4606BBL0.UNT COUNTS TENNESSEE SINCE 1979' CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FO ' RECORDING J> l hereby- certify that the subdivision plat shown h n has been found to � Si'T E L I N "G comply with the subdivision regulations for the B/ unt Count Planning Region, m " With the exception Of such variances_ if any,""as ted in the" inufes of the OC SITE. E N G I "N E E. R' I N G. ,.' I. N .0 r of it has been .appro ed by . t ody for LAND ��T D`' `�7�� recording in the office of the Register. , l� . / l .['�J r SURVEYING. E i "i1�G, �. CIVIL ENGINEERING arming ommrssron e m CONSULTING . CERTIFICATION. OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION r'cS` pC1 We hereby certify that we are the owners of the property shown and described \ C1� LAND PLANNING hereon and that we hereby adopt this plan of subdtWslon with our free f \ consent establish' the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all rights 'icy. � OG 1020 WIL.LIAM BLOUNT .DRIVE of way, streets; alle walks, `easements, " y ys parks, and other open spaces , to . ,rf„ ����..� N o � public or private use as noted ,� �� MARYVII_LE, TENNESSEE y 37802 8401 i O eS _ o P.O. BOX 4878 wear - aw nn Date � YVIL.L.E, "JThiIVFSSEE, 4rL-' i�37802-4878 e r er rigs a �sy •2a 6� o PHONE:.865-984-3905 FAX: 865-981-2815 wn - Randall n rling.us.c � www.ste om CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY ! hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and 1 R"—mow correct survey. to, the accuracy required by the Blount County Regional Planning \ �%` \ 1 130 Ad. Commission and that the monuments hove been placed as, shown hereon to ✓ � \ \ \ ' : the specifications of the Blount County Regional Subdivision Regulations, \ \\ \ / `�LOCATION' MAP1 . ..In \ NOT TO SCALE Registered. n urveyor DaFe CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETSV. This subdivision lies along an existing public County road.. The improvements related to streets have been installed according to County speciticatin; and O- \ l� 6 acco�ng fo the specification of the Blount County, Planning Commission's . w2y \ / 0.1 16 �yP. �} subdivision Reg lions,.' exc as noted hereon; or proper provisions have been \ \ `j5 ��• Q made for th instal! n. UN -kV11 oun i ay en .en a e . CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES P \ \ ���a LEGEND: AND PROPERTY NUMBERS (E-911)\\ : �w�: .• ��, EiR ExisTlNc IRON ROD hereby certify that (1) the names of existing `public. roads "shown on thisA. .,+ NIR NEW. IRON ROD subdivision plat are correct (2) the names of any new roads, whether public \\ 1 R_ 1 n" or. private do not duplicate any existing .names, and (3) the property numbers \\ d'� i 3r' AC. ACRES of the lots 'shown on this plat are in conformance with . the E-• 911 System. 2.417 Ac. �" SF SQUARE FEET w \� \\ WDB WARRANTY DEED BOOK - \\ \ MRS MISC. RECORD BOOK O Signature �� 0� tp \ RB RECORD ,BOOK ~ PG . PAGE BLOUNT COUNTY. HEALTH DEPARTMENT TYP TYPICAL with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environment and " ` " fir►" " " \ \ \ ��o\�G � R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY ConservationIn , BlountCountyHealth Department has not evaluated" the existing\\ OJ0p�� !�" �+ CENTERLINE tY subsurface sewage disposal system (SSD) 'on Lot'"1 of this plat. fie Blount " N36'16'32"W rp BOUNDARY LINE County Environmental Health Department makes no "representation as to the 678:74' \\ \� P� rJ 1 R !� `t '�� - - E performance of the existing .SSD "system, " or its future operation. _ - _ MM ROAD RIGHT OF' WAY LINE W � •��� ,�, - - - - - - PREVIOUS LOT LINE !� EASEMENT LINE — — ' ��O� BUILDING SETBACK. LINE SURVEYORS NOTES: 'sod �' \y� 053 `r — (� . �\ \ 1 , fig' �+� ROAD CENTERLINE ��' '� o \ �\ \ \ .