4624ALEGEND: EIR EXISTING IRON ROD EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE NIR NEW IRON ROD N&D NAIL & DISK ERRSPK EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE AC. ACRES SF. SQUARE FEET WDB WARRANTY DEED BOOK MRB MISC. RECORD BOOK RB RECORD BOOK SPB SMALL PLAT BOOK PG PAGE TYP TYPICAL R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY q CENTERLINE P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING BOUNDARY LINE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE -•-•-•-•-•-•-•- - PARCEL LINE - EASEMENT LINE - - - - - - -- BUILDING SETBACK LINE - ROAD CENTERLINE EDGE OF ROAD - - - - - - - EDGE OF GRAVEL/ROAD c c CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) x x FENCE LINE E ELECTRIC LINE (OVERHEAD) TVA TVA POWER LINE LEGAL DESCRIPTION - BLOUNT COUNTY PROPERTY - 5.005 AC. SITUATED in District 19, Blount County, Tennessee, and being a portion of that tract of land as described in Record Book 2565, Page 597 and being more particularly described as follo ws: BEGINNING on a point in the centerline of Wooddale Street, corner to Remaining Lands of Blount County (RB 2565, PG 597) and being N 41-46 E, 103.8 feet from the centerline intersection of Wooddale Street and Beck Street; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING leaving Wooddale Street with the Remaining Lands of Blount County the following three (4) calls. 1) N 42-36-47 W, 23.29 feet to an iron rod; 2) N 42-36-47 W, 241.16 feet to an iron rod; 3) N 44-58-32 W, 116.63 feet to an iron rod; 4). S 50-22-58 W, 155.00 feet to an iron rod in the right of way line of BrookDale Road; thence with said right of way line the following five (5) calls: 1) along a curve to the left with a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc distance of 85.94 feet having a chord bearing of N 88-51-18 W, 75.74 feet to an iron rod; 2) along a curve to the right with a radius of 20.00 feet, an arc distance of 17.32 feet, having a chord bearing of S 66-42-44 W, 16.78 feet to an iron rod; 3) along a curve to the right with a radius of 325.00 feet, an arc distance of 140.68 feet, having a chord bearing of N 76-04-55 W, 139.59 feet to an iron rod; 4) N 63-40-51 W, 175.71 feet to an iron rod; 5) along a curve to the right with a radius of 325.00 feet; an arc distance of 18Z72 feet, having a chord bearing of N 47-08-03 W, 185.12 feet to an iron rod in the line of Brookdale 245, LLC (RB 2813, PG 1828); thence with Brookdale 245, LLC the following four (4) calls: 1) N 39-33-16 E, 189.30 feet to an iron rod, 2) S 48-56-18 E, 12.00 feet to an iron rod; 3) N 41-03-14 E, 226.08 feet to a 1 "iron pipe; 4) N 41-00-46 E, 49.31 feet to an iron rod, corner to Covington, Lot 1 (SPB 4, PG 795, RB 2386, PG 2109); thence with Covington, Lot 1 S 40-38-48 E, 139.83 feet to an iron rod, corner to Covington, Lot 2R2 (Plat Ref. 1686B, RB 2478, PG 1728); thence with Covington, Lot 2R2S 40-37-02 E, 122.53 feet to an iron rod, corner to Lindsey (RB 2478, PG 1445), thence with Lindsey S 40-37-09 E, 90.08 feet to an iron rod, corner to Everett (WDB 451, PG 549); thence with Everett S 40-39-45 W, 49.57 feet to an iron rod; thence continuing with Everett S 44-58-32 E, 333.44 feet to a 2" Metal Fence Post, corner to Bales (WDB 687, PG 202, Jess Todd Property S/D, Plat Ref: 666B); thence with Bales S 42-36-47 E, 240.20 feet to an existing Magnail, corner to Bales (WDB 687, PG 202, Jess Todd Property S/D, Plat Ref.• 666B); thence from existing Magnail, S 42-36-47 E, 23.29 feet to a Point in the center of Wooddale Street; thence with said centerline S 44-21-37 W, 30.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 5.005 Ac., more or less, as surveyed by Christopher M. Rosser, IN RLS #1929 of Sterling Engineering, inc.. 1020 William Blount Drive, Maryville, TN., 37801. S40.38'48"E 139.83' N4 1'00'46"E 5/8 EIR 49.31' W S48'56\'18"E <JORR� LPG 1 \ P \ 1/2'N ro y N39'3 '16"E �ttP 18.30' \ / o� 9 S40'37'02 "E S40'37'09 "E 122.53' 90.08to CQ Q to zo�"� � 44Cal o� �� Qw p4 � Q'i U'� [-I cat �i Z h EGRESS OR SS T W 0p q ; � Pq Q - \ IR .= 114 "+ �' S423647"E 1/2 EIR _ 1/2ElR 1/2ElR 23.29' S40'39'45"W w 1 I - - - - - - � S445832"E 5 S423647"E ............... WD_B_550_ PG 638 i I I49.57' 333.44'. 