Citizens for Local Control of Alcohol Sales CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For Single-Measure Committees (SMC) 1. DATE OF REPORT 2. N1AMEOFCOMMITTEE ` L /tL /7/._ ~ 7 S 2. SHO T NAME O C MMI EE (IF APPLICABLE) State Zip Code Phone 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE City Street o+)Rural Ro C,! O~ JJ ~ ~'o. 4. MEASURES SUPPOR ED OR O POSED / 0 ;~Jliv LZ//Cr 5.BA AP INTED/ ER J E OF POLITICAL TREA t7 6. CANE ORY OR REPORT Check one MI13EAR YEAR-END FIRST SEC0 1:3 OND THIRD F TH PRIMPRE- ARY GEN PREERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL QUARTER QUARTER QUAR R QUARTER 7.B. END EOfEPORTINGPERIOD_ 7.A.BEGINNINGD EE~OF ORTINGPERIOD S (r' `io S. (Check one) (including ikind) received total or less A contributions e period. I do solemnly swear or affirm that al Disclosure contained e(items 10d.t Oent A. This expenditures committee is total $1,000 exempt or from less for detailed this reporting disclosures p because is true and that the committee has complied with all applicable provisions of the Campaign and 10f must also be completed.) g, This committee is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than solemnly e accouling of all t ntributins an total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. I d and tamed accutit coldexpell swear and/or expenditu are a complete an turned in n this statement is true and that the following pamitte by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act. lures requried to be reported by political campaign / date signature litical treasurer g. WITNESS SIGNATURE i Lam L date si nature of witness 10. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ . TOTAL RECEIPTSTHIS PERIOD $ b . c. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTSTHIS PERIOD /J $ d. BALANCE ON HAND (10.a. plus 10.b. minus 10.c.) e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING J y.-- f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING RDA 1159 SS-1140 (Rev. 2106) t I SUMMARY PAGE - SMC 11. NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Full) 12. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: RECEIPTS 13. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ 7 ;7 c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 13.a. and 13.b.) $ 40- 14. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 15. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 13.c., 14., and 15.) (must be shown in item 10.b.) $(G V DISBURSEMENTS 17. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Unitemized Expenditures ($100 or less each payee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each payee) $ b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $ S~S c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than loan repayments)(add 17.a. and 17.b..) $ 18. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ 19. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 17.c. and 18.) (must be shown in item 10.c.) $ 20.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period).......... $ b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 20.a. and 20.b.) $ 21.LOANS LOANS OUTSTANDING (must be shown in item 10.e.) 22.013LIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 22.a. and 22.b.) (must be shown i item 10.f.) $ ` ip SS-1145 (Rev. 4/02) RDA 1159 Page Z_ of , ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF QOMITTEE /1 may/ 2. REPORTC VERINGTHE ERIOD ~~FROM:w TO/ Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor Burin the eriod M.I. La rganizatio ame Amount of Contribution First Name . L k, Ciry ~ Zlglia- ZipJ Occupation r Employer M.I. Last NamelOrganization Name Amount of Conlnbutim First Name Address city State Zip Code Occupation Employer M.I. Last NamelOrgani2atim Name Amount of contribution First Name Address city State Zip Code Occupation Employer M.I. Last Name/Organization Name Amount of Contribution First Name Address city State Zip Code Occupation Employer M.I. Last NameMrganization Name Amount of contribution First Name Address city State Zip Code Occupation Employer 57OTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 13b. of summary.) Page of RDA 1159 55-1141 (Rev. 2106) I ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - SMCREPORT C VERING THE ERIOD 1. NAMF~O COMMITTEE FROM 21 ~ ~ l~ Cly l-o T~ Amodnt 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (any expenditures totaling more than $100 to a sigle payee during the period, must be itemized.) Amount of Expenditure Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure First Na Last Na a ess me % J y9'r) Address City §Jate' zi `A l Amount of Expenditure Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure First Name Last Na usiness Name 44- Address cit Zip Code y v v Amount of Expenditure mmmmw~ Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure First Name LastNa ,usin ame ~S Address J ' d29~ r ~11k- Zip Code Ciry r .'vrk' ~ ~ L r-~ Amount of Expenditure Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure ;First e sines Name City Zip Code lure Middle Name urpose o xpen dure Amount o xpen first Name Last Nametbusiness Name A State Zip Code Amount of Expenditure Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure First Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address Ciry State Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) If this is the last page of cam ai In expenditures this amount must be shown in item 17b. of summa . Page of RDA 1159 SS-1142 (Rev. 4/02) CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For Single-Measure Committees (SMC) 1. DATE OF POR 2. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. SH RTNA EOFCOM ITTEE(IFAPPLICABLE) 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE Street Pral Rout City State Zip Code Phone 4. MEASURES SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED / 5.A. E OF POLITICAL TREASJRER 5.6. A APP NTED 6. CATEGORY OR REPORT (Check one ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE- INN MID-YEAR YEAR-END QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 7.A. BEGINNING DATE F R PORTING PERIOD 7.B. ENDING DATE F RE RTING PERIOD ~ d Zvi 8. (Check one) A. F-1 This committee is exempt from detailed disclosures because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expenditures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. 1 do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this statement is true and that the committee has complied with all applicable provisions of the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act. (Items 10d., 10e. and 1 Of must also be completed.) B. This committee is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. I do solemnly swear or affirm that the information con- tained in this statement is true and that the following page(s) are a complete and accurate accounting of all contributions and expendi- tures requried to be reported by political campaign committees by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act. sig ature I treasurer date/ 9. WITNESS SIGNATURE 101Z,74 signature of witness ate 10. SUMMARY / a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ 9~ b. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD 12. C. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD $ 3p9 L d. BALANCE ON HAND (10.a. plus 10.b. minus 10.c.) $ $ e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING RDA 1159 SS-1140 (Rev. 2/06) SUMMARY PAGE - SMC 11. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 12. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: RECEIPTS 13. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 13.a. and 13.b.) $ 14. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 15. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 13.c., 14., and 15.) (must be shown in item 10 _ DISBURSEMENTS 17. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Unitemized Expenditures ($100 or less each payee this perio (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) 1\V $ $ Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each p ee) $ b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 eac payee this period) $ c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than an repayments)(add 17.a. and 17.b..) $ 18. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS RIOD 19. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add c. and 18.) (must be shown in item 10.c.) $ 20AWKIND CONTRIBUTI NS a. Unitemized in-kind contributi s ($100 or less from each source this period).......... $ b. Itemized in-kind contributio s (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRI UTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 20.a. and 20.b.) $ 21.LOANS LOANS OUTSTANDI (must be shown in item 10.e.) 22.013LIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 22.a. and 22.b.) (must be shown i item 10.f.) $ RDA 1159 Page Of &4' k SS-1145 (Rev. 4102) ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor Burin the eriod First Name M.I. Last Name/Organization Name Amount of Contribution Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last Name/OrganizationName Amount of Contribution Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last Name/Organization N e 1, Amount of Contribubon Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last Name/ nizatan Name Amount of Contribution Address City State Zip ode Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last Name/Organization Name Amount of ConWWbon Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer 5.TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 13b. of summary.) SS-1141 (Rev. 2/06) Page of RDA 1159 a ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - SMC 2. REPORT OVERING THE PERIOD 1. NAME F COMMITTEE FROM: f(~ TO:17aZI 7 Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (any expenditures totaling more than $100 to a sigle payee during the period, must be itemized.) