4641ACURVE. TAR. LE No. Len.: Radius Delta Bear/rig Chord Cl 19.23' 225.00.0 4'54' S745'50"W ' 19.23' C2 27.72' . : 20.00' 79.25' S45'01 24 "W 25.56' C3" 17.45' 20.00' 50.00' N70'16'17"W 16.90'. C4' 133 05' S0.00' 152'28' " S58'29'46'W 97.13' V. xs ANTON RD. / _ GSx . _ MORG . � LAND PLANNING 1020 V&LIAM BLOUNT DRIVE MARYVIL.LE, TENNESSEE LOT. LINE AND 1/2 ElR 37802-8401 STANDARD EASEMENTS . WITNESS ® 0 TO BE REMOVED BY 103 i 5.00 Q P.O. BOX 4878 1 > . THIS RE -PLAT / 1 MARYVILLE, TENNESSEE 8� W N. 37802-4878 PHONE: 865-984-3905 ss• % `'' -� a I - LOCATION MAP FAX: 865-981-2815 C1 www.sterling.us.com 1 OT. TO SCALE 88TO CCL/CL INTERSECTION ELOUISE CIRCLE & /. HERBERT DRIVE E 104R a 1. 648, Ac. .I 44.45C2 62.4" C4 C3 S$»w W . so, E CIRCLE ELLA . w. _ LOU1r, �' Rom) - 104" '. a 25' 0 V lop� - 71 •t 3 0 moo. ate. 2 5„W a � 513 �. LEGEND: RI ZIQ1ElR EXISTING IRON ROD 0 . 2 .. - - : 1 PG NIR NEW IRON ROD 216 105 7A O 1/2'.' EIR - g p2 - L A- ARC LENGTH gEF' R= RADIUS LA'r D= CENTRAL ANGLE DELTA . r� = • B CHORD BEARING ��yy cry C= CHORD LENGTH W Ac. ACRES Certification of the Approval of Streets C SF SQUARE FEET WDB WARRANTY DEED BOOK Phyllis Lee crisp, Register This subdivision lies along an existing public County road. RB RECORD BOOK a Blount County Tennessee The improvements related to streets have been installed Rec #: 663490 PG PAGE RecId: 15.00 instrument #: 990772 according to County specifications; and according to the [� State: 0.00 specifications of the Blount CountyPlanning Commissions TYP TYPICAL Clerk: 0.00 Recorded gRIGHT-OF-WAYO R/W Other: 2.00 8/6/2024 at 1:10 PM Subdivision Regulations, except as noted hereon; or proper V Total: 17.00 in CENTERLINE Map File FILE Pgs 4641A-4641A provisions have been made for their installation. w j .. BOUNDARY' LINE O 20 ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE - - - - - - -:PARCEL COUNTY TENNESSEE', Da PARCEL LINE (� --_--- _. , BUILDING SETBACK LINE O CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL R. ,RECORDING - I hereby certify that the subdivision plat he on has been -found to comply with the COUnty Filghway Superint ndent ROAD CENTERLINE subdivision. Regulations .for the Blount Coun Planning 1 Region, with the exception: of vJ CONCRETE CURB �. . such varia as noted in. the min es of the P nning Commi ion, and that it een approved,by oily for reco ing in "fh >fice of the a my gfs err t CERTIFICATE OF "ACCURACY . e I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct V ecre ary, onm stun Date survey to the accuracy required ;by' the Blount County Regional Planning Commission 0 D- W and ttiat the monuments have been ,placed as shown hereon to. the specifications � z TIFIGATION OF OWNERSHIP AND 'DEDICATION of the .Blount County'Regional subdivision Regulations.. J z . CER • we hereby cer*.that'we are the owners of the property shown and described hereon ' 1 and that we' hereby adopt this )an. of subdivision, with our free consent establish the ' + +4 y P P minimum building restriction tines, and dedicate al/ rights -of -way, streets, alleys, walks,Registered1a� Surveyor.. o e YO S easements arks, and other open s aces t public or private use as noted." SURVE R NOTES: P P ,p. Z. Right of way PC, PT,. and PRC points on the subject lot are monumented OWNERS: with 1 2" existingiron rods. THOMAS M. CAMPBELL SR ". CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND ' (I HOLLY H. CAMPBELL t �����i ,hurl owns .- . omas .cam bs , . r Date PROPERTY NUMBERS (E-911 i 2: 0ramage and utility easements shag/ be 5 feet on' each side of all interior 210 ODLOSL/A PL `�` OpHER M +1 lot lines" and 1 feet on the inside of all exterior lot. Imes ond street:rights .` Gj.••'p•LAND''•.'