240.20' � I - - WOB 521 • - - - _ _ 112 EI 2- METAL FP EXISTING MAGNAIL PG 162 - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - 1 6 r --116.63'- - - - --241.16'- - - - - 4 I m io' SIDE I '� N44.5832"W 1/2 NIR N42.3647"W 1 2329 WITNESS 20' REAR SETBACK ti o SETBACK 'p N42'3647"W I I 3 23.29' . 1 o REMAINING LAND OF 30' FRONT BLOUNT COUNTY SETBACK c N 1 o RB 2565 PG 597 N 5.005 AC. i h TAX MAP 57 PARCEL 5.00 PLAT REF. 3885A I 1/2"N/R / / 1/2'NIR GREATER THAN 5 AC. CONCRETE DRIVE I atJ�R o A=85.94' !I - -•- ...... _._._._._ D=9828'32" 521 PG 162 1 Y _ _WDB B=N88'51 ' 18, W WDB 506 PG 915 C=75.74' o U) -- / R=20.00 NI REMAINING LAND OF D=49.36'36" BLOUNT COUNTY B=S66'42'44"W ! RB 2565 PG 597 C=16.78' II I - 2 NIR TAX MAP 57 PARCEL 5.00 9 Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register \ w` Blount County Tennessee G,v Rec #: 661536 0 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 988157 5 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 6/26/2024 at 12:45 PM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4624A-4624A SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. Front Building setback shall be 30 feet from all street rights -of -way and joint permanent easements, unless otherwise noted in restrictions. All other Setbacks shall be in accordance with Blount County Zoning Restrictions for Zone S-Suburbanizing. 2. No Instruments of Record reflecting easements, rights of way, and/or ownership were furnished to the Surveyor, except as shown hereon. The Surveyor has made no attempt to access the public records for any easements. Subject to any easements, regulations or restrictions in effect at the time of this survey. No. title opinion is expressed or implied. J. The Surveyor has made no attempt to locate underground utilities, underground. foundations, underground encroachments or underground improvements, except as shown hereon. Actual location of all underground utilities should be verified through Tennessee 1 Call (1-800-351-1111) or the utility provider prior to any excavation or construction. 4. Tree symbols and/or lines shown hereon do not reflect actual tree canopies. 5. Located in Flood Zone 'X (minimal chance annual flood) according to Flood Insurance Rate Maps 47009CO138C, dated September 19, 20OZ 5� G 199 25 t� PLAT REF. 3885A --'' GREATER THAN 5 AC. -� _ I A=140.68' I A=187.72' N63.40'51 "W R=325.00 \ I I R=325.00 175.71 ' D=24'48'07" I I D=33.05'36" B=N76'04'55"W \' B=N47'08103"W. C=139.59' C=185.12' I\ 9 I i I I I i \ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPT PLAT: I hereby certify that this plat qualifies under the provisions of Section 13-3-401 of the Tennessee Code Annotated and is exempt from the \ requirements of the Blount County Planning Commission, because (a) n \ new street or utility construction is required, and (b) ali tracts are five \ acres or greater in size. Surveyor Date /A2g Registration Number State of Tennessee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AS TO BLOUNT COUNTY PROPERTY.• The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he is familiar with the conditions shown on the underlying plat and that he has the authority to execute the document on behalf of the above named entity. ;r, •• 1 S44.21 '37"W �30.04' BECK STREET OWNER,/CLIENT: BLOUNT COUNTY 341 COURT STREET MARYVILLE, TN 37804 1 LOT f5.005 AC. DISTRICT 19, BLOUNT COUNTY RB 2565 PG 597 (PORTION OF) TAX MAP 57 PARCEL 5.00 RUSSELL PROPERTY SUBDIVISION PLAT REF. 3885A 100' 50, 0 100' 200' 1".= 100' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this is a Category I survey, the ratio of precision of the unadjusted survey is 1: 10,000 or greater as shown hereon, and this survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum Standards of Practice. 04 STERLING E N G I N E E R I N G, I N C LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTING LAND PLANNING 1020 WILLIAM BLOUNT DRIVE MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE 37802-8401 P.O. BOX 4878 MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE 37802-4878 PHONE: 865-984-3905 FAX: 865-981-2815 www.sterlina.us.com ?HER tij •'pRLANp•••.'QO'�. :0AGRIC ,.,,,,SEE IXAC)' © Copyright 2024 Sterling Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved SHEET Im DRAWN: SDC CHECKED: CvIR DATE: 6/6/24 SCALE: 11t = 100' DRAWING: 6635-HRM-BS PROJECT NO: SEI#6635