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last NamelBusines W j Address kk city ~~nn S Zip Code W~ Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First N 7 Last Na stness Nam Address , A City Sta Zi od ~ c" Amount of Expenditure First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure La usiness Name 400 Address S2- ~f City JAY 4Code P. To, of E nditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Middle Name rPos xPe Last NameBysge~ss N~e~ Address GG City Zip Code Middle Name urpose o Expenditure Amount o Expenditure rrsl ame Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Middle Name Last NameBusiness Name Address City state Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) If this is the last page of campaign expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 1m of summary. Page of~ RDA 1159 ;{,s~- SS-1142 (Rev. 4102) ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING PERIOD FROM: TO: Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) First Name Middle Name Description of In-Kind Contribution Value of In-find Contribution Last Name/Organization Name Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer ' First Name Middle Na. Description of In- Contribution Value of In-Kind Contribution Last Name/Organization Name Address City Slate J I God Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Description of In-Kind Contribution Value of lr Knd Contribution Last Name/Organization Name Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Description of IrAnd Contribution Value of IMGnd Contribution Last NamelOrganization Name Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3 of next page if additional pges of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of in-kind contributions, this amount must be shown in item 20.b. of summary) SS-1143 (Rev. 2106) Page J of / RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF LOANS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: 3. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED Outstanding Balance Loans Loan Payments Outstanding Balance LOAN (loans totaling more than $100 owed to any person/business at the end of (Beginning Received This (End the reporting period) of Period) This Period Period of Period) First Name Middle Name LastNameBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Date of Loan First Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Date o oan First Name Middle Name Last NameBusiness Name .Address City State Zip Code Date of Loan First Name Middle Name Last NameBusiness Name Address City State ZipCode Date of Loan First Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Date of Loan 4. TOTALS (Total from "Outstanding Balance - (End of Period)" column must also be shown in item 21 on summa a e.) I Page of~ RDA 1159 SS-1146 (Rev. 4102) ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: 3. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED Outstanding Balance Debt Payments Outstanding Balance OBLIGATION (obligations totaling more than $100 owed to any personivendor at (Beginning Incurred This (End the end of the reporting period) of Period) ThisPeriod Period of Period) First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Description of Obligation ~7 First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Cb~d? Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address city State Zip Code Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code Description of Obligation 4. TOTALS (Total from "Outstanding Balance - (End of Period)" column must also be shown in item 22.b on summa page.) . L' , ' SS-1144 (Rev. 04/02) Page of ~ RDA 1159 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For Single-Measure Committees (SMC) 2, NAMEOFCOMMt'REE j. DATE REPORT Red, White and Food 10-10--20]201 .4 2. SHORTNAMEOFCOMMITTEE(IFAPPLICABLE) Zip Code Phone NE Slate 3. AD R SS ND city 37201 615-244-4994 Sire at or Rural Route Nashville TN 150 Third Ave. S., Suite 1700 E P T P ED A. M of wine in retail food stores- S.B. pATEAPPOINTED Referendum to allow the sale ❑ 6.A. AMIEOFP ITCALTREASURER 8_27_2014 Matthew Scanlan ❑ ❑ YEAR-END a one MID YEAR ❑ S O D RD F U PRE- ~ SUPPLEMENTWSUPPLEMENTAL (GARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL FIRST QUARTER 1 B E1 .11 ATE-1 . PORTINGPERIOD lbit QUARTER 30, 2014 7 . A. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORTING PERI00 geptember July 1, 2014 8, (Chock ono) including in-klnd) received total $1,000 or less AND swear or affirm that the Information contatnednthis ssttate e t committee Is exempt from detailed disciorting because coole my s A. stied. I do selemnty i n Financial Dtsdosure Act. (Items o(pendilures total $1,000 or less for this reporting P licable provisions of the Camps 9 is true and that the committee has complied ~vi1h all applicable and jot must also be completed.) ation co • re because period. 1 do so contributions lemnly (including swear in-for affirm rm that received the total intorm more t rftt file a detailed financial disdesu to $1000 000 for this reporting p orate accounting of all contributions and expendl B. l This 0 andlor committee is exile required nditures Intel more than $ age(s) are a complete and acc latnal Disclosure Act. tollowing pcommittees by the Campaign F(nanci ,ad lures in this denuded statement t o botement Is reported true by and that political the campaign ~/fly a ure of political treasurer 0, WITNESS SIGNATURE I uI y date signature of in 00 10. SUMMARY HANDLASTREPORT . e. BALA14CEON ISP£RIOp 00 b, TOTAi-RECEIPTSTH -1-71. 