�•0? — — — — EDGE OF ROAD Z 1. Drainage and utility easements shall be 5:feet on .each side of all interior — — EDGE OF GRAVEL/ROAD r* lot lines and 10, feet on . the inside of al/ exterior lot lines and street rights o \�\ \ '� x . x FENCE LINE F+�•I o of way. There shall also be easements 5 feet on each side of all as -built to 0! ��\\\ NA TVA POWER. LINE O . water utility lines, and 7 1/2. feet on each side of as -built sewer utility lines. y 1:3\\ \ ,yam %,�.a�tfl 2. Front Building setback shall be 30 feet from all street fights -of -way and \\ \ G6�o rr^ 10 feet from all access easements unless otherwise noted in restrictions. All other Setbacks shall be in accordance with Blount Count ZoningRegulations u� \ '�' w cp, L•i M for Zone: S (Suburbanizing). SANITARY SEWER NOTE: \\ A, J. No . Instruments of Record reflecting easements, rights of way, and/or Lots 1 R-1 and 1 R-2 h existing d \\ \ ° �R 0`` have x ng residences and an ownership were furnished to the$urveyor, except as shown hereon. The existing commercial building served by existing individual \ 3�$�VO RI Surveyor has made no attempt to access the public records for any septic sewer systems. Per Section 7.01.4(c) of the easements. Subject to any easements, regulations or restrictions in effect at Blount County 'Subdivision Regulations, as amended on \ 0 the time of this survey. No title opinion is expressed or implied: October 20th, 2020, lots 1R-1 & 1R-2 .are not required made no attempt to locate underground utilities to connect to -the sanitary sewer system. However,. in the t�2 �- `����pHER• Af 0 4. The Surveyor has m p 9 future, any resubdivision of the subject lots. or if any of, 30' eui�olnic z ��� : •' p�LANp'••�0 underground foundations; underground encroachments ,or underground the current septic : systems are unrepairable, then Straacx OWNERS .OF RECORD: F- �� �.: �� SG. improvements, •except as shown .hereon. Actual location of all underground connestian to the sanitary sewer system may be DAVID FLYNN, JENNIFER BRIGATI & i Zr�`�'= utilities should be verified through Tennessee 1 Call (1-800-351-1111) or required. / S55'45'40"W RANDALC FLYNN = 0 yq Rj Rg the utility provider . prior to any excavation or construction: 80.08' : K _ 'w �o� _ 1113 MERCER OR ro. c�/c� iNrERSEcnoN MARYVILLE, TO 37801 ? ca �; 0 5. This property is not located in a flood hazard area according to FEMA NORwobo VILLAGE u►Ne &COUNTYco 19, BLOUNT o Flood Insurance Rate Maps 47009CO232C &. 47009CO235, dated September MORGANTON Rona 0 1s 2007 s44¢w : WDBR2498 PG 522 .... �� 14. 6. owner and or develo er of an lot in developing the lot into ' 66 building, TAX MAP $7 PARCEL 65.00 �i%SSEE N�`````�� d The / P y P 9 g o whether primary structure. or accessory. structure, or conducting any ���Ut t �►�� development or use that will disturb soils on the lot, shall ' reserve and ©ccPFti gh�t 2021 Sterling Engineering, Inc. c\�t maintain area sufficient for primary, secondary' (and tertiary when applicable) al ghte Reserved v septic field" lines appropriate to the size and use of buildings and other 100' 50' 0 100' 200' development or activities. The Blount County Environmental Health Department SHEET a. should be consulted prior to any construction to determine appropriate area 1 " = 100' to be reserved undisturbed for septic. field use. F. CD N Z The commercial, building encroaching into the 25' Access & Utility Easement on Lot' 1 R-1 is non -conforming to Blount County Planning 06 Regulations. In the event the structure is' removed any new structure shall be, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION. - located DESIGNED: outside the easement as well as conform to the 10 foot. building Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register DRAWN: �.EG. Blount county Tennessee 1 hereby certify that this is a . Category-L surve , the ratio of setback. Rea #: 658960 y y y CHECKED: C1viK Rea' d: 15.00 Instrument #: 984820 precision of the unadjusted survey is 1: 10,000 or greater as shown hereon; N 8. A. subdivision of lots having access along a Joint Permanent Easement state: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded and this. survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum DATE: 4�15�24 � .(Common Driveway) is limited to' no more than four lots maximum. The other: 2.00 5/2/2024 at 3:00 Pis owners. of lots 'having access along the Joint Permanent Easement .(Common Total: 17.00 in Standards of Practice. - n ' LO N Driveway) shall be jo%nty responsible for the perpetual maintenance of the y File FILE Pgs 4606B-4606B SCALE: = 10U LO Joint' Permanent Easement (Common Driveway), and all deeds for said lots �• Z . 'Y,4 DRAWING: shall specify such responsibility: and mechanisms for maintenance. Tennessee R.L.S. 1929 Da a 5257J-1R1&1R2-FS: a PROJECT NO: SEI#5257J