4673ASurveyors notes 1: Setbacks: Front: (30) feet, Rear. (20) feet, Sides: (10) feet 2: Blount County Zoning: S (Suburbanizing District). 3: Reference: 1. Deed Book 2499, Page 2430. 2. Deed Book 88, Page 35. 4: Utility, construction and drainage easements shall be 10 feet on the inside of all exterior lot lines and street right-of-way, and 5 feet on each side of all interior lot lines. There shall be easements per utility provider's specifications for all as -built utilities, unless otherwise noted. 5: Review of theFederal Emergency Management agency flood insurance rate maps with community -panel number 47009CO120C, Dated 09/1912007 indicates this property lies with Zone X, which is not in a flood are a. 6: Water by South Blount Utility, Electric by Fort Loudon, sewer by individual septic systems. All new utilities shall be underground, unless otherwise approved. 7: Owner: Lisa Michelle Jones - 2324 Middlesettlements RD, Maryville, TN 37801 Patricia Joann Harmon - 2324 Middlesetflements RD, Maryville, TN 37801 8: The purpose of this plat is to combine Tax ID # 035 079.01 & 079.02 into just 1 Tax Parcel 9: All easements following former lot and tract lines are hereby released upon recording of this plat, unless otherwise noted. 10: All new utilities shall be underground, unless otherwise approved. 11: There are non -conforming structures located on Lot 1 (sheds), and at such time the non -conforming structures are either removed, destroyed or replaced all required setbacks shall be met in conformance with Blount County requirements/the local jurisdiction authority. Certification of Ownership and Dedication: I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt the plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restrictions lines, and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks, and er open spaces to public or private use, as noted. Da- i _ Z� t Date r Existing Se tic S- am Certificate The existing sep ystem ) isla located as shown on the plat (lot 1). The locatlo 'nclud the s tic tank and all geld lines. To the best of my kno ge a se ystem is in proper working order on this date and the septic system(s) is/are contained within the boundary f e i diva ot(s). Date Certificate of Approval of Electric Utility Service: The property shown on this subdivision plat Is within the service area of Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative. The ollowing condition(s) apply: Lots __ are served by existing powedines. _ Lots are/will be served by new powedines as per agreement between owners of subdivision property and utility. _ No provision has been made for the extension of electric service to lots . Electric service can be installed, but the responsibility for future extension rests with the subsequential property owner(s), in accordance with the established policies of this utility company. NOTE. In any of the above instances, extension of the service connection is the responsibility of the individual lot owner, in accordance with the established policies of this utility company. 0 2- Date Fort Loudon Electric Cooperative Agent Certification of the Approval of Water. I hereby certify that the water improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, 4Da and federal regulations, or provisions h e n e for the installations, in the subdivision shown hereon. Local Utilities proving Agent S�SCU,(J Utility Provider Certification of the Approval of Streets: I hereby certify that street imp ements a been installed in an acceptable manner and in compliance with all local, state and fede I re lations, o ro sion h e been made to the installation, in the subdivision shown hereon. Da loun ighway Superintendent OR Date Public Works and Engineering Certificate of Approval of Road Names and Property Numbers E-911 1 hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct, (2) the names of any new roads, whether public or private, do not duplicate any existing names and said names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of the lots shown on this plat are in conformance with the E-911 System. q-ia-aq A�� - Date E-911 Authority Certification of Approval for Recording: i certify that this plat has been found to comply with the subdivision requirements for Alcoa, Tennessee, with the exception of such variances, if any, as are noted in the minutes of Ae�lc a Munic' I/Regional Planning Commission and that it has been approved for recordi"the office of�pj Blount C n aster o eeds. Date I here VM ertity that the plans wn and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Alcoa M cipailRegionai Plann' mini ion and that the monuments have been placed as shown hereon, to the specifi of e Subdivision Regula ' s for At Tennessee. This is a category IV Land Survey and the ration of precision of the unadjusted survey is uaI to or ate'than 1:10,000. Medders, TWM CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEOSPATIAL SERVICES ILLINOIS SWANSEA COLUMBIA GLEN CARBON PEORIA IDECATUR MISSOURI I ST. CHARLES ST. LOUIS COLUMBIA TENNESSEEINASHVILLE CHATTANOOGA ATHENS THOUVENOT, WADE & MOERCHEN, INC. ATHENS BRANCH 9 W. WASHINGTON AVE. ATHENS, TN 37303 INFO@TWM-INC.COM WWW.TWM-INC.COM 423-745-5440 DATE: 02/27/24 AREA: 0.43 ACRES SCALE: 1"=100' DRAWN BY: SJP CHECK BY: CMM EQUIP.: NPL322, (GAGE IG9 ACCURACY: 1/10,000 SHEET#: 1 OF1 PROJECT NO: 240205 FINAL PLAT FOR: LOT 1 PATRICIA JOANN HARMON PROPERTY TOTAL AREA = 0.43 ACRES NOW OR FORMERLY p O g o�` A LOT 1 KNOXVILLE METROPOLITAN \� o AREA