEE �° - - - - - - • - - - • - - RIP RAP LINE \ N65'30'13"E CONCRETE JS \ 5 WDB 570 PG 625 120.ZONE 6s' 100 YEAR FLOOD LINEZONE A0R/rsh,�io : :HOUSE 1/2 ElR 5Rl . . LAUGHERTY / RB 2490 PG 1304 1/21NIR WMESS� '� /'� o_ 3.023 Ac: `?' ��V : 10:02`� 1.335 Ac.-Outside of Zone AIONS- / Ills Lee Crisp, S28' 10'39 "E Ph m F Y sp, Register 90a 1 Blount County Tennessee Rea #: 657805 - N28'10, 39n .W Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 983323 \ i�G State: 0.00 122.80' \ 30 0 6g �J�o� �o Clerk: 0.00 Recorded 50 k, n�2 Othr: 2.00 4/10/2024 at 10:15 AM C,l O Totael- 17.00 in .A% Map File FILE Pgs 4602A-4602A SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. 112" new .iron rods will be set at all internal lot corners. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be 5: feet on each side of all interior, lot lines and 10. feet on the inside of all exterior lot lines and street rights of way. There shall also be easements 5 feet on each side of all as -built water utility lines, and 10 .feet on each side of as -built sewer utility lines. 3. Front Building setback shall be 30 feet from all street rights —of —way and joint permanent easements, unless otherwise noted in restrictions. All other Setbacks shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinances. 4. No Instruments of Record reflecting easements, rights of way, and/or ownership were furnished to the Surveyor, except as shown hereon. The Surveyor has made no attempt to access . the public records for any easements. Subject to any easements, . regulations or restrictions in effect at the time of this survey. No title opinion is expressed or implied. 5. The Surveyor has made no attempt to locate underground utilities, underground foundations, underground encroachments or underground, improvements, except as shown hereon. Actual locationof all underground .utilities should be verified through Tennessee 1 Call (1-800-351-1111) or the utility provider prior to any excavation or construction. 6. Located in Flood Zone 'X" (area of minimal flood hazard) & Flood Zone 'A" (area subject to inundation by the 1-percent—annual=flood. event), according to Flood Insurance Rate Map 47009CO250C, dated September 9, 20OZ Z Subdivision of lots having exclusive access along the joint permanent easement (common driveway) is limited to no more than four lots maximum. The owners of lots 1 and 2 having access along :the joint permanent easement (common driveway) shall be jointly responsible for the perpetual maintenance of the joint . permanent easement, and all deeds. for said lots shall specify such responsibility and mechanisms for maintenance. 8. There is a 10' setback on either side of the Joint Permanent Easement for Ingress, Egress and Utilities. 9. Zoning: Blount County Zoning Rural District (R-1) LINE TABLE No. Bearing Len. C l e N70'51 '05'W 33.56' L 19 S774710014" 14.79' L20 N66'13'05"W 63.76' L21 N6534'36 "W 57.68' L22 N59724100 "W 36. 61 ' DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE TABLE No. Bearing Len. L 1 N8456'16"E. 42.76' L2 S56'38'51 "E 6.26' L3 S275442"E 15.79' L4 S66'08'22"E 19.23' L5 S82'40'28"E 22.20' L6 S53'47'341F 41.00' L7 S89' 12'01 "E 8.81 ' L8 N49'06'53"E 17.89' L9 N77'06'07"E 16. 61 ' L 10. S68'30'02 "E 12.26' N S54 51 06 W `Z��m� 1/Z^EIR r 2c�Gp :0L1�' / / , 416.56\11' Z Z-N�m. L18 L20 Z•EIR L12. OWNER: CO�PG Lis L21 Og 1 p R RANDAL J. LAMON & KAREN P. LAMON E 5 S U L22 N► TgO: 604 1124 'OXFORD HILLS DRIVE 76 / I� pG . 5¢3 pG RB .2�11 MARYVILLE, TN 37803 WEB S 7 2 LOTS i6 368 AC 83pG26 .013 DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE TABLE No.: Bearing Len. L 11 N81 '43'25 E 14.79' 412 S672232E 5.79' L 13 S37'3441 E 19.00' L 14 S 1719'19 "W 10.94' L 15 S542624 "W 11.07' L 16 S29'08'54W 10.75' L 17 S21'06'51 "E 12.39'. DRIVEWAY EASEMENT . LINE TABLE No. Bearing Len. L23 N57 24'51 "E 30.22' . L24_ S39730'14'E . 220:91 ' L25 S 1,10'57"E 48.38' L26 S39'30' 14 "E 262.5 1' DISTRICT . 6, BLOUNT COUNTY RB 2652 PG 1753 TAX MAP 89 PARCEL 119.00 l v CLIENT: LAMON & MCDANIEL BUILDERS P.O. BOX 4639' MARYVILLE, TN 37802 M 00 0 Z 100' 50' 0 100' 200' 1" 100' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this is a Category I survey, the ratio of precision of the 'unadjusted survey is 1: 10,000 or greater as shown hereon, and this survey was done in _compliance with current Tennessee Minimum Standards of Practice. Tennessee R.L.S. 1929 Date > r J rf�. f v Lv STERLING E N G i N E,E R I N G', I N C LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING LAND PLANNING 1020 WILLIAM BLOUNT DRIVE MARYVU-E, TENNESSEE 37802-8401 P.O. BOX 4878 MARY"LLE, TENNESSEE 37802-4878 PHONE: 865-984-3905 FAX: 865-981-2815 www.sterling:us.com 00 O � CIA a•a M I�1 ' M�M W (� .�.�O?"ER AGRICU" E 0. A: oy1m, ©Copyrigtit 2023 Sterling Engineering, Inca All Rights Reserved SHEET ` FS DESIGNED: DRAWN: --- SDC CHECKED: CMR DATE: 12/13/23 SCALE: 1 " = 100' DRAWING: 3993A-FS PROJECT NO: SEI#3993A '