.QO Certificate of Approval of Rood Naives and Property Numbers (E-g11) !:hereby' Q,,LOUDON, TN 37774 _�• �.. F, " of way. There S all also be easements 5 feet on each side of all as -built certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat Y , . DISTRICT 2, . BLO.LINT COUNTY � �:'�� •+`,4- - SG•:� i -Do water utility line and 10 feet on each side of as -built" sewer'utilit". lines. wrier'-. o y -Campbell are correct (2) the names of new roods, whether. public or private, do not Y y . RB 2768 PG 2424`.. r- duplicate any existing •names and said names are approved � and (3) the property » n ; o AG R i C U R E �. Buz c all be 30 feet from all street rights-of-wayand SAX MAP 99B A PARCELS 100.00 & 101.00 - ' CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF .WATER numbers of the lots: shown on this. plot are ;n conformance with the E-911 J. Front Building setback shall •,•.. - :�..i o: UTILITIES , Syste joint permanentl easements, unless otherwise noted in. restrictions. All other PREV. PLAT REF. 4547A a: C Setbacks shall �e in accordance with the Zoning -Ordinances. . l hereby certify that the water improvements have been installed in on acceptable c manner and, according to the specifications of the Blount Counfy Subdivision - cam, g na ure e 1 .LOT i 1:648 ` Ac.�.�q`1i����. proper provisions have been mode for their g 4. No lnstrume is of Record reflecting easements, rights of way, ,and/or .• •''•'� a) Regulations, except as noted hereon., or. Prof P �I�F. insta0ation: ownership were furnished to the Surveyor, except as, shown hereon::'The t�� $$EE BLOUNT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Sutve or'.has m'' de no attem t to access the public: records' for any �Hi� l JCi`� ij !tPProval is hereby granted for lot 104R defined as.. RE-SUBDMS/ON OF L075 103 easements. Sub ect to an easements,. regulations or restrictions in 'effect .at t �.t Q .1 y 9 py (V r ana er a.er uar Control e & Y04'INTO LOT 104R OF FR4NKL/N MANOR S/D Blount Coun :Tennessee, as ©AAll Rii � 2024 se Sterling Engineering, Inc. N ghs' the time ' of this' survey. No title opinion is expressed or �mphed .. ' R Reserved being suitable for subsurface sewage disposal (SSQ) with the listed or. attached restrictions: 50' 25' 0 50' 100' gg 9n "CERTIFICATION OF THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY SERVICE 5. The Surveyor has mode no attempt to locate underground- utilities SHEET shown on this subdrYfsfon lot is within the service area of the underground foundations, . underground encroachments ' or underground The props _ P Prior to any construction of a structure, mobile or permanent, the plans for the 1 - 50 6fe, utility. improvements, except as shown hereon. Actual location. of all underground ' Oexact house/structure location must be .approved and a SSD "system permit issued N by the Division of Environmental Health. Water taps, waterlines, underground utilities should be verified through Tennessee 1._Call (f-800=351-1111) or FS The following .condition(s) apply: the utility rovi er prior to an excavation Or construction. utilities and driveways: should be located at the .side property lines unless otherwise y p � P y N �Q c; noted. Any cutting, filling, or alteration of the 'soil conditions may void this N "Lots � A served by existing powerlmes. op voL 6. The owner and/or developer' of any lot,, in developing the lot 'into building, SURVEYORS CERTIFICA?'IDN: DESIGNED: - ore will be serviced by new poweriines as per agreement whether primary' structure or accessory structure, or conducting" any:. . Lots / �'S development or use that will disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and DRAWN: CEG hetween owner of subdivision Dro°erty`and utility. 4. ,,�, : a-,:��s—�--: : I _ ..... _ _. 1 herebv certify that this is a Cateaorv. T survey the ratio of - n onsibility of "the individual lot owner, in accordance with .tha established policies of "� ".. "' w—, _'. """'y" - """""'" "' `""' """ - """'""... "" 5u uam rrr uurrurn esaca run d P which o permit may be issued.. development or jactivities. The Blount County Environmental ' ea Department o the. utility co ny. should be cons lied prior to any construction to determine appropriate area Standards of Practice. �l a Lot 104R iS approved for standard individual subsurface sewage disposal system to be reserved ndisturbed for septic field use.. / r 0�0 / v serving o maximum of bedrooms. - ----•• 7+'r + i rgn __ i e DaFe uOf Z The purposethis plat is to combine lots 103 and 104'-of Franklin Manor ,S/D. -'Phase 2 into o single .lair Tennessee R.L.S. 1929 Date CD ... ... _ - low j