4626BBLOUNT COUNTY. TEN1VE53EE CERTIFICATEOF APPROVAL FO RECORDING hereby certify that the subdivision, plat hereon h been. found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for the Blount County Planning Region, with the exception of such variances, if any, as noted In the minutes of the Planning Commission, and that it s been approved by t' body for . ramrdi -afA6s= a county register. 19R t2J21 "Z. : �-- 1 SINCE 1979. (� T ecro ary, nnmg o Date O: CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION - E N G .1 N E' E R G.� . 1 N C.- .. I N I (we) hereby certify that ! am (we are) the "owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and i . thak I we) hereby adopt this plan of sub0falon : with myc (bud free -consent establish the minimum ' LAND SURVEYING building restriction lines, and dedicate all rights -of -way, streets, alleys, walks, easements, ;parks," and ' O other op spaces .to . public or - private . use as noted. CIVIL E1�TGINEERING Kennethengva e t CONSULTING -Z y -- ZOZ�P PLANNINGLAND 10 LO DRIVE BLOUNT 20 WILLIAM B MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE e�I! n A Ttlengvall one . • // � / _ ' Z Y - L A40RGANTON ROAD " Rr am U. e Z • P.O. BOX 4878 r erensa Ann. IUCK.V Date : MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE CERTIFICATION OF .THE APPROVAL OF WATER UTILITIES 37802-4878: hereby certify that the water improvements have been installed in_ an acceptable manner and according PHONE: 865-984-3905 . to the specifications of the Blount C S u bd' ' ' R i tl o nfy u rns�on egu o ors, except as noted hereon; or proper provisi s have been made for their installation. . �� 2•(9 a-oa-� reef onager - a er ua r Con o epa men DaFe CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY' SERVICE The p p�,y�',�, shown on this subdivision plat is within the service area of the —_I�l. Cam-- ut%I/tJr. The following ondition(s) apply CURVE TABLE No. Len. Radius Delta Bearing Chord C1 55.03' 50.00' 63'04' N3127261E 52 30' C2 53.97" . 50.00' 61.51 ' S86.05' 17"E 51.39' IWO %00 ots 1 v! r_ are served by existing po"werlines. /1/100 . LEGEND: 01 � .n Lots - are/will be serviced by new powerlines as per agreement between owner of subdivision property ".and utility. M ElR EXISTING IRON ROD Note: In any of. the above instances, extension of the service connection is the " res onsibili " of the #D.B 24 PE p -1/2 EiP 24 PG 351 indi dual /of owner,. in accordance" with the established policies of the utility company. ElP EXISTING IRON PIPE NlR NEW IRON R N60'20'36"E OD 2 Y A= ARC LENGTH re i a. e .415.470 " 1/2, NIR _ RADIUS z tW. N60' D= CENTRAL. ANGLE (DELTA) CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY �;, `� • - - S29'21 '54 "E 8 CHORD BEARING 20 36. E I hereby certify that the plan shown, and described hereon is a true and correct curve to the. acduroa. 1" w�' c ige, 12Br � 1rO 317.72' 1/2 E1R C- o. 71.01. LENGTH y y �, 1 b CHORD ,a O :required by the Blount County Regional Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed 1:057 AC. .0.265 Ac. 0.268 Ac. '�7 i o AC. t o 11550:SF 11663' SF ACRES �f . ti. n as shown hereon to the speclfcations' of the Blount County Regional Subdivision Regulations. (TOTAL AREA) �, :ram 1 9R O y� mac, - 01Z SF SQUARE FEET . „-0 "�' O 9s 9a,,► �•, ^ o� : (TOTALZAREA) b WARRANTY DEED BOOK ' 7reg s e�Lan Surveyor ti " S,. ., M_ r ,� __-----_. WDB a . s4 MRS MISC. RECORD BOOK W F► p�cE �` �o�.� oti� 1/2-EIR 51 •� �J PG PAGE . CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETSJar. { �F ti TYP TYPICAL This subdivision dies along an existing, public County, road. The improvements related to streets have been w o �• o = P 86 GAP /l`l B FA R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY BOUNDARY 11 tolied acco ing fo County specifications;. and according to the speciricotJons of the Blount County o �� 315. r nw O Planning M. n' Subdivision Regulations, except as noted here n, or proper provisions have been M ` 9 9 R0� �1 BOUNDARY LINE w mode' f r ant otion: 22 1 , 3 gP 53 5 ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LiNE �+ Z7 Z� ►� �* } C s� Q - - • - • - • - • - • - - - - PREVIOUS LOT LINE N ou �9 y errn en, en . a e /2 N/R /2pOR E��o11 1.0 - - - - - - - BUILDING SETBACK LINE cip . 1. w CE TIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY Ao M°5�( GR50W Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register NUMBERS . E-9 11,E M° •�° Blount County Tennessee 5 Rec #: 661858 Certificate of Approval of Road Names and Property Numbers (E--911) 1 hereby certify that (1) the Rec' d: 15.00 Instrument #: 988591 '(� �y names of existing public roods shown on this subdivision plot are correct, (2) the names of any new State: 0.00 c � clerk: d o.00 Recorded � . mods, whether public or private, do not duplicate any existing names and said names are approved, Q and (3) the property numbers of the lots shown on this , plat are in conformance with the E-911 "G other: Total.: 17.002 .00 7/2/2Rec In Ate O System. O Map File FILE Pgs 4626B-4626B o� a An.e OWNER:' ° e -;, KENNETH A. THENGVALL & ELLEN A. THENGVALL BLOUNT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT \ M 988 MOSSY GROVE LANE O r MARYVILLE, TN 37801 H O In accordance .with the policies of the Tennessee. Department of Environment and Conservation, the D• Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface 'sewage disposal system Z 1 LOT t 1.072 AC. ' (M) on the property represented by this plot The Blount County Environmental Health Department a . makes no representation as to the performance of the existing. SSD, system, or its future operofion. DISTRICT 6, BLOUNT COUNTYRB 26$8 PG 489 -&'RB 2775 "PG $72 TAX MAP 89C "A„ PARCEL 20.00 & 2 1. 00 00. MOSSY GROVE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PLAT REF. 2036B - OWNER: �OpHER M.!P ��Q LANp•s••Q���� SURVEYORS NOTES: WILLIAM D. TODD. & KERENSA 'ANN TUCK Z�`'��_',� �'�• 989 MOSSY GROVE LANEAGRICU '1^ 1. Drainage• and utility easements shall -be 5 feet on each side of all inferior lot lines and .10 feet on the. inside of all exterior lot lines and street rights of wayThere. MARYVILLE, TN 37801 o shall also be easements 5 feet on. each side. "of all as -built water utility lines, and 7 1/2 feet on each side of as -built sewer utility lines. y 0 1 LOT t 1 057 AC 2. No Instruments of Record reflecting ' easements, rights of way, and/or ownership were furnished o the Surveyor, except. as shown hereon. The Surveyor has made no DISTRICT 6, BLOUNT COUNTY attempt to access the public records for any easements. Subject to any easements, regulations or restrictions in effect at the time of this survey. No title opinion . is RB 2606 PG 2165. expressed or implied. _ TAX A ' PARCEL 0 0 J. The Surveyor has made no attempt to locate underground utilities, underground foundations, underground encroachments or underground improvements, except as shown MOSSYGROVE ESTATESSUBDIV SUBDIVISION PLAT REF. 2036E hereon. Actual location of all underground utilities should be verified through Tennessee 1 Call (1-800-351.-1111) or the utility provider prior to any excavation or construction. . p 4. Located in Flood Zone "X" (area of minimal flood hazard), according t6 Flood Insurance Rate Map 47009CO250C, dated September 19, 2007. 100'• 50' 0 100' 200' d1V 5. 'Property is Zoned R-1, Rural District 1. °f _ 100.' �. 6:. Front Building setback shall be. 30 feet from all street fights -of -way and joint permanent .easements, unless otherwise noted in restrictions. bons. All other Setbacks shall be in accordance" with the Zoning Ordinances. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: Z The owner' and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building, whether primary structure or accessory structure, or conducting any development or use that r will disturb soils on the Jot, shall reserve and maintain: area sufficient for primary, secondary (and tertiary when applicable) septic field lines appropriate to size and use a� .. l hereby certify that this is a Category L survey, the ratio of .the of buildings and other development or activities. The Blount County Environmental .Health Department should be consulted prior -to any constructin to determine oppro riate area to be reserved undisturbed for septic field use: !° _ 0. precision of the unadjusted survey is 1:. 1000 or renter as shown hereon g n and this survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum n 8. See the Plot of Record (Maps File 2036B) located. in the Blount County Register of Deeds Office for additional notes and other. pertinent Information. . Standards of. Practice. a� a 9. Easements if' any, following former lot lines are hereby released upon recording of this. plat, unless otherwise noted. B. 0 10. Google Earth' Pro and TN Property Data imagery was used in determining house location on 19R and both driveways, on "lots 19R and 21R. ennessee R.L.S. 1929 Date ' C0a x cF, pi R i �•,FSSEE ©Copyngtit 2024 Sterling Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved SHEET FS DESIGNED: DRAWN: SDC CHECKED: CMR ' DATE: 6/3/24 SCALE: 1 = 10W DRAWING: 4982-19R-FS PROJECT NO: SEI#4982-19R