4631A.'. .I... � . I . 11� . . �..... . . . �II �..I I II I. ; I� . . I �....-. .. .� .. .I� .. I.I.. 5. . - 1. . II� I. IK� . . .I .. .. . I 1 . .­I.I . .1.E-zI � � . .I I..� `I.I . ­ .. ... . .1 I.�- ). ). �.I�. . I .� ... . 1 . I. .. .-�.. . .. . ..1�. �. II- . I. . � L��II1...I.. I .I 1....�&.1..� ... ..I,- . .1I.. . -�. � I . I­IIQI. I. .. -.. I.' . .I �I � ..."".aI .-I.11II. .­..I1.m. ..... .I 1 . .. ��. . ,:.:, . I�.,. '. .­.� ..I- 'I. .l.�l.,.� � . ..I I 11_I..� �. ... *..�... .�. .I., ..I.-.I1. ,�. ..I.. .. 1�. ..� , III ..� ., .I I.f. I - 1..I ,.� ZI . �I. . W...1..I� I. . ....��-�. "...... .1 1.I'I�'I �1..,�� I 1. . . I .I .I.1..1.....I: � .;..�. . I2.I. II . . .... -,.(.. ..�1.. � .. .V. I. ..­.. ' '. I... � .'... 1I . I�.,'. .*I . .1. _,. ,��:.,II �. .- .I.r. �....� .I . 1I .. .'.II 7I��I . ­II..I , ..I .I. .,' I �* . I.�I.�..... ...1..I .III .. 1. .. . � III1 _�I. I... . ..I� I-. 1.. 1... .. ... II.I��1. ...�. .. - . .I. .. � I.' . I..- . 1 �I.. .. I I.I1 I��. .I .. 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I�I I ..� I.. . . ..I��1I. . I,-1 ... .I —A-. .0� � I:I 05I.l5. -IIm. �. . 0NI.FI .I . -=, ��1 0 W, *I.�,..I.1 0,1W: ',..I1�, - ..I I * ... ,SE�.i-.I.� 44I . I II ., � .. � ..I I1.� �z"T1- A4I ­."i,1 .. -) I­I��I .�� ,I .- .1 I. .. : -CERTIFICATE _ OF APPROVAL .F RECORDING Certification of the Approval of Streets l hereb ce y rtdy that the subdrvrsron plat hereon qs been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for the . Blount Coun :P/amm� Re ion r ' r tY 9 9 wth the excegtio of such van nces, rf any, qs noted m the: mnutes of the Planning. :: ` . : �oP/ Ca ong a ting pub unty ro . . an; aPf71>at'tl-Ha been approved by. t of body. r aiding m. the o>ce. the cou re rater.. / iY 9 - - The mp o'vementssrelated to streets havelbeen installed �z--refaY. ��" ` - according to County specifications; and according to the 5 R arming ommrss�on . a :, . . specifications of the Blount County Planning Commissions XS / . CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION, Subdivision Regulatio ns, except as noted hereon; or proper T E R L . N G E N G N ING l (we): hereby certify. that I am (we_ are the: owne s of the roe provisions hav been made for their installation. I E I N E.. R P I C i , P pry shown and described hereon and that l we) . hereby . ado " t this lan of. subdivision with' m our free consent establish : the minimum buildin re i - " LAN P. P Y (.) 9 stnct on /roes, and dedicate all ri hts-of-wa : 20 Z� L.[ ND SURVEYING:. 9 Y, streets, alleys, ,walks, easements, parks, and other, open spades to public or private use as : note .:. . 7 �' Da �4: p� :CIVIL ENGINEERING t R .. y CI,. - OG G' p tendent �- . � 4 u ig y Su erin CONSULTING ov O e . . . . Oti 4 py Op .. SITE LAND PLANNING' h� �O ��� �O' 1020 WILLIAM BLO roYn ,. o e . . O UNT DRIVE `. Ow O� �. Ml1RY VILLE, TENNESSEE CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF WATER UTILITIES $�5C. Gk. qo�y 4Po 37802-8401 . - C1 .4 G ! "hereby certify. that tha water improvements have, been installed in an " acceptable. manner and 'according to the A p 4 ,.� 1 . I. . 1�I.I,s I ..1.: . � ..­ . 1II I ...I.. .specifications of the Blount CountySubdivisionReguldtions, except as noted hereon; or proper provisions have been - y . P.O.BOX 4878 ., .I1 �-I . 1 �... I..I.-. 1.III.,- . � 1 .I�: �. I . I 1.II.. ...�I .I. .�1.`�.I IJ I�...II� , I . 3I�II . �. I. . - .. I.I... 1��.I, .�1I .i�.,1.....�. ..� I .It. .. 1II I I... .I.�. I-..1.. . I. . -� .. .,.I -.I .. . .. ... . ... I. I I,II ... .I.. I NI. � . ..I I I .. .1 � . I I . . . � . . .. �.. .,.� ../ :. �. 1C... . I. . I0.