4645ACertificate of Ownership and Dedication: I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all rights -of -way, streets, alleys, walks, easements, parks, and other open spaces to public or private use as noted. Signatures)"+- Date a� Jerry ins, (JR, ow r Signature t'1 ? (� p r_'k 2� g ate Lisa Ann levins, owner Signature( Date I Donal ankin Ka ley, owne Certificate of Accuracy: I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Blount County Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon to the specifications of the Blount County Subdivision Regulations. 20 Z T Date NP�N Registl VeSVyor Certification of Approval of Road Names and Property Numbers (E-911): I hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this plat are correct, (2) the names of any new roads, do not duplicate any existing names and said names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of the lots are shown in conformance with the E-911 system. Date E-911 Authority Exempt Plat Certification (Remainder of Lot 21 I certify that this plat qualifies under the provisions of Section 13-3-401 of the Tennessee Code Annotated and is exempt from the requirements of Blount County Minimum Subdivision Regulations, because (a) no new street or utility construction is required, (b) all resulta t tracts are five (5) acres or greater in size, and (c) all lesulta t tracts have legal access to a public street orAg t-of-w y. Signed:. 2 Certification for Existing Subsurface Sewaae: Lot 1 In accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system (SSD) on the property represented by this plat. In approving this plat for recordation, the Blount County Environmental Health Department makes no representation as to the performance of the existing SSD system, or its future operation. Certificate of Approval for Recording I hereby certify that the subdivision plat hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for the Blount County Planning Region, with the exception of such variances, if any, as noted in th minutes f the Planning Commission, and that it has be n approv d y that body for _Pec� Ing In t e of the co my regist �Tt..� Signed; secretary, Planning Commission -7 Zi_ Date: ,20 OWNWER(SI LOT 1 JERRY L & LISA ANN BLEVINS, JR 2136 BLANKENSHIP RD MARYVILLE, TN 37803 W .J < 00 W � Q s I F� L: N L. 116 q J L. 0 � o c cj� L, w � cn L. < L S 31'46'21E L!_ 421.48 C o L. L Q 0 C: ,o LEGEND Q IRON PIN FOUND (IPF) Qo IRON PIN SET (IPS) —C- PROPERTY LINE TILLEY LOT 2 DONALD RANKIN KAGLEY 2110 CHOTA RD MARYVILLE, TN 37803 LINE � OF 4622"11 603.69 REFERENCE CHORD _ `^ O N 16'W'28' W 3 4.05 AC � h/ N 644334' NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, N 16'W'Z8' W 11 . sa4' IPE PIPE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR LOT 1• S 1 TE NORTH DIRECTION BASED ON TENNESSEE STATE PLANE (GRID) THIS SURVEY IS A PROFESSIONAL OPINION AND DOES NOT CONVEY OR WARRANT TITLE. THIS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY THAT MIGHT BE FOUND WITH A TITLE SEARCH. ALL IRON PINS SET SHOULD BE CAPPED WITH "SNODERLY RLS#2988" ON CAP. MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACKS PER BLOUNT COUNTY ZONING. PLAT SERVES TO ADJUST LOT LINES OF LOTS 1 AND 2. LOT 2 CURRENTLY AND WILL CONTINUE TO USE EASEMENT MISC. 129 P489 FOR ACCESS TO BLANKENSHIP RD. THE OWNER AND/OR DEVELOPER OF ANY LOT, IN DEVELOPING THE LOT INTO BUILDING, WHETHER PRIMARY STRUCTURE OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, OR CONDUCTING ANY DEVELOPMENT OR USE THAT WILL DISTURB SOILS ON THE LOT, SHALL RESERVE AND MAINTAIN AREA SUFFICIENT FOR PRIMARY, SECONDARY (AND TERTIARY WHEN APPLICABLE) SEPTIC FIELD LINES APPROPRIATE TO THE SIZE AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT OR ACTIVITIES. THE BLOUNT COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SHOULD BE CONSULTED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE AREA TO BE RESERVED UNDISTURBED FOR SEPTIC FIELD USE. THIS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY, INCLUDING THE RIGHTS THAT MIGHT BE FOUND WITH A TITLE SEARCH. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD AREA AS DEFINED BY FEMA DFIRM MAP 47009CO250C. 0.50 ACRES TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM LOT 1 TO LOT 2 WITH THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. TILLEY • 1"16 =1iS• GENTRY 2681 /896 1905' TO THE `i_ OF \ SIX MILE RD. N -33 E (SR 336) N 3336'S8' O REMAINDER GREATER THAN 5 AC. Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec #: 663873 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 991280 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 8/14/2024 at 2:30 PM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4645A-4645A SHANE D SNODERLY, PE, RLS ziww��, 4120 OLD NIELES FERRY RD. MARYVIZLE, TN 37801 (865)705-7172 SHEET TITLE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF BLEVINS AND KAGLEY PROPERTIES BLANKENSHIP RD. LOCATION MAP (N.T.S.) �,,�11111111111}}}})} -�� 'DQVID S/V >> t) 00 jl 1 LA W e 1 AGR I it COMMERCE m�jI I hereby certify that this is a cote_ ry I survey and the ratio of precision of the ur adju ted survey is not less than 1:10000 and this su ey as done in compliance with current Minim S ndards for the State of Tennessee. A Tenn. Reg. No. #2988 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL GPS SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED TO PERFORM THE SURVEY: A) TYPE OF SURVEY. REAL TIME KINEMATIC B) POSITION ACCURACY: .05 FEET C) DATE OF SURVEY: xx/xx/xxxx D) DATUM/EPOCH: NAD83 (2011) EPOCH 2O10.00 E) PUBLISHED/FIXED CONTROL USED: TDOT CORS NETWORK F) GOOD MODEL: 2012 G) COMBINED GRID FACTOR: xxO.99995157390xx 0 50 100 200 Feet 1 "=100' DISTRICT.9TH, COUNTY. BLOUNT, CLT MAP:124,112 PARCEL(S): 22.00, 93.02 ZONING: R-1 SCALE JOB NO. DATE SHEET NO. 1"=100' 20-004 5/30/2024 MUM—s: 1/1 WD574 904,WDB647/586,RB2215/947 DRAWN: DMG