Hess, Daniel bev; IC0n0 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT EXEMPTION Pursuant to TCA § 2-10-101(b) a candidate is exempt from filing financial disclosure statements due to the following: 1. The service for the office which I seek is part-time and the compensation is less than $1,000 per month, AND 2. 1 do not plan to spend more than $1,000 on my campaign. *Candidates running for Chief Administrative Officer (i.e. Mayor) of the county or city are NEVER exempt from filing and should file the required campaign financial disclosure reports regardless of compensation or spending. CANDIDATE'S INFORMATION: Candidate's Name: I6-t,5 Candidate's Position: WM %-rotj Dj-~Tn " LA Residential Address: 35(& f614 PV City: Pot i U6 State: TN Zip: M E03 1 hereby state that I meet the above qualifications for exemption and am therefore exempt from filing financial disclosure statements. If any of the above change and I no longer qualify as an exemption, I will file the required campaign financial disclosure reports with my local election commission. RECEIVED FEB 2 3 2018 B1A1 W COUNN ELECTfON C didate's Signature Date 1 -2 Witness's Signature Date