� ... . .1. , . ".. . I I. I .. I , ... ... .� ... I .I . � ., � . I � � . ..I I. . ... .- . _I .. ..N . � ,V�.�I. . .�� .&. .I N. I I-1I-4,.� .�1��.1.I .. I ,.. I . . I. I. I.I.�. �,.. I II .I ,. . . I.1III . . . , I .I.�'I.II .I1�.I.I.I I I . . ..� � I I�1...� I.I. . 1 . .I ..�I.. I.I .��I ... .. I I.� . . I. � . .�I.. .I I �. I I I �.b...I. ... . . .��..I �1� . ,-'. � ..I .I 1 II.. . .I. -, . . .I�:1, . � . .. I�.I..II I�1 . I � . . . . . . .. .... ... ... ..� � I.. I I.� I I II� . ..1I I . . .....�.. .II I I �. .­ ..I.�..I..1�1�. . . 1. ..I . . � I�. .I. . I 1. ..I .. 1.I.. �I .� I..I ... I 1 1II * .. .. . I I..� I I ..1I..- . .11­ .II � .. I I ..I.I� .� . ..-. I ..1I�I I.... . � � . . . ... . .4I. . .� I . 1.. ...I1. . .. .. 1� . �.. .. � + ... ...1... . I.. I.. ,..1.�­...1.I... ... . I �I�� �. .� I1'.. ... ..IY ,II..I � ..I..1.I :. I.0I.:. 1 . . 1 I . .1I � .. .�N. �1I . ,.. I I.� 1. .�1... Ib� 0./ -01�*... .II1�. .. 1.. ..�.I 1I I , 1I .I�I�. .I � �.I'�.. I-I�I- . �.. . .. � .I. I 11...�� I : I . ­ w....� � I .. ..I I I. I. I �..I./I .� . -.I . 'I . 1...Ie� I *." . I I.. . .�1�. I ' .... 1 . . I .. II,�. ..I 11 I'I � I 1. ..�...­..�I. .1.�.I-. I � .I . 1I ..�. ��1. .*.� . ... A .. I .� II1I�I N.* ..I. .. .,. .­\.�. I '�.. made forheir installation.. G�0 YVILLE, TENNESSEE. �S�i �� 4 M . I' D� $ WD1. �& �Ih_ 37802 4878 .. .. ­ � ..� .� , ,—..��... .�.I � I . I .. I�.'.-�I , .Ib .. I- .�II . .I . �. .. 1 . �I.I . I .I.....,�� I 1I1��I �.I'. ...-� I��I. � -.-*:.1 I I.1� �II.� . I�II . I. -.�II I..II . . . � ..I I 1 .� I.. .. .I :�,.I .I I -.I . I.. Iz . . I1. , . � . .I. .I. ..a�. �. ....� I .�. � I . .. II. .. .I. ..I�.. . 1.... . .. �... . I.1.1..I .�..�. I� I . �. . . .I,I . I- III� I . .,.. �.. . .. . .� I� .�. :I . . .�. .... I.I I. .. I �I.. . . . . �. . 1 II I. I . � . � II I .I.. . ...I . .I. � .I i .. I..�I ..... I II� -,. I1.-..I .... �II..I I . ..-.. .I I I.� � ��� . I�I I I .�.�.... .. .1I. ... � 1..1. . ! II .I . � I .I.�1. I�1. 1 . . .I . �. .. I ... I I .1I. - II. .�.., .�I . . -.I �.I ..� p, Q 9rneer onager - a er ua r on apa en ate . _ . ti� y .. 1�S . .' ti 10 , �� J� d'n PHONE: 865-984 3905 ..CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY - 81-2815 SERVICE M yD� �0R The roe shownf on thissubdivision lot is "within the "der. a ore �GLE-C... WWW.g2YI1rig.US.001ri c 90 P . P rtY P c a of the Utility. . . .. `ti . ��' ��� The followln conditions a I . 9 O PPY• . . . . G` - are served: by existin v� OCR T SON LMAP g powerltnes. �� L ...� .- iI.. I. ,."- I.* . ..�� 1�I. .�II � .I. .� , . . I.� I. .. �. .I� � .II , .,... . . A.1II . I..-. . 1II .I. . ... 1� ,� , I I .�- .. .-.-1: . :I� . .. . I. �V�o M . Lots ore/will be serviced by new powerfines as per agreement between owner of subdivision property 11 . �. �. . .� I 1.I...1 � � .. . .... .I .� II�1(. .I . ). � . � . .I . ... ,.�,.. I . I ... I. .. I (�tY .. �1I I I.� ..� . �I1"..I �.I . .I. 1 1 .. -. I . .I . I.I..�. . .� .. .. 1. : . .. ,�-. �.. �. �I . I.�.I: II. .I . �1�I . .. I1.,I 1 .. 1I. .... I. �. .�1.. . .� I �II I .�­.. -� . .* II..I .I.�.. 1..,I.,..I..I . �.I�.I . � ,...I I ... .III I . .: I. --. �I . I. �I... , I � ...a�.� :I ... -...I.. .�..�" I . �I .. I.�.. ..�1. � �, .. , ­ .IV.. �.I- I. .1 and utility. . . . Note: In any .of the above instances, extension of the service connection . is the responsibility of the individual -lot PURY ` 1 2"N1R �A owne `In accordance with established policies' f'the :utili com on RB / `• J ' " P Y . 2764 PG 2893 �_ ..TAX MAP 44 PARCEL. 42.00 ��, ss . . . 2.2Y ro s gna ure r e a e 4 �' -Jr. . . . '��` "� BARN W CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY _ . 1.hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and conect.survey to the accuracy required by . ._. i - .LEGEND: . fhe Blount County Regional Planning Commission and that the .monuments hove been placed as shown hereon to the specfficattors, of the Blount CountyrRegional Subdivision Regulations. 1121N/R EIR EXISTING IRON ROD . m0r-� -" - .. 1..1•,7`1 . NIR NEW IRON ROD 1 egis ere . an urveyor a e 3p z_ 25,52 "E Ac. ACRES . . . 1 D00 Ac. N35• . ?'Ss 9�, 35, CERTIFICATION` OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS z�- �' S1 $F SQUARE FEET . . /E=911 ��r, h WDB WARRANTY DEED . BOOK. t ) . - NOTE- DRIVEWAY ACCESS RD BOOK . W Certificate o roval o R a es. - ��- . . f App f o d Nam and.Propery Numbers (E 911) 1 hereby certify that (1) the names 'of ex�sbng TO LOT 1 /S RESTICTED PG PAGE public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct (2) the names of any new roads, whether public or:private, . ` . /�- TO THE HACHURED AREA 97 . . . HILL ,!> TYP TYPICAL . do not duplicate_ any existing names and said .names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of.the lots shown . .. . " cpy .pj / AS SHQWN HEREON " c R W RIGHT-OF=WAY on this lat :are 7n conformance with the E-911 System. �i . w 'NDB 648 PG 433 a, TAX 51 zso a , S35'25'52"W BOUNDARY LINE _ 2w az . 1(+fAP 44 PARCEL 43.00 .�. I . �I &. rgno ure .REMAINING LANDS � 140.42' ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE s . a e GREATER THAN 5 ACRES (3 & ; . LOT LINE P . h �? `I' �f - - - - --BUILDING SETBACK LINE BLOUNT COUNTY" HEALTH' DEPARTMENT c,`o`F�` '. . Fi , vY - ROAD CENTERLINE ^ //yy11 Approvalis hereby granted for "lot (s) 1 defined as Hill Property being suitable for subsurface sewage disposal (SSD) .. Q- 2 04 W with the listed or attached restrictions. CMG � pV, EDGE OF ROAD .. Prior' to any construction of a structure, mobile, or permanent, the plans for the exact house structure location must rvV p 1�y . / EASEMENT LINE be approved and an SSD system permit issued ,by the Division of. Environmental Health. Water taps` water lines, . . unde round utilities and drivewa should 'be "located at the side roe . 2 �V p� . FI r9 Ys P . P /lY /roes unless otherwise noted My cuffing, W y " ..: . f ' or aIteratto " of the soil conditions may void this approval. �,v=�,:h . O I.I . 1. ��.. II. �. .I 11.I . . . .. .I . I I .�. I .. II... � . . I .I. ...1- .II� 1I. . .iII I II ��.-�., ..,I1.LI.. .'�,I�. . . -�.'� 1a�..I . . . ...I-I�I .II�R.1'I -�... — .kS�:..��..-. ,pD-..�I... SI I..1', 6i. .e1..1.. .7I� . p.�"..D. 9 A.I..I I. . �... �-. .. . 1 �I IrI I. � ...�� .., .a.I._,..-:.. 1� A0_I .... 1_- I.. I... ..�I_ �.II I�. W. u,� II...I71.;. * ..,c.l,.2.._1.� A,-.._1. � � � .II 1.. . . �.. I I 1. ^I. I, .-I � I�,.. I � ,I..I. I- . II-. I�_.. �� � i� I M••1 I�.� . �o� Director, Environmental Health, Date 0 R! , . . ), � ,.I.I I. _. �I . I 1�.�I�I ,-.� .I. . .I,...I ' . I. � . 1 . ._.. -I .I. I . II..�..1-. . _ I .I.�. . I.. I I -v1. Blount Co. `Health, Department 0: . . . . . . ofV$. House size, location and design will determine the actual. number of bedrooms for which a permit may be issued. I r,q�y A, O Lo(s) 1 are approved for standard individual subsurface sewage disposal system serving a Minimum of 3- v , Q 1" bedrooms.. .. . i�°�4. The owner and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building, whether primary structure or accessory t , : . . > structure, . or conducting any development or usethat will disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and maintain area " rr�� . sufficient for primary, secondary (and tertiary