4611ARIM CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION 1 (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks and other open space to public use as noted. _ TH EDWARD STEPH A. ZAPATA CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ACCURACY I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Alcoa Municipal/Regional Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon, to the specifications of the subdivision regulations for Alcoa, Tennessee. This is a Category I Survey and the ratio of precision of the unadjusted survey is equal to or greater than 1:10,000. Registered Surveyor TN RLS NO. 2324 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF WATER I hereby certify that water improvments have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations, or provisions have been made for the installations, in the subdivision shown hereon. Date Local Utilities Approving Agent Gl­z dtz A/eae� Utilip Provider CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF ELECTRIIC w, a +_ I hereby certify that electric improvments have been/installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations, or provisions have been made for the installations, in the subdivision shown hereon. 2 he, Y Date ity of 4Alcoa Approving Agent,' Electric CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF STORM WATER I hereby certify that stormwater improvements, including all drainage structures and appurtenances, have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations, or provisions have been made for the installations in the subdivisio shown hereon. 51�002q �avjwr_ Date City of Icoa Approving Agent, Public Works and Engineering CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF STREETS I hereby certify that the street improvments have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations, or provisions have been mad or a instaliat, s, In the subdivision shown hereon. C)/Z z/ Date City Approv g g t, Public Works and En n ering OR County Road Commissioner CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SANITARY SEWER I hereby certify that the sanitary sewer improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations, or provisions have been made for the installations. in the subdivision shown hereon. In the event sanitary sewer is not available, approval by the Blount County Department of Environmental Health is required as to be indicated by Mpaeficate Date Local Utilities Approvi g Agent Utility Provider Utility Provider CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF STREET NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS (E-911) I hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct. (2) the names of any new roads, whether public or private, do not duplicate any existing names and said names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of the lots shown on this plat are in conformance with the E-911 System. S- to _ aoa y Date E-911 Authon y CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDING I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Alcoa, Tennessee, with the exception of such variances, if any, as are noted in the minutes of the Alcoa Municipal/Regional Planning Commission, and that it has been approved for recording in the office of the Blount County Register of Deeds. -.7 Dote' G/ Secretary- afining Cbfhrnisfion NOTES: 1) EVERY DOCUMENT OF RECORD REVIEWED AND CONSIDERED 11) THERE IS A NON —CONFORMING STRUCTURE (RESIDENCE) LOCATED ON LOT 2 AND AT AS A PART OF THIS SURVEY IS NOTED HEREON. NO ABSTRACT SUCH 11ME IT IS EITHER REMOVED, DESTROYED OR REPLACED ALL REQUIRED SETBACKS OF TiTLE, NOR TITLE COMMITMENT, NOR RESULTS OF TiTLE SHALL BE MET IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY OF ALCOA REQUIREMENTS. A REDUCTION SEARCHES WERE FURNISHED THE SURVEYOR. THERE MAY EXIST FROM THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK MAY APPLY PER TiTLE 12, ZONING AND LAND OTHER DOCUMENTS OF RECORD THAT WOULD AFFECT THIS PARCEL. USE CONTROL, CHAPTER 2, ZONING ORDINANCE, SUB —CHAPTER 2.25, EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS, SECTION 14-202502, OF THE ALCOA MUNICIPAL CODE. 2) AS PER THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (MAP NUMBER: 47009CO137C; EFFECTIVE DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 2007) THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN 12) THE COMMON DRIVEWAY TO SERVE LOTS 2 AND 3 FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS ARE TO ZONE AE WITH A BASE FLOOD ELEVATION DETERMINED OF 839 AND ZONE X, SHARE THE MAINTENANCE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SUBDIVISION. AN APPROVED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS TO BE RECORDED WITH THE FINAL PLAT IN THE BLOUNT COUNTY REGISTER AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. THE 500—YEAR FLOOD ELEVA11ON IS 841. ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 3 SHALL OF DEEDS. BE OUTSIDE SHALL 13) THE ONLY. PURPOSE OF THIS CORRECTION PLAT IS TO REVISE THE MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION INCLUDE BUILDINGS, STRUC URES, DRIVEWA S, GRADING AND/ORPFILLT ON LOT 3 FROM 942 (TYPO) TO 842. 3) THIS PROPERTY IS ZONED: B — RESIDENCE B — CITY OF ALCOA. 4) SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: FRONT = 30 FEET SIDE = PER ZONING REAR = 30 FEET 5) IRON ROD SET AT EACH CORNER, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON. 6) RTK GPS WAS USED ON 100% OF THIS SURVEY. DATUM IS NAD 83 CORS_96 (TDOT NETWORK CORRECTION). THE GPS RECEIVER WAS A CARLSON BRX7 AND EXCEEDS DUAL FREQUENCIES. ALL GPS MEASURED POINTS WERE REDUCED TO GROUND WITH A GRID TO GROUND FACTOR OF 1.000000. AVERAGE HRMS VALUES RECORDED WERE LESS THAN 0.03 FEET AT EACH CORNER. 7) DRAINAGE, CONSTRUC11ON AND UTILITIES EASEMENTS SHALL BE TEN FEET ON THE INSIDE OF ALL EXTERIOR LOT LINES AND STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY AND FIVE FEET ON THE INSIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES. THERE SHALL BE EASEMENTS PER UTILITY PROVIDER'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL AS —BUILT UTILITIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8) ALL NEW UTiL111ES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND AT 11ME OF RE— DEVELOPMENT OR EXPANSION, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED. 9) THE COMMON DRIVEWAY TO SERVE LOTS 2 AND 3 FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS ARE TO SHARE THE MAINTENANCE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SUBDIVISION. AN APPROVED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS TO BE RECORDED WITH THE FINAL PLAT IN THE BLOUNT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. 10) AS PER MAP FILE 4461B, LOT 3 HAS A MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION OF 842 MSL. THE FINISHED FIRST FLOOR IS 844.3 MSL Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec #: 659350 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 985324 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 5/10/2024 at 3:05 PM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4611A-4611A W x r7 �cri N M N 0 rz SITE—> ' tSg' 'Yd 1 VICINITY MAP — NOT TO SCALE 1 i N 140 0. i / 5 IT 5 �. i _ E � g S EASEZ� it Ol`Z �Ep' i' /^ :::` := :.-.. •:..::<::; -- i ®....... S / :-, __:: - �•:: - -o O lid 01VE o� Ogg yZ j PC v5� Sbe 6 eA v+ SF,� �1 E ' 0. 8k3 9 S 71'55'09" W R FErDENCE S 18 25 / -7 00 844.3 '14'0909" E Soo t N 15.68 0, �\ 1.1�i x 7 i 8A3 / \ \ O r c� rn � cP � (T m N 7'0�0 N �t0 in W. �a a E s ,�CORRECTION PLAT ci.�Y� �jPu �PCo� ... �f •'''••ED G A R •'•'• �� ' ������p LAIV!) S �� •' �� •� : ,\ XVt Ga ;ell A IC ::a, A a0M E D� . FSSEE Na . CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM A SURVEYOR LICENSED TO DO SURVEYING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY. THAT THIS PLAT CORRECTLY DEPICTS THE RESULTS OF SAID SURVEY. THAT SAME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY INFOR— MATiON, KNOWLEDGE, AND BELIEF, AND THAT THE SURVEY MEETS CATAGORY ACCURACY SPECIFICATIONS, THE RATIO OF PRECISION OF THE UNADJU SURVEY IS 1: 10,000+ OR LESS THAN 1/10 OF A FOI CORNER ON SMALL LOTS. LO TS 2 & 3 STEPHENS & BURTON PROPERTIES DISTRICT 9, BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE CITY OF ALCOA REF.: R.B. 2731-1867 - STEPHENS - LOT 3 R.B. 2748-733 - ZAPATA - LOT 2 MAP FILE 4461B OWNERS: KEITH EDWARD & CATHERINE STEPHENS 1311 BRECKLAND LANE ALCOA, TN. 37701 RICARDO A. ZAPATA 847 N. WRIGHT ROAD ALCOA, TN. 37701 GRAPHIC SCALE tgn ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. BLOUNT SURVEYS, INC. LEGEND KEVIN EDGAR PITTS, RLS NO. 2324 IR(0) = OLD IRON ROD (FOUND) 1710 W. LAMAR ALEXANDER PARKWAY IP(0) = OLD IRON PIPE (FOUND) MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE 37801 IR(N) = NEW IRON ROD (SET) PHONE (865) 983-8484 M,B.S,L. = MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK LINE DATE: 05-10-24 Ay MAP 037I DRAWN BY: SH CROUP A 'ARCEL 009.00 009.01 JFIELD ORf BY:' 13C1 1 30'