England, Patrick CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For State and Local Candidates For Single-Candidate Committees 1. DATE OF REPORT 2.a. N PE OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE NO 2, 0Ii TZu_ LA7J Fl~ 67 2.b. IF COMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELECTION DATE /y1,~ y / Zvi; 4.a. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone lJV / 1 r al- lk- 7Y1 1 T/ 4.b. CANDIDATE'S HOME DD MESS (if different than 4.a.) Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone 5. OFFICE SOUGHT (include district number, if applicable) f 6. NAME OF POLITICAL TREASURER (may be candidate) n Z is u r)i b v1)-L K / nCc' ~1 7. CATEGORY OR REPORT (Check one) J _j FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE- PR - MIDD❑YEAR YEAR❑-END QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 8.a. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD 8.1b. ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD ,A-Pp_ 1 L I I~~~ It 9. (Check one) a. ❑ This campaign is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expendi- tures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 12e. and 12f.) b. This campaign is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. 10. I/we do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this campaign financial disclosure report is true and that this report is an accurate accounting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate committee by the Campaign Fina 'al Disclosure Act. Additionally, I/we swear or affirm that no campaign contributions have been expended for the personal financial be fi of the candid a or for any er nonpolitical purpose as defined by the federal internal revenue code. signature of c didat date s V signature of political treasurer date 11 I ESS SIGN TU vlelsw Rtnes signaturf witnes date signature s to 12. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ 2- . 40 1 b. TOTAL RECEIPTSTHIS PERIOD $ c. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD 4 d. BALANCE ON HAND (12.a. plus 12.b. minus 12.c.) $ e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ W f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING EC'EtVEC.......................................................................... $ AP SS-1109 (Rev. 2/06) ,5oumr) wy Page 1 of _42- RDA 1159 SUMMARY PAGE - CANDIDATE 13. NA F CANDIDATE OR CMITTEE (in F II) 14. REPO T COVERING TH P RIOD IC FROM: I T0: 2) RECEI TS 15. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ / b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ 13S3, c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 15.a. and 15.b.) $ 16. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 18. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 15.c., 16., and 17.) (must be shown in item 12.b.) DISBURSEMENTS 19. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Expenditures ($100 or less each payee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each payee) $ b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $5 K~ c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES other than loan re a ments add 19.a. and 19.b. $ 0 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ •-9__ 21. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must be shown in item 12.c.) 22.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22.a. and 22.b.) $ 23. OBLIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 23.a. and 23.b.) (must be shown i item 12.f.) $ W SS-1133 (Rev. 4102) Page of ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS.- CANDIDATE 1. NAME CANDIDATE OR OMMI ` 2. REPOR C VERING THE PE IOD h4rtcl 14 C{ FROM: TO: q 2% Amount ,y 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) ,.C✓ 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION (contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor) First Name. Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/organization atio Name Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) ~v is3,1~_ ~~-vl~ doh City State Z Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation llj~ kt I c~c _ / Employer Szl~'- e /o c,~ First Name . Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution 61~ 1 Q Last Name/Or nization Name rimary Election ❑ General Election rL IC '1 Asa Address Ct YC lj _ ❑Runoff (Local Elections Only) City St a- zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election ffid r vi )1 l Occupation / j Employer First Name iddle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name /Organization S. Name rimary Election ❑ General Election 4ek- Address jI no ur Lh ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City State Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election f"1'~C o,_ 770 Occupation Employer ~e v(~ 1RYnmQ n T lwuM First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City State Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) ' \ O .l (if this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 15b. of summary.) ~J J SS-1131 (Rev. 2/06) Page 3- of K? RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NA E FCANDIDATE OR OMMI E 2. REPOR C Q VERING THE P OD 10L ;-Xa L 11 `J_ I FROM: J,' TO: Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) "V COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) Firs ame Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Nam rganization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City I S e Cod Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribu I ' ed For: Value of In-Kind Contribution Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code escription of In-fend Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contri \'n ed For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary ❑ General Election Last NamelOrganization Name ❑ Runoff ons Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Co*bution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date ofIn-KindContribution Aggregate 's Election city State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation mp oyer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Carryforward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of in-kind contributions, this amount must be shown in item 22b. of summary.) G' b SS-1128 (Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 1. NAME CANDIDATE OR/COMMI I 2. REPORT OVERING THE P RI D Q`~171L (,l d- FROM: t{ / j T0: .-I1 Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than $100 to any payee during the period) Amount of Expenditure First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Last Name/Sess m e POS pe "1 c0- r-`~' ~ Address ~~S ~ J!►1~j-n JT3~.~ ~rll~~n //lW`fiY~~'~ ~~lQ'~ City t,~al +-6 ` State r~ Zi Code 0. M a qs First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business ame F0 Imo- CaStiv~ z m 1, c,✓~ vr- -k f s [ S Address + ^ -7 ! ' 101-JrI } J / City I J 1 J State IZip Code A() In TX -760/ v First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.)~~ , V (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 19b. of summary.) SS-1129 (Rev. 4/02) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF LOANS - CANDIDATE 1. NA E OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT CcO/VERING THE PERIOD LA Ttcy- A & L ~ FRq I c ITO:L I ZI T 3. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE TENS FOR EACH ITEMIZED LOAN (loans totaling more than $100 from any source during the period) omplete the Following for the Source of the Loan Fi t Name Middle Name Outstanding Loan Balance Loans Loan Outstanding Loan Balance (Beginning of Period) Received Payments (End of Period) Last Nam rganization Name Address Loan Received For: Date of Loan ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election City State Zip Code ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) List All Endorsers or Guarantors for Above Loan (If more space is needed please attach a page) First Name Middle Name First Name Middle Name Last Name/Organization Name Last Name/Organization Name Address Address city State Zip Cod City State Zip Code Amount Guaranteed Outstanding mount Guaranteed Outstanding First Name Middle Name First Name Middle Name Last NanielOrganization Name Last alorg nization Name Address jlddrefs City State Zip Code City State Zip Cade Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Amount Guaranteed Outstan First Name Middle Name First Name Middle Name Last NamelOrganization Name Last Name/Organization Name Address Address City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Amount Guaranteed Outstanding First Name Middle Name First Name Mid Name Last Name/Organization Name Last Name/Organization Name Address Address City State Zip Code City Stale Zip Co Amount Guaranteed Outstanding Amount Guaranteed Outstanding 4. Totals for all Loans (complete on last page of itemized loans) Outstanding Loan Balance Loans Loan Outstanding Loan Balance (Total loans received should also be shown in item 16. on summary page.) (Beginning of Period Received Payments (End of Period) (Total loan payments should also be shown in item 20. on summary page.) (Total outstanding loan balance should also be shown in item 12.e. on front page.) SS-1132 (Rev. 4102) Page of RDA 1159 4113I,q I (tW'6~ &C~ - CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For State and Local Candidates For Single-Candidate Committees 1. DATE OF REPORT 44 ~ 12.a. NAME OF CANDI Tt OORCOMMITTEE rdffi~CL A - al 2.b. IF COMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELEC ON DA p /!27 4.a. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural Route Cit State Zip Code hone 11 g (~5) 4.b. CANDIDATE'S HOME AD S (if different than 4.a.) Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone 5. FICE SOUGHT (include district number, if applicable) 6. NAME OF POLITICAL REASWER (may be candidate) to W* (ki"j- I ~~q I -e_ svy"VI 44 7. CATf GORY OR REPORT ( eck one) 'rJr'~~J'T ED ❑ 1:1 E] 1:1 1:1 ❑ SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE- PRE- MID-YEAR YEAR-END QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 8.a. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORT IN PERIOD 8.b. ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD 9. (Check one) l ~7 [ a. ❑ This campaign is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expendi- tures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 12e. and 12f.) b. This campaign is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. 10. I/we do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this campaign financial disclosure report is true and that this report is an accurat accounting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate committee by the Campaign Fina is Disclosure Act. Additionally, a swear or affirm that no campaign contribute have been expended for the personal financial 91 be fit f the candidate or f o e npolitical purpose as defined by the fe ral em evenue code." signature o candidate ate gnatu a of political treas r date 11. WITN S SIGNATURE sin re of witn date signature of witness d to 12. SUMMARY An a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT $ , i b. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD $ Vl P & c. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD . ~A)$J...... $ l L/ .J 12 , , ~ ZS d. BALANCE ON HAND (12.a. plus 12.b. minus 12.c.) $ . . 1 rte, _ _ ~ e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING i...:..............;... aa........................ $ f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING .~3.~;.......... $ SS-1109 (Rev. 2106), r._-••1` Page 1 of- RDA 1159 SUMMARY PAGE - CANDIDATE 13. NAME OF CANDIDATE COMMITTEE (In ull) 14. RE ORT COVERING THE PERIOD ah.lc FROM I(e I $ TO 313'11)V RECEIPTS 15. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) co a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ .s rr b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ J c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 15.a. and 15.b.) $ 16. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD $ 17. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 18. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 15.c., 16., and 17.) (must be shown in item 12.b.) $ DISBURSEMENTS 19. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Expenditures ($100 or less each p yee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) Ib&vwS $ !!q 3 . &g $ d5 $ r $3 $ y0 $ $ $ $ Total of Expenditures $100 or less each payee) ~2-L