when applicable) septic Feld lines appropriate to the size and use of V `�, bu//dings and other deve/opment. or activifies. The Blount: County Environmenfot Hea/fh" Deportment"'show/d be consulted BR�r]j�I�,i' t� �, . prior to any construction: to determine 9ppropriate area to be reserved undisturbed for se tic field use. 4 v . . - . n RB 2414 ` PG 2057 \o TAX MAP `44 PARCEL .42.02 Qt JW PhBiountLCe Crisp, Register z . BCOUNT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MUST' BE 'CONTACTED PRIOR TO Q aunty Tennessee . Rec #: 662247 �� CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE WAY ACCESS. - J �o Read: 15.00 Instrument #: es9oe6 /�*y / ` State: 0.00 . . 1 .. Clerk: 0.00 Recorded . 02 9.35 AM Total. 1 e _ �(� ``11111 IIIIifI Other: 2.00 7/11/2 4 at 17.00 in . Map F'1 FILE Pgs 4631A 4631A 11 . ?"ER M �,, . . . 11N•� 'N� ,A '.; . `�. -) •LAN o d s. . ,q•<vQ' t7•�� QWNER�CLIET: . < 0;.�" . - :�AGRIC E -C_. . :UJ O: . - . DAVID N. HILL & CAROLYN L. HILL _0 . O OA . . S LLE,NTNR37737 Ds: ��ti�. . . 147 N FRIEND Vl SURVEYORS NOTES: '. "' ��` . i' LOT t 1.00 AC. EEC rnage and utility easements shah be 5 feet on each side of all mtenor lot lines and 10 feet on the inside of all �lli1l n111 exterior lot lines andstreet. rights of way. There olio// also be easements 5 feet on each side; : of all as -built water utility . DISTRICT 5, BLOUNT COUNTY lines. WDB 648 PG 433 ©Coppil `%m 2024 Sterling Engineering, Inc. 0 0 O g TAX MAP 44_ PARCEL " 43.00 (PORTION OF) " 2. Front Building setback shall be 30 feet from all street rights -of -way and joint permanent :easements, . unless `otherwise SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPT FOR C z noted in restrictions. All other Setbacks :shall, be in accordance. with the Zonin Ordinances. , , SHEET g HILLS REMAINING 'LANDS: .100 50 0 100 200 3. No Instruments of Record reflectin easements ri tits of wa and or ownershi were furnished to the. Surveyorexc 9 , g Y, l P y ept .. as shown hereon. The. Surveyor has made no attempt to access the public records for any. easements. Subject to . any I hereby certify that _ the Remaining - Land qualities under :the rovisions " - ' P 1 too easements, regulations or restrictions in effect at the time of this survey. No title opinion- is expressed or implied.. : of Section 13-3-401 of the Tennessee Code Annotated and is exempt .. from the requirements of the Blount Count Plannin Commission 4. 4. The Surveyor has made no attempt to locate underground utilities, undergroundfoundations, under round encroachments " q y g . DESIGNED:. or underground im rovem.. exce t as . shown hereon. Actuo location of underground -utilities 9 " because (a) no new street. or utility construction is .required, and (b) . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION . 9 P P lshould be verified DRAWN: SDC through Tennessee 1 Coll (1-800-351- I 111) or the utility provider prior to any excavation or construction. 'all . tracts are five (5) acres or greater in size. • . . . l hereby certify that this is a Category I survey, the ratio of .CHECKED: CMR 5. Located in Flood Zone "X" (area of minimal flood hazard), according to Flood Insurance Rate Map' 47009CO115C, dated. .. � �! precision' of the unadjusted survey is 1: 10,000 or greater as shown hereon, September. �• /•24 and this survey was done in compliance with current Tennessee Minimum DATE: 5/20/24 6. Zonin" r Blount Count .Rural District 1 (R-1) Surve or Date Stonda r SCALE: 1!1 1 00• 9 y rds of P actice - y WING /R2 7.10 �t DRA . Registration umber -State of .Tennessee Tennessee R.L.S 1929 t 7$49 FS Doe - . PROJECT NO . SEI#7849