43 $ l- r TOTALDISBURSEMENTSTHISpERIOD . $ c NANO (10.a, plus 10.b. minus 10.c.) d. BALANCE ON L Z O $ TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ e. f, TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING RDA 1159 y SS-1140 (Rev. 2106) r r CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For Single-Measure Committees (SMC) 1. DATE OF R OR 2. NAME OF COMMITTEE/ e: fj j~r✓a J 2. SHOT ME OF COMMITTEE (IF APPLICABLE) 3. ADDRESS AND PHONE eet or Rur oute City State Zip Code Phone 4. MEASURES SUPPORTE OR OPPOSED INTED 5. EOFPOLITICALTREASU 5.13. DATVAPW i j2ftlz-l// ~41,1 CATEGORY OR REPORT ( c one ❑ ❑ ❑ 13 FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE- PRE- MIDYEAR YEAREND QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 7.A.BEGINNING DATE OFRE RTIN PERIOD 7.B. ENDING ATEOF EPORTING PERIOD z9 loi 9 3~ ~ 8. (Check one) A. M This committee is exempt from detailed disclosures because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expenditures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. I do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this statement is true and that the committee has complied with all applicable provisions of the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act. (Items 10d., 10e. and 1Of must also be completed.) BA This committee is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. I do solemnly swear or affirm that the information con- tained in this statement is true and that the following page(s) are a complete and accurate accounting of all contributions and expendi- tures requiied to be reported by political campaign com by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act. 4z?. ignature of tical treasurer ate 9. WITNESS SIGNATURE signal a of witness date 10. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ cx.~ b. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD $ ~7 c. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD $ A d. BALANCE ON HAND (10.a. plus 10.b. minus 10.c.) $ Is e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING $ SS-1140 (Rev. 2/06) RDA 1159 SUMMARY PAGE - SMC 11. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 12. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: g TO: JO RECEIPTS 13. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ LU,Q~U c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 13.a. and 13.b.) $ 14. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 15. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 13.c., 14., and 15.) (must be shown in item 10.b.) $ DISBURSEMENTS 17. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Unitemized Expenditures ($100 or less each payee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) $ rY $ $ $ $ Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each payee) $ b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $ _?2_ r `I c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than loan repayments)(add 17.a. and 17.b..) 18. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD 19. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 17.c. and 16.) (must be shown in item 10.c.) $ 20AN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period).......... $ b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 20.a. and 20.b.) $ 21.LOANS LOANS OUTSTANDING (must be shown in item 10.e.) 22.013LIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 22.a. and 22.b.) (must be shown i item 10.f.) $ 16 `t` SS-1145 (Rev. 4102) RDA 1159 Page of ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - SMC 1. X_OFze;-, COMMITTEE 2. REPORT VRING THE E IOD /OJ~ /J FROM: TO~ O~;4 4 Z jV Am un 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totalin more than $100 from an contributor Burin the eriod First Name M.I. Last,Uur~Dganza'on ~G Amount of Contribution Address ~ 7~'/ o ,mfr/ City State Zip Code O.pation /y yti Employer FirstName M.I. LastNa rganizabonNa Z/ Amount of Contribution Address , L Ciry Sta Zip Code w Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last an' Na / Amount of Contribution Address T J ' V 1 ~ L City / State Zip Cod c (/W Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Las anizabon me Amount of Contribution Address P i W State Zipcode City A4 Occupation Employer First Name M.I. Last Name/Organization Name Amount of Contribution Address city state Zip Code Occupation Employer 530TAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS ~y (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) Q~ (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 13b. of summary.) SS-1141 (Rev. 2/06) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - SMC 1. NAM OF COMMITTEE / 2. REPORT ERING TH P RIOD I2Z- l A,; FROM: ~ T09 Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (any expenditures totaling more than $100 to a sigle payee during the period, must be itemized.) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/ Address Va-? 