4612BQo 4.0 ! 31 r .14/ ,f ir! LgR� t Pin _ 5.04 ` \ mir i TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.00 LOCATION MAP (N. T.S. LINE BEARING DISTANCE LZ N 3704346" E 65.44' L2 N 4404012" E 117.12' L3 N 43001'26" E 64.07' 74 N 44°4012" E 19.17' L5 N 44040'12" E 97.95' L6 53904521"W I92.93' L7 IS 37022 24 " W 11002Z General Notes AREA SUBDIVIDED OR SUBJECT TO THIS SURVEY ### ACRES This tract is not in a Flood Hazard Area. The flood map for the selected area is number 47009CO105C, effective on 9/19/2007. Iron pins placed or found on all corners unless noted. This plat represents the property recorded in. D.B. 2656 PG. 771 There is a 12' utility and drainage easement along all side and rear property lines when and where such is applicable. POWER BYFLEC WATER BYSOUTH BLOUNT UTILI TY DIS TRICT SEWAGE BY SEPTIC SYSTEMS Building Setback Front.- 30' Side-10' Rear.- 30' NOTE.• THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS AND/OR RESTRICTIONS THAT MAYEXIST WRITTEN OR UNWRITTEN. THE LOC4TION & SIZE OF THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON FiELD OBSERVATION OF ABOVEGROUND APPURTENANCES AND MARKINGS, AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE UTlLITYAU THORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. For boundary aspects of this survey, RTK GPS positional data was observed on the date of 05-02-2024 utllizinga Topcon Hiper HR GNSS receiver. The grid coordinates of the Fixed Station shown were derived using a Opus Solution referenced to NAD 83 (2011) (Epoch 2010), Geoid 12B. Positional accuracy of the GPS vectors does not exceed.- 5 mm + 0.5 ppm Combined Grid Factor.• 0.99990885 centered on Fixed Station 1 as shown hereon. CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH CZ 121.08' 83.66' 8205518.80" N 03043'17" W 110.78' C2 150.78' 161.06, 5303816.84" N18021'48"W 145.33' 73 301.02' 1015.08' 16059 26.58" N 00002 23" W 299.91 ' C4 285.87' 307.85' 5301218.10" N 18004'03" E 275.71, CS 24.81' S34.73' 203929.03" N38009'55"W 24.80' C6 130.18' 1534.73, 13056 53.81 15 46028 06" E 129.86' ,` T.E LEGEND O POINT NOT MARKED SURVEYMONUMNET FOUND (AS NOTED) Q "IPS" IRON PIN SET (5/8" REBAR W/CAP) ® CONCRETE MONUMENT STONEMONUMENT TLS 0 O SANITARYSEWER RLS 2212 © "WM" WATER METER tll "UP" UTILi7-YPOLE "WFP" WOOD FENCE POST "MFP" METAL FENCE POST (T-POST) EXISTING 50' PERMANENT PRIVATE EASEMENT-- 4 11 M.F.P. 1298A . I 0 TERRY WEAR D.B. 2515 PG. 725 ' t M.F.P. 1289A TAX MAP 15 PARCEL 39.10 1 11 • 1 ' W 0 o , TERRY WEAR D.B.2515 PG. 725 M.F.P. 1289A TAX MAP 15 PARCEL 39.10 � I / I / / / 3' C IRS / �V N.55062..66 E2539642.98 / Ila jl 1 1 ' FiXED STATION 1 N.•550277.20 E.•2539541.84 6R1 6.53 Acres '1 I r. A ____ --t.JJ rll.l GJ (191240 Sq.Ft.) REMAINDER /. O / BEVERLYSMITH 7 PG. 425 1/2"REBAR D.B.61 M.F.P.1289A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.12 5 �9 BARN F ss?a' s'1 fS ,r In accordance with the policies of the TN Dept of Environmental & Conservation,the Blount Co. Health Dept has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system(SSDS) on the Property represented by this plat.The Blount Co. Environmental Heafth Dept make no representation as to the performance of the existing SSDS system, or Its future operation. Imo+- (' rci 6R2 s�'o 2.14 Acres Z `r9 (93005 Sq.Ft.) ROBERTSKURDA AND GLENDA SKURDA !� `J D.B. 2656 PG. 771 ZF '' M.F.P.1289A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.00 ROBERTSKURDA AND GLENDA SKURDA D.B. 2656 PG. 771 M.F.P. 1289A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.00 t i t TWO-STORY WOOD FRAME t 130 HiDDEN CiRCLE RESIDENCE W/BASEMENT JENNY MOORS W hip I _ % �� ! _, 7 j D.B.2333 PG.2641 _ _ 1 i � M.F.P.1289A TAX MAP 15 PARCEL 39.09 N 3 . QR�V5'VVA t is^ I GARYCOOPER D.B. 2505 PG. 2649 O , �, in \ M.F.P. 1077A � f \ TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.03 �`'\ \ JENNYMOORE �Do �. \ D.B.2140 PG. 1639 \ d' M.F.P.1289A TAX MAP 15 PARCEL 39.08 \ 1/2"REBAR ' 1 t U `% �1/2"REBAR ! 1 \(O i Ld 2B I ``` �` ��, ` 1 W a D.B.LISA MYERS p� 625 PG. 82 ` \ I y 7 % 6' M.F.P. 1077A % � % ♦�'� TAX MAP 24 `_22 PARCEL 39.02 ANTOINETTEMORELLO D.B. 542 PG 580 p M.F.P. 1077A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.01 11031 t 0 63012 , 46 WiLLIAM MURRN D.B.2555 PG.1684 M.F.P. 1077A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.04 O BEVERLYSMITH D.B. 617 PG. 425 M.F.P. 1289A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.12 112"REBAR y6�9tinn`` �1�3ti N ry1�0 SB 5�h WILLIAMSNYDER,JR. D.B. 2324 PG 1532 M.F.P. 1077A TAX MAP 24 PARCEL 39.05 Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rea #: 659548 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 985575 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 5/15/2024 at 11:30 AM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4612E-4612B Electrical utility Service The property shown on this subdivision plat is within the service area of Fort l.oudoun Electric Cooperative. Fol g .. n(s) apply: lots l served by existing powedines. O Loll, are/will be served by new powedines as per ben+eenowtter ofst6divisko p uporty and utility O No provision has been made for the extension of electric service to lots . Electric service can be installed, but the responsibility for future extension rests with the subsequent pro )terty owner(s), in accordance with the established policies of this utility company. NOTE: In any of the above instances, extension of the service connecti29 is the responsibility of the individual lot owner, in accordance with the e blished pplicie • Athis utility ptp�uty,/ Sic lure 7 Date THIS ISA CATEGORYIV SURVEY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY WAS DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT TENNESSEE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICEAND THIS PLAT 1S TRUEAND CORRECT TO THE BESTOFMYKNOWLEDGEANDBELiEFAND WAS PREPARED FROMAN ACTUAL SURV�Y OF THE PROPERTY BYME OR UNDER MY5UPERV/SIO&_ MICHAEL D. LOWE RLS. No. 2212 CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY i hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Louisville Planning commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the specifications of the Louisville Subdivision Regulaa-- Date Registered Surveyor CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION /(we) certify that / am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that/ (we) hereby adopt this plan ofsubdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate a!l rights -of -way, streets, alley-% walks, easements, parks or other open spaces to public or private use as rioter!.1/_ oz Y Date Owner Owner CERTIFICATION OF PRIVATE STREETS Certain streets within this subdivision are designated as private" Although we, the own erg herby make an offer of dedication of these rights -of -way to Louisville we acknowledge that said roads must be privately maintained unless and until these dedicated rights -of -way are formally accepted by Louisville It is further acknowledged s that it is - Louisville deem -wa will occur aril if 1 thatacreptanceoftheserights of y y ( ) clearly in the general public interest for these roads to become public roads, or (2) current or future owners, improve these roads to meet, in all respects, the standards of the Louisville Planning Commission for pub/icy dedicated roads. Date Owner Owner CERTIFICATION OFTHEAPPROVAL OFSTREETSAND UTILITIES l hereby certify that streets and other related improvements shown have been installed according to the specifications of the Louisville Planning Commission's Subdivision Regulation4 exceptas no/t�/jgreon or proper provisions h e be de for their installation. /.i'"�" s �y Date DEslaNAITEo ENGINEER FOR LOUISVILLE The subdivision lies alongan existing public road. The improvements related to streets or other public improvements have been installed according to Louisville Planning commission's 5ubd7vision a latlons orspecifications when Town of Louisville is acting as the Countys Design Date D l ATED ENGINEER FOA.LOUISVILLE ►� CERTIFICATION OFGENERAL APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Subdivision is approved forsubsunace sewage disposal. Owner/developer shall obtain from the commission/health authority or representative a permit for each lot prior to any construction on the property. The permit shall establish the maximum size dwelling and the specific location of the primary and the secondary disposal areas. Owner/developer shall not do any construction or mutilation (cutting or filling) of the so designated primary and secondary disposal areas without the prior approval of the Blount County Environmental Health Department. S W 2.g Date Blount County Department of Environmental Health CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF UTILITIES - WATER" I hereby certify that the water, sewer or electricity improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and according to specifications of the Louisville 5ubdivision Regulations, except as notedhereon,- or proper provisions have been made for their install i Date- E POSI 10N'V CERTIFICATION OF THE APP90VAL F UTILITIES - ELECTRICAL T . 1 hereby certify that the electrrca improvemernts ave been installed m an a p, -c ma and according to spec fications of the Lou sville Subdivision R ions except as noted he proper provis cans have been made for their in alat/on. CERTIFICATE OFAPPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS (E-911) l hereby certify that(l) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct, (2) the names ofany new roads whether public or private do not duplicate any existingnames and said names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of the lots show.7 on this plat are in conformance with the E-911 system s"rA a�F Date E-911 Coordinator CERTIFICATE FOR LOUISVILLE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL l hereby certify that any multifamily residential, industrial, or commercial land use must be ap� � by the Loulsville Design R ' 8 d Date Sec etary, Planning C mmission CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDING I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown here has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Louisville, Tennessee, with the exception ofsuch variances, if any, as are noted in the minutes of the P1, ' g Commission and that it has been approved for recording in the Office of the C gistar. s �Lzy Date Secretary, Planning Commis' n � t• �itt� D . LAND CO/ GRICUL URE _ -A w N SEE N J v oC��Vsz� .r'OR• ROB.-'R1'S?C4LR.D.q .s'1.9VD Cj.G.�:?VD✓� S9C41RD.� .190 ?�IDD1 9lrG7RCC� .GO�LISYI.C.L'� 1✓.N37777 P.7fO.�r 865-679-ogrr C1yIl DfSy'mc-' Y r'Vr-W, coungt,• Blom. o 1 r D qT 05-03 202.4 jjOB JVVM.A TA - 24-070 'MAP AO' . 8-1461 Afr, 1�.a