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White, April
04/11/2018 WED 15:48 FAX 8655822457 BGSRTP1202 0001 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For State and Local candidates For single-Candidate Committees 1. DATE OF REPORT 2.a. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COM EE I r Va ITT 2.b. IF OMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELECTI N D TE 'rtro ~t ~ 15/1/19 4.a. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural Route City , State Zip Code Phone 4.b. CANDIDATE'S HOME ADDRESS (If different than 4.a,) Street or Rural Route City Stale ZIP Code Phone 5. OFFICE SOUGHT (Include district number, If applicable) B. NAME OF POLITICAL TREASURER (may be candidate) Ulo Lou.v~ Gov~►v,~~ ~s~ ~ ~is1- 3 ~ e ~ ~inq 7. CATEGORY OR REPORT (Check one) FM SECOND THIRD FOURTH I PRE- PR MI ©AR YEAR-END E TER QUARTER r8.b. MA StO.PPLEMENTAL PLEMENTAL - QUARTER 8.a. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD k/1 I 17 - 2. (Check one) a. ❑ This campaign Is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (Including In-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expendl- tures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 126, and 12f.) b. JA This Campaign Is required to file a detailed financial dlaclosure because contributions (Inciudlne In-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. 10. 1/we do solemnly swear or affirm that the Information contained in this campaign ilnancal disclosure report Is true and that this report Is an accurate accounting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate committee by the Campaign Fln nClal Olaclosure Act. Additionally, Itwe swear or affirm that no campaign contributions have been expended for the peraonaf financial ba it of th adldet r forany-e1M npolltical purpose as defined by the Ceder internal revenue code, natur Idate date ell lure of political treasurer date 11, ITNESS S GNATURE Z'. L_ - H-~Irl signature of witness date signature of witness date 12. SUMMARY e. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT rtGay........................ $ 16 b. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD ? , 0 0 -o L90 c. TOTAL DISBt1RSEMENTSTHIS PERIOD -"NG 0",, ~ U. ......................r , S d. BALANCE ON HAND (12.a. plus 12.b. minus 12.c.) v 0 e, TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ f, TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING SS-1109 (Ray. 2106) Page 1 of RDA 1159 04/11/2018 WED 15:48 Fax 8655822457 BOSRTP1202 U002 SUMMARY PAGE - CANDIDATE 13. NAME OF CANDIDATE OA~R"" COMMITTEE (In Full) 14. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD rt I Y~l FROM, ( I I g TO: 3 3 r l RECEIPTS 16 CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and Interest) Q` a. Unitemized Contributions $100 or less from each source this period) D 0 Q b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ 0 0 0 , 0 0 c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and Interest)(add 16.a. and 1S_b.) 0 16_ LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD $ 17. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD..........$ 18. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 15.c., 16., and 17) (must be shown in item 12.b.) $ 00, DISBURSEMENTS 19. EXPENDITURES (other then loan payments) a. Expenditures ($100 or lose each payee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) Iy$ TN bCj 01,F- Nov yokIrk`it $ C~o • L9 u $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each payee) $ 0 . 0 0 b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $ c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than loan repayments)(add 19.a, and 19.b.) $ 61(j. n 0 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ 21. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must be shown In Item 12,c.) $ 0 22.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or lass from each source this period) $ t6 g b. Itemized In-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ 7i d • -7 c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22.a. and 22.b.) $ Z Q' 7 g 23.OBLIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLI13ATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 23.a. and 23.b.) (must be shown i item 121.) C SS-1133 (Rev. 41W4 Page of 5 04/11/2018 WED 15:48 FAX 8655822457 BGSRTF1202 2003 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR r 1 I COMMITTEE 2. REPORCOVERING THE PERT D wK( FROM: ( I g TO: 31 ! ur>t 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 If first Itemized page) /61 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contrlbullons totaling more than $100 from any contributor First Name peddle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution IM1 Lasma srNzaton em a L~ IN Primary Election ❑ General Election iT~l 1` I V Address ❑ Runoff (Local Snllone Only) city 1 1 state Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election OocupaUon 4I~~~ I I I I 11 D IV mpoy*r FbelNgrgeyn W MiddleName Contribution Received For: ArrmuM of Contribution LeslNe"IDgenlzei Nome RPrlmary Election ❑ General Election K IL)0 V ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address , 0~ L+ City I l I 23PCd~ 1 I Data of Contribution Aggregate This Electlon OccupeUon I I limp yer FirelName 14dioName Conlrlbutlon Recelvad For: Amount of Cordribulton ~ ArbA CA r as ems rge eon ame SPrimary Election n General Electlon f1 0 l v\ t tom. Addree~,,\` V(" VVO U ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City G\ t v f StRIB Zlpcpde Z I Date of Contribution Aggregate Thta Election w-t Occupadon ~n L r `Lt/ 1 I ( 1,360 t°Irei Nome mwa me Contribution Received For Amount o Contribution d r w Sin s~ ~ Lest NamelOrgantwilon d ^ T(Prlmery Election ❑ General Election L) 0 Address ZZ !l0 AAA r, A E3 Runoff (Local Elections Only) city a Vei 10 U l s!th) I zlpp col C,y 3 Date of Contribution Aggregate This """lion Occupation LA wy ~,r h,6 Y e.A 51U I I z, ~ I 0 0 Employer 6. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Cerryforward to Itam & of naod page Raddluonsi pages of (his form ere used.) U00 (Ir this Is the last page of conidbuilms, this amount must be shown In Item I5b. of Summery.) SS•1131(Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1158 04/11/2018 WED 15:48 FAX 8655822457 BGSRTP1202 12004 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIrTE OR COMM )1TEE 2. REPO C VERINGTHE PERIOD. FROM: ( T0: sun 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 If ffmt Iternlzed page) 1• COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION on-find conld0utlons totaling more than $100 from any co mbulordurtng the peeodl Middle Nome In-Kind Contribution Racelved For: Value of In-Kind Conftutfon First Name Jar R PrimaryElectron ❑ General Election Lost NamelOrganlzegonName ❑ 12 0 r Runoff (Local Elections Only) , , DeieoflnfthdConUlbudon ~ ~ ~ edaaEle Address W If rod wx J/(-y CRY L 1 ~1 I I e ZoCode DeealpGmofin-MmdConMbuoon 1 Oooupedon Employer Slut ~J I of ~ r D A. n ~ l I, r v"TCU f Fkat Nome Middle Name In-K Ind Contrlbutlon Recelved For, Value of In-Klnd Conaflbutlan ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election laelNemalOrganimuonNsma L1 Runoff (Local Election Only) Addresm Dsleof InArid Conoibulon Aggregate IhleFleulon city 30110 Zip Coda Description ofln-KIndCariftution Occupation Employer Firsl Name Middle Nanie Intend Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Conulbullon ass ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Lear NemelOrganizolon Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Addmee Date otindatrd Cordr{bullon Agg►yeta IhleElectlon Cky Blare Zip Code DeWpoonofIIWndContribution { on m r Firm Nome Middle me In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Leal Namelorgantratlon Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Dale of lm*W Conulbudon Aogegaie this Election city so, ApCode Doaotipganol'I"ndCon¢Ibulon Otcupadan 77F Empbyar PTral N.M. MlddbName 1,Kkid Contribution Received For: Value of krKlnd Contribution [3 Primary Election General Election lsetNart~Organlzatlon Name ❑ Runoff (Local Election Orgy) Address Data of In Klnd Contdbuaon Aggregate this Baden City 8t9W ZIPCods Deauipuanofk-10ndi ehitibutlon u 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS n (Cony forward to Item 3, of meet page if additional pages of this form acs used.) I ZO I r~ of lathe law Pogo of In-ldnd oorlt6budons, this amount must be shown In Item 22b. of summery.) 85-1126 (Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1169 04/11/2018 WED 15:48 FAX 8655822457 EGSRTF1202 0005 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF ANDID TE OR CO ITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD r FRO TO: 3 ( g nt 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRI=CEDING PAGE (enter $0 if fat Itemized page) ~ U d o 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION conlrlbuAons totaling more than $100 from an conldbulor r-Irel Nam s., Middle Nome Contribution Received For Amount of CoMrlbutlon LostNeme/OrgenizailNana 50U Prlmary Election ❑ Gar-oral Election z"0 Address / iNa J W eL ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) 7 O~ ,L Ctly Vi I Shbv~ ZlpCac¢, ~O Data of Contribution Aggregate This Election oaopalton sty F - l~ ~ -7"' 1 u ~ . f Z a Employer FrstName MlddleNsme Contribution Received For. Amount of Contrtbution Loot Neme/OrgenlaatlonName ❑Primary Election El General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) coy sate Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate TNa Election Occupation Employer FlrslNems Is Norm Contribution Received For, Amount of Contiroution Last am rgan z on Name J Pdmery Election ❑ General Election Address ❑Runod (Local Elections Only) city elate 21pCode Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election ortupellon mp Dyer First Name Mlddle ame on u on Received or: Amount o on u n Lecl NamelOrganlzetionNome 0 Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City Stele A) Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election octupatlon Employer 6, TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS ~ goo (Cony Ward to Item 3. of nerd page N additional pages of We form are used,) (N this is are last page of wirldbu0m, thls amount must be shown in ItOM 15b, of summery.) SS-1131(Rev. 2/06) Page ~ Of ~ RDA 1159 Appointment of Political Treasurer For State and Local Candidates and Single-Candidate Committees INSTRUC"I'IONS The Appointment of Political Treasurer statement must be used to appoint a political treasurer as required by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act (T.C.A. § 2-10-105) for state and local candidates and single- candidate political campaign committees. A state candidate may not receive or expend funds for an election until a political treasurer has been appointed for that election. A local candidate pursuant to T.C.A 2-10-101, may be exempt from completing this form, please check with county election commission for more information. A candidate may appoint himself or herself as political treasurer. A new form must be filed if the treasurer is changed. Candidates for state public office must file their original Appointment of Political Treasurer statement ONLY with the Registry of Election Finance, 404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 104, Nashville, TN 37243-1360. Candidates for local public office must file their original Appointment of Political Treasurer statement ONLY with their county election commission. 1. Date: 2. Candidate First and Last Name: 3. Candidate e-mail address: 1-11.18 A,-,,- • ~ a - 1, 4. Campaign Address and Pho e: City State Zip Code Phon S ►3 E .~,rt h ~Sr l~ao I 1 . • &15 ; 4% -,32 9 - it-39.09 hl CLY- L4 Vi Lilt- 318pt4 5. Home A-cTdress an Phone (i different than item 4 above): City State Zip Code Phone 6. Office Sought (include district number, if applicable) 7. Party Affiliation 8. Election Year &WAA~f5iov% Wt e, DI 9. Treasurer Nanie: 10. Treasurer e-mail address: 11. Treasurer Address and Phone: City State Zip Code Phone w-k ~r ~ ►~rtd~~ tip" OXVIi1U T1\1 3-ML-5 S(U -qou - 12. Candidate and Treasurer Signat a (both signatures must be witnessed. Treasurer can not witness candidate's signature): Signature of Candidate Si nature of Treasure i E CEIVED Signature of Witness FEB 1 51018 Signature of Witness BL Crr ELECTION 0) _ Registry of Election Finance SS-1120 (rev 12/2013) {jid Z ` " p~,6