A: 0.26 ACRES AIRPORT AUTHORITY N:535293.65 �o AREA B: 0.17 ACRES 035 080.00 In accordance with the policies of the TN Dept E:2549023.07 \ 90 TOTAL AREA: 0.43 ACRES 511/197 of Environmental & Conservatflon,the Blount CL OF ROAD Co. Health Dept has not evaluated the efdgting L1 19'7 L2 5 8"IRF---- subsurface sewage disposal syetem(S803) on the Q �� property represented by this plat,The Blount Co. HEDS NOW OR FORMERLY Environmental Health Dept make no repre6e1tatibn 48.8 u, See Note MARY GALLANT as to the performance of the exiatlnp Sf DB m 0.26 ACRES ` w LIFE ESTATE system, or He future operation, `� � 9.00 $\\\ �z AREA B 035 07 5.0 s\\\ m 0.17 ACRES 260111983 ` CLOF�RIVE COM N:535189.15 CA E:2549215.31 O L l2"IRS WITNESS NOW OR FORMERLY 76- P MARY GALLANT t SEE SURVEYOR'S LIFE ESTATE \ NOTE 035 079.00 1 2601/1983 THIS SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITES. ABOVE GRADEAND UNDERGROUND UTILITES WERE TAKEN FROM VISIBLE APPURTENANCES AT THE SITE, PUBLIC RECORD AND/OR MAPS PREPARED BY OTHERS, THEREFORE, RELIANCE ON TYPE, SIZE AND LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN SHOULD BE DONE SO WITH THIS CIRCUMSTANCE CONSIDERED. DETAILED VERIFICATION OF EXISTENCE, LOCATION AND DEPTH SHOULD ALSO BE MADE PRIOR TO ANY DECISION RELATIVE THERETO IS MADE. AVAILABILITY AND COST OF SERVICE SHOULD BE CONFIRMED WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITYCOMPANY. IN TENNESSEE, IT IS A REQUIREMENT, PER -THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY DAMAGE PREVENTIONACT", THA TANYONE WHO ENGAGES INEXCA VA TION MUSTNOTIFYALL KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITY OWNERS, NO LESS THAN (3) THREE NOR MORE THAN (10) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THEIR INTENT TO EXCAVATE AND ALSO TO AVOID ANY POSSIBLE HAZARD OR CONFLICT TENNESSEE ONE CALL 1.800-351-1111. CALL BEFORE YOU ^� DIG - DRILL - BLAST - BORE in (800) 351-1111 TENNESSEE - ONE CALL CENTER THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN AT APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS ONLY AND ARE BASED UPON THE FIELD LOCATION OF VISIBLE UTILITY APPARATUS AND INFORMATION PROVIDED BY UTILITY COMPANIES. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: copyright©2024 1: COPYING THIS ORIGINAL INVALIDATES ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS, THAT MAY HAVE BEEN IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE ORIGINAL SURVEY. THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PERFORMED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A COMPLETE TITLE EXAMINATION. A DETERMINATION OF THE TITLE MAY BEST BE PERFORMED BY A COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL WHO SPECIALIZES IN LAND TITLE MATTERS.THE LAND SURVEYOR WHOSE SEAL IS AFFIXED DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ALL EASEMENTS WHICH MAY AFFECT THIS PROPERTY ARE SHOWN. PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS THAT ARE REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT. 2: ALL BOUNDARY MONUMENTS AND SURVEY CONTROL WAS PERFORMED USING GPS RECEIVER: (GAGE IG8 NETWORK ROVER, DUAL FREQUENCY WAS USED(L1, L2, L5), GPS SURVEY PERFORMED WAS NETWORK ADJUSTED REAL TIME KINEMATICS WERE DERIVED USING THE TDOT GNSS REFERENCE NETWORK AND ARE REFERENCED TO THE TENNESSEE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 1983, NAD 83 (2011) (EPOCH 2O10), GEOID18. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL STANDARD DEVIATIONS OF THE RTK GPS VECTORS DO NOT EXCEED: H 0.08', V 0.12' CLIENT: PATRICIA JOANN HARMON & LISA MICHELLE JONES FINAL PLAT OF LOT 1, PATRICIA JOANN HARMON PROPERTY, TAX ID #035 079.01 & 079.02 10TH C.D., BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE IRON REBAR SET W/CAP IRON REBAR/PIPE FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND FENCE CORNER P.K. NAIL SET P.K. NAIL FOUND NO CORNER SET/FOUND POWER POLE WATER METER WELL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FENCE LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE SEWER LINE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE SURVEYED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENTMOT SURVEYED LINE O C9 w U) w z z w I - VICINITY MAP WS Phyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rea #: 666707 Read: 15.00 Instrument #: 994988 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded Other: 2.00 10/11/2024 at 3:00 PM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4673A-4673A 0 100 200 300 TBA = TO BE ABANDONED SURVEYOR'S NOTE: DEED BOOK 2499, PAGE 2430 CALLED FOR A IRON PIN 24.00' FROM THE CENTERLINE OF ROAD. THERE IS A NEW POWERPOLE AND GROUNDING ROD IN THE LOCATION OF THE MISSING PIN. WE HAVE SET A WITNESS PIN ON LINE AS SHOWN ABOVE. Line Bearing Distance L1 S 84°27'21 E 92.43' L2 N 86°13'28 E 64.68' L3 S 19°40'33 E 106.02 L4 S 72°47'41 W 65.05' L5 S 67°54'39 W 85.05' L6 S 71°18'30 W 1.9T L7 N 10°42'02 W 30.47' L8 N 15°06'21 W 60.08' L9 N 16°53'21 W 44.87' L10 N 30°36'08 W 29.60' L11 S 18°21'26 E 120.97' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS ACTUALLY MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, USING THE LATEST RECORDED DEEDS, AND OTHER INFORMATION; AND THAT THIS SURVEY EXCEEDS THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A CATEGORY 1 URBAN LAND SURVEY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 0820-3. SECTION .05 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS; AND THAT THIS SURVEY IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF.