Cameron, Charles H. CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For State and Local Candidates For Stngie4andidate CoMmittee 1. DATE OF REPORT 2.a. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMI TEE S , u ( HAR Llr 5 cr LocR C AOI -'Aa>✓ 2.b. IF COMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELECTION DATE 447 Atoll 16 4A. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone a Y3 ~a C 5r E7` Xco 3 ~ - 2-363 4782-au3 4.b. CANDIDATE'S HOME ADDRESS (if different Own 4.a.) state Zip Code Phone Street or Rural Route city 5. OFFICE SOUGHT (include district number, If applicable) 6. NAME OF POLITICAL TREASURER (may be candtdiste) -Y..i. Y F £ t ~f• Aft~ PERM B.b. 16tG DA OF 8 a 4( art (4 e30 Zu>1e 9. ( one) a. ❑ This campaign is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or Was AND expendi- tures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 12s. and 12f.) b. This campaign Is required to file a detaUsd financial disclosure, because contributions (including IrAdnd) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more then $1,000 for this reporting period. 10. Uwe do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this campaign financial disclosure report is true and that ft report is an aodrr~e accounting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate commie by the Campaign Financial Disclosure Act Additlonally, Uwe swear or affirm that no campaign contributions have been expended for the personal financial benefit of the candidate or for any other nonpolitical purpose as defined by the federal internal revenue code. signature of candidate date Big lute of political treasurer (lade 11. WITNESS SIGNATURE r: ,wfine dw of 12. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ b. TOTALRECEIPTSTHISPS. c. TOTAL.DISOURSEMENTSTHISPERM .......5 :l- ,f : , l 3cx~ oa ..p.~.,... ,...N.. d. BALANCE ON HAND (IXA plus 12.0, minus 12.c.) $ 1 e. TOTAL LOANS .r....,:: .,c 6 f. TOTAL OBLIGATiON;iE.fpUTSTA,NDING ~.:....RBI~ iN j~ 5 ~ © N JUL - 8 2016 F RDA 1150 SS11D9 (Rw. r ~ ~ - G I w cAM " ►ATE SUMMARY PA€ IF 1 . REPORT COVERING THE PERT D 13. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE ((In Full) RECEIPTS loans and interest) 15. CONTRIBUTIONS (other then OZ1 .e=a.=.--- a this period) $ ,l Contftu*i ($100 or less from each source s . Unltemized $ each source this period) b. Itemize ' d Contributions (over $100 from 1 ZOco,.aC1 c: TOTAL i5b, ~ _s._----- CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 15.a, and ) . S t, ANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD k~ ~Y THIS WPORTING PERIOD f + add 15.c., 16., and 17. must be shown In item 12,b) 1g. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) ' this period) (must be listed by category - e.g-.; Pftft r S ~,ros 0100 or less each pay" , at IM each payee) a $ payee this period) (Over $100 each . t "n . ~ . .,~,t•» , •19.a, and 19.b.) ~ loan repayments)(add 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD 6SMSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must he shown to item 12.c) $ 21. TQ~L~ r,r NS: G' s ($i1Bp or less from each source this p $ b q i> contributions (over $100 ftom each source this period) • Q 4 c. TOTAL tN-iCtND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22•a. and 22.b) S 23 OBLtGpT10NS D 1flp oress each) $ a. unnanlred 0b1i °ns Outstandlnq-($ ObllpaWs outstanding (Over $100-each) . r item 121) $ b. (tern hea - c, TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDIN(3"(add end b.) (mue3 be shown pop ~ of ss4133 Mw- AIM i ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE REPORT COVERIAIG TF~ CN PERIOD L NAME OF CANOlOATE OR COMMi1'f EE FROM:p T o .T ins Nvg~' EDING 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PAGE (enter $0 N tlrstperr ftW0W) 4. COMPt ETE Tim APPROPRIA S FOR EACH CONTRIBttf ION ncocs 00 tint Nsnw . t,~aab+ ne or. 01 ❑ Primary Election [3 General Election aribWon ❑ Runoff (Local Ebctions Only) "ma' g~ MpCode Date of Ca &bAon AWopate TWA Election Cryl yi rim Contribuion Recehied for 77M (AiddleDlea+e ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election ❑ Runoff (Local Ebcoons Only) AddreM qcy J:80 ~JZZJ[Ppde Date of Corirlixutloa A0 Ttk EWCW r 5;w WOW CdMr bWw Reoelved For Amount of ConktuNi prgNeme Name ❑ P*nery Ebdion General Election { Addrm ❑ Runoff (Local Sections Onlyt apcode Date of bcntribufion Aggregate t Election V7, a ROOM, TRW ❑ Primary Ebcdon ❑ General Ebctlon ❑ Runoff (Local Eloodons Only) i ; Addrw j aP Date of Conaution A mete Tnb Election i f Ooaipelfon 6, TOTAL fTEMim CONTRwnmew (ta~rioiwrdmlWaS.ofi+eedPepsMrddlfarW PNKdiaisfamenwed.) {M~IektlfeiptWOeofoon4ib+Aor+r.yieamoudnMMtbs#i~+iniMmlSb.ofavir~y) d- PEA 11e Ask W1310W. 2106) i { C1'M :D WVAJ 5H ISM V OF IN-KIND COOMMUTIONS « CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CRATE OR-CObB+ifREE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: ct S0'.0.To- a 7M ~ G.GS v G ~R~ # 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN40ND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 N fist bmized page) 4. COMNUI'E THE APPROP M f M FOR EACH ITEMIZED W 40W COMISUTION k dnd p*bAWM bot*Q mm tim 3100 ham wW dAv the wkxQ so 1 No" Fod Nwns MkWe rte inAhd Cdttribudott ReoWW For Value d kAw CO *bidon 0 Mmy EMclon ❑ General Elecliron t~t►tr+wl0 ❑ Rtnlo f (Local Ela M r , , DetedhtOnd tbntributlon ~ ' Stab 2OMM Dma0W*fhF49rgQWbdbn Fh* Nam MddleName ln4W CarMWdon Roo" Far; Vskm of In-KW cmft ft 13 D Pte' Ebcdon ` ❑ Rwwff (coca! x D*Wdln•iWC *bAm ti Nwa MtddkNnme in4ft dabbift ReCxNred Fora V" of In•Klnd *n ❑ Pft" E 0 Gwow Elecdort ❑ RuW (Local Elect m OW Addnws t *dbl-"ConYAnft Aprypd~4ieEMcron aq sw' Lp oepaipionorlrHandtxntleu6an j . pry ar ~ ~ AiddleNeme F*~ Asa" F . , ❑ ruNw7 Ek~ a or Ewft e : ' ❑ Rt wff (u)w ft* m o*) ~.r Doled tNon AoyrNOete felt apCockom Dwa ftofk►IOndCont bAm r t Ad*W DehdlnaOndCath6uAon ep lt~It fat ' cw/ 8mb Cob {Y~'w~AlN1IY WK~1f1YY1. 5. TOTAL MMMED WIND CONTRIBUTIONS iCairytawadbllem tL dne~QpgeYeddMoiW P~OKd1Ne1'amm wed.) (dlhltbtieiutppedY►#doat11 1, ~ f~ffwdbm*mnlnkw22b dtsunm y.) e"2e (Rer• 2106) Pape of RDA 1159 ik~ ITEMIZED: STATEMENT OF EXPE10DITURES CANDIDATE 1. NAM O CANDIDATE OR COMMfTTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PUMM (f, 46 r FROM AMOUN 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 it first Itemized page) 4. COMkETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH riEi4 = EXPENDITURE (Npmftm Iowv mom vw, moo to any psyes,10004% ete perbd) Best Name Mft Name Pwpase Amount of 6 +e t.111t N~ NMne f: f Address - lbb ZI Code Nsrna Al 9telt a, PWP4O,+ of P"rft" Amount of E*®r,*n 77, 7 Addem Stile 2JpCode FhtNesls 4 Nsma Purposed AmountdEwe Nrms~111 Now Adtlnss CV4 titab Dp Coda t Irtldda tfanm Purpose of Eden ftrne' Amtxptt of exp&MW i { ~f Stats Zlp Code tt a Mledle Name Purpose of E~ &xftni Amount d ExpendMxis /'ARAB a '.+~'~u ..J - S~ - - - ~L~Oda Stab I 1 Flra►hme MW* New Purpose of E*nftun ArtatlrrlCOl Eltpsndlhne f LW Nrtmdeudea. Naas Addy: Silts ~4~ 5. TOTAL ITS ED EXPBd! RU:W-.S (Csvy bwudb Wn & dra d peps Naditor W pages offt norm n used.) IllfieislAehetpepedea~perrrpheae,9rsrarquntntistbashowntrtMemlBb.dwmnwr.) _ ' ® SS-1129 (Rev. 4102) peps of RDA 1158 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT EXEMPTION Pursuant to TCA 5 2-10-201(b) a candidate is exempt from filing financial disclosure statements: "If a candidate is seeking an office for which service is part-time, compensation is less than $500 a month, and the candidate does not spend more than $1,000 to get elected to office, the candidate does not have to file Campaign Financial Disclosure Reports." CANDIDATE'S INFORMATION: Candidate's Name: (e5 046e_ f aperntl Candidate's Position: (c'©~ +y Sc~~~1d Residential Address: 1!W3 City: State: TN Zip: 7~/ -z3a3 I hereby state that I meet the above qualifications for exemption and am therefore exempt from filing financial disclosure statements. Candidate's Signature Da e >U.(9 L3 ~Z Witness's Signature Date If my plans change and I realize I will spend more than $1,000 on my campaign, I will immediately make a financial disclosure report.