71 City / State Zip Code c- I First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure L. a iness Name , Address / City 45;~~4AX lp'd Sta Zi Code U First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code rst Name Middle Name Purpose o Expenditure Amount o Expenditure Last NameBusiness Name Address City Stale Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City Stale Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (Carry forward to item 3. of next page If additional pages of this form are used.), If this is the last page of campaign expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 17b. of summary.) RDA 1159 SS-1 142 (Rev. 4102) Page * of __q__ J ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING PERIOD FROM: TO: Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE enter $0 if first itemized a e 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) First Name Middle Name Description of In-Kind Contribution Value of In-Kind Contribution Last NamelOrganization Name Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Description of In-Kind Contribution Value of In-Kind Contribution Last NamelOrganization Name Address City Stale Zip Code Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Description of In-Kind Contribution Value of In-Kind Contribution Last Name/Organization Name Address City State ip Code Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Description of In-Knd Contribution Value of In-rand Contribution Last Name/Organization Name Address City State Zip Code Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3 of next page if additional pges of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of in-kind Contributions, this amount must be shown in item 20.b. of summary.) SS-1143(Rev.2106) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF LOANS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: 3. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED Outstanding Balance Loans Loan Payments Outstanding Balance LOAN (loans totaling more than $100 owed to any person/business at the end of (Beginning Received This (End the reporting period) of Period) ThisPeriod Period of Period) First Name Middle Name LastName inessName Address City State ZipCode Date of Loan First Name Middle Name LastNameBusiness Name Address City State Code Date of Loan First Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State ZipCode Date O Nan Fast Name Middle Name Last NameBusiness Name Address City State ZipCode Date of Loan Fast Name Middle Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Date of Loan 4. TOTALS (Total from "Outstanding Balance • (End of Period)" column must also be shown in item 21 on summa page.) ...s SSAU6 (Rev. 4102) Page of RDA 11159 Y ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS - SMC 1. NAME OF COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: T0: 3. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED Outstanding Balance Debt Payments Outstanding Balance OBLIGATION (obligations totaling more than $100 owed to any person/vendor at (Beginning Incurred This (End Period) This Period Period of Period) the end of the repotting period) First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address Stale Zip Code CAY Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address Stale Zip Code City Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address State Zip Code city Description of Obligation First Name Middle Name Last Name/Business Name Address GH fate Zip Code Descr ption of Obligation boommmom~ First Name; Middle Name Last Nameame Address OA' State Zip Code Desaiptio otObligation 4. TOTALS (Total from 'Outstanding Balance - (End of Period)" column must also be shown in item 22.b on summa page.) SS-1144 (Rev. 04/02) Page of RDA 11159 APPOINTMENT OF POLITICAL TREASURER For Single-Measure Committees INSTRUCTIONS This form must be used to appoint a political treasurer as required by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act (T.C.A. §2-10-105) for single-measure committees. No funds may be received or expended for a future election until a political treasurer has been appointed. Anew form must be filed if the treasurer is changed. Single-Measure Committees supporting or opposing statewide referendums must file an original of this form with the Registry of Election Finance, 404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 104, Nashville, TN 37243-1360. Single-Measure Committeess supporting or opposing local referendums must file an original of this form with the local county election commission in the county where the election is to be held. 1. Dafte 2. Name of Committee 7l 3. Address and Phone Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone 4. Measure Sup orte or Opposed 5. ElecPon Date 6. Treasurer Name l 7. Treasurer Address and Phone Stre or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone 8. Appointing A on y reasurer Signature (Both signatu s must be wit essed. Treasurer can not witness signature.) Signature of Appoint' g A rity Signature o reasurer t ~ Signature of Witness Sig tur f itnes o, 10 11 ~2 qM ~o ~ ,off RECEIVED ~ N SEP N ~ ~ iS .,US',YI LUUtY i't ~ ELECTIOA' °j b ~v 0 Wd Zl lL Registry of Election Finance SS-1107 (Rev. 8/04) RDA Pending