4629ACERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum bulding restriction lines and dedicate all rights of way, street, alleys, walks, easements, parks and other open spaces to public or private use as noted. Z0v-1 "_<& DATE SIGNATURE: Michael Martin �teDATES GNATURE-olyn Martin CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDING I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the subdivision regulations for the Blount County Planning Region, with the exc tions of such variances, if any, as noted in the minutes of a planning commission and that it has been approved by that ody for j ordi Igin the offi�,11111 a coun gister. DATE SIG CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS (E - 911 ) CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF UTILITIES (WATER) I hereby certify that the water improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and according to the specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations, except as noted hereon; or proper provisions have been made for their installation. DATE: 4r it— 2.i7 e-91-GGNATURE" 14- IfLewer.I,...- POSITION I hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct. (2) the names of any new roads, whether public or provate, do not duplicate any existing names and and said names are approved; and (3) the property numbers of the lots shown on this plat are in conformance with thee - 911 System. Date E - 911 AUTHORITY CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETS This subdivision lies along an existing public County road. The improvements related to the streets have been installed according to County specifications; and according to the specifications of the Blount Coyjgy Planning Com fission's Subdivision Regulations, a ept as no her ,o , or proper ro isi 6 have be DA UNT WA SUPERIN CERTIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL UTILITY SERVICE The property shown 6 this subdivision plat is within the service area of the C r t The following condition(s) apply: Lots �[- ILti are served by existing powerlines; or Lots - are/will be served by new powerlines as per agreement between owner of subdivision property and utility. NOTE: In any of the above instances, extension of the service connection is the responsibility of the individual lot owner, in accordance with the established policies of the utility company. -73 7 _ T RE TITLE CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY 1 hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Blount County Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations. to-2.oZY DATE 9TEVEN D. CRAIG TN. R.L.S. 1812 I HEREBY CERTIFY THIS IS A CATEGORY 1 SURVEY AND THE RATIO OF PRECISION OF THE UNADJUSTED SURVEY IS 1 : 10,000 AS SHOWN HEREON. NO TITLE OPINION WAS FURNISHED TO THIS SURVEYOR AND EASEMENTS SHOWN AND/OR NOT APPARENT IN THE FIELD MAY OR MAY NOT BE DISCOVERED BY, T LE SE RICH BY TITLE ATTORNEY. nw tlL�l h/ (if /iw� Xz S '114 jJz !LJRVEYOR: STEVEN D. CRAIG,,/ TENNESSEE REGISTRATION WMBER 1812 STEVEN D.CRAIG, R.L.S. 1812 E 569 PICKENS GAP ROAD SEYMOUR, TENNESSEE 37865 TELEPHONE: (865) 659-3533 S E-MAIL: rlssurveyorl812@bellsouth.net ' U� E BORING TAX MAP: 071, PARCEL: 004.03 W.D. BOOK: 2505, PAGE: 1807 BORING TAX MAP: 071, PARCEL: 004.06 W.D. BOOK: 2290, PAGE: 2249 Al2�2j39, F IF \'i r MITCHELL TAX MAP: 071, PARCEL: 005.00 F W.D. BOOK: 2575, PAGE 47 40 In accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environmental and Conservation, the Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system (SSDS) on the property represented by this plat. The Blount County Environmental Health Depertment makes no representation as to the performance of any existing or future SSDS system, or its future operation. The owner and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building, whether primary structure or accessory structure, or conducting any development or use that will disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and maintain area sufficient for primary, secondary (and teriary when applicable) septic field lines appropriate to the size and use of buildings and other devlopment or activities. The Blount County Environmental Department should be consulted prior to any construction to determine appropriate area to be reserved for septic field use. FIFE TAX MAP: 071A, GROUP: A, PARCEL: 004.00 PLAT FILE: 2328A IRIF W.D. BOOK: 2510, PAGE: 2003 :s S 7 ur' 2 463�„F 24 i R'F S 17*1607" W iIIFl•I-- -- 6.99' 00 /11'11/S 5/8'• Om O A. IRIS N q3 0 , j-O sss� 8`F 2z g�Aj"co N S)7, R-1 Al \ 091 ACRES _ J IRF IRF N682g18%. l7 N.11 CCNC� °��rFRCiNF . 39496.48 Sq.Ft. S 21 °4610'/W 50.02 j IR/F GARAGE / _J (V NF\ s4W GRAPHIC SCALE 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 OWNERS: MICHAEL & GWENDOLYN MARTIN 1615 WHITES MILL ROAD MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE 37803 NOTES: 1) CORNER MONUMENTS AS SHOWN 2) PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ALL APPICABLE EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND SETBACKS OF RECORD 3) PROPERTY ZONED: R-1 4) BUILDING LINE SETBACKS: FRONT:30.00', SIDE:5.00' REAR: 20.00' FOR PRINICIPAL STRUCTURE, 5.00' FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. 5) DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES EASEMENTS SHALL BE 5.00' ON EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AND 10.00' ALONG THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SHOWN HEREON, OR 5.00' ON EACH SIDE OF ALL ASBUILT UTILITIES. 6) TOTAL AREA: 1.66 ACRES; 72166.47 Sq.Ft. LOT R-1: 0.91 ACRES; 39496.48 Sq.Ft. LOT R-2: 0.75 ACRES; 32670.00 Sq.Ft. 7) MAGNETIC NORTH BASED ON PLAT OF RECORD, PLAT FILE NUMBER: 2313B, IN THE REGISTER'S OFFICE OF BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE 8) FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP, BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER:47009C 0280C, EFFICITIVE DATE SEPT. 19, 2007 SHOWS THAT THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE IN ANY SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. 9)THIS PLAT DOES NOT WARRANT TITLE Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec #: 662167 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 988987 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded other: 2.00 7/10/2024 at 9:50 AM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4629A-4629A SUBDIVISION OF: MARTIN PROPERTY DISTRICT: 14, BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE TAX MAP: 071, PARCEL: 006.00 PLAT FILE NUMBER: 2313B; 2328A & 2404B W.D. BOOK: 2457, PAGE: 2290 SCALE: 1" = 100.00', DATE: JUNE 10, 2024 FILE: MICHAEL MARTIN 1615 WHITES MILL RD.