4660ACERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION: I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM (WE ARE) THE OWNER(S) OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON AND THAT I (WE) HEREBY ADOPT THIS PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITH MY (OUR) FREE CONSENT, ESTABLISH THE MINIMUM BUILDING RESTRICTION LINES, AND DEDICATE ALL RIGHT OF WAY, STREETS, ALLEYS, PARKS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES TO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE USE AS NOT D. y &.,j DA E OWNE DAlE� OWNER CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDING: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDIVISION PLAT SHOWN HEREON HAS BEEN FOUND TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MARYVILLE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SUCH VARIANCES. IF ANY, ARE NOTED IN THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, AND THAT IT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THAT BODY OF $€6aR ING IN THE OFFICES OF THE C U REGISTER. D A Y, NG C SSION CERTIFICATION OF PROVAL OF S: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE INSTALLED IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MARYVILLE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS IN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN HEREON, PROVIDED THE DEVELOPER MAKES PROPER PROVISIONS AND PAYS THE REQUIRED FEES TO THE CITY OF MARYVILLE PURSUANT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY PERTAINING TO EXTENSIONS OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. z c DATE EN EER/MANAGER C OF MARYVILLE CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF UTMITIES: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE INSTALLED IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MARYVILLE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS IN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN HEREON, PROVIDED THE DEVELOPER MAKES PROPER PROVISIONS AND PAYS THE REQUIRED FEES TO THE CITY OF MARYVILLE PURSUANT TO THE "RULES, REGULATIONS, RATES AND POLICIES" OF THE CITY OF MARYVILLE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT. i/AA2q d Ali DATE ENGINEE /MANAGER CITY OF MARYVILLE CERTIFICATE OF THE APPROVAL OF STREETS: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE STREETS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATION OF THE MARYVILLE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS IN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN HEREON. IV PATE ZMARYVILLE 61TY ENGINEER CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS (E-911) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT (1) THE NAMES OF EXISTING PUBLIC ROADS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE CORRECT, (2) THE NAMES OF ANY NEW ROADS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, DO NOT DUPLICATE ANY EXISTING NAMES AND SAID NAMES ARE APPROVED, AND (3) THE PROPERTY NUMBERS OF THE LOTS ARE SHOWN ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE E-911 SYSTEM. DATE E-911 AUTHORITY CERTIFICATION OF STORMWATER UTILITIES: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND APPURTENANCES AS SHOWN HEREON HAVE BEEN INSTALLED IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MARYVILLE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, LAND DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS AND OTHER ADOPTED DOCUMENTS. DATE STORMWATER ENGINEER / CITY ENGINEER Owner(s) per tax records: DAVID & PATRICIA BROWN, 2057 SEQUOYAH AVE, MARYVILLE, TN, 37804 t' BENT IRC LOT 44 SPRINGFIELD S/D PLAT: 471A 4.1 4_ %J IRN #2002 4. ryso oe LOT 43 iOGq �Y\ SPRINGFIELD S/D w PLAT. 471A ;� o o: F a IRN NAIL @ELEC. BOX i i i , i i i i i i i i i i e F FOA% ti \FRAo � �Fsiz/N FS S' 3 O� i2346' A39.55' R25.00=--. ° D90'38'34" =C) �4 ? ; ri T�°vim \ u I ON RF� Fiy c� Fj sy� 0 LOT 45 — R 0.90+— Acres LOT 46 SPRINGFIELD S/D PLAT: 471A 41 OOc O''A 60'+- TO THE CL OF INTERSECTION OF -SEQUOYAAVE AND BROWN SCHOOL RD Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec #: 665166 Surveyor's Notes: 15..00 Instrument #: 992993 State: 00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded -This map only reflects documents found of current record in the Blount County, TN register of deeds office and referenced in the Tax Assessor's office. Other: 2.00 9/11/2024 at 8:20 AM -Utilities if any) are based on structures above round at the date oeocaons, this ma makes no certification o an underground locations. shown(if btttf field locations, p tity g Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4660A-4660A -SUBJECT TO any and all restrictions, covenants, conditions, planning commission Ordinances, rights of way, and all easements, If any, affecting said land. -Except as specifically stated or shown on this plat, this survey does not purport to reflect any of the following which may be applicable to the subject real CERTIFICATION OF ACCURACY: estate: easements, other than possible easements that were visible at the time of making this survey; building setback lines; restrictive covenants; zoning LEGEND: or other land regulations, and any other fact that an accurate and current title search may disclose. No Title Opinion is expressed or implied. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON IS A O IRON ROD OLD (IRO) -Every document of record reviewed and considered as part of this survey is noted hereon. No abstract of title, nor title commitment, nor results of title TRUE AND CORRECT SURVEY TO THE ACCURACY REQUIRED BY THE MARYVILLE searches were furnished to the surveyor. There may exist other documents of record that would affect this parcel. PLANNING COMMISSION AND THAT MONUMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED AS OO IRON ROD NEW #2002 (IRN) -Boundary lines were retraced from monuments found in the field and the latest recorded deeds and maps of the adjoining property owners. SHOWN HEREON TO THE SPEC CATIO S F T E MARYVILIE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS -Notify Tennessee One -Call System(811) and individual utility authority before any excavation for exact location of all underground utilities. CALCULATED POINT -This property DOES NOT lie in a designated special flood hazard area. FEMA FIRM Map #47009C0143C, dated 09-19-2007. ® WATER METER Some areas may be subject to localized flooding not shown on FEMA maps. 07-10-2024 -This survey is in compliance with the current minimum standards of practice in the State of Tennessee. DATE 0 TELECOMMUNICATIONS BOX -Buildingsetbacks are subject to the current zoning requirements per the City of Maryville. Zoned Residential per tax records. J g q P tY � P REGISTE LANDS OR 0 FIRE HYDRANT Subject to all requirements of current zoning in effect at the time of construction. -See Plat 471A for all Other applicable notes. -------- ADJOINING LOT LINES (APPROXIMATE) Vicinity Map N.I.S. 3600 8t Mapping P.O. Bog 554-mail 209 Maryville Highway Seymour, TN 37865 865-5774611 N NP C. 00 00 0 0 0 ••• C vi �ir AG LT R ____,��� • - 4 � •• �MER ' � •,, cSSEE N ���• '''////111111110��` OCOPYRIGHT 2024 - 360fSurveying & Mapping, LLC This is a category II & IV survey and meets or exceeds a Ratio of Precision of 1:7500. Survey Control is Tennessee State Grid NAD83/NAVD88. For portions of the boundary, survey control, and topographic aspects of this survey, RTK(Real-time Kinematic) GPS positional data was observed utilizing a Hemisphere S631 GNSS Receiver, Dual Frequency Receivers, RTK network. The grid coordinates as shown were derived using VRS network of CORS stations referenced to NAD83 (2011) (Epoch 2010), Geoid 12B. Positional accuracy 10mm+lppm horizontal, 15mm+lppm vertical FINAL PLAT. RESUBDIVISON of BROWN -PROPERTY 9th Civil District, Blount County, TN Tax Map: 047F B (045.00 & 046.00) Deed: 2493-1525 Plat: 471A Date: 06-24-2024 Scale: 1 "=50' Job: 13624 50' 0 25' 50' %0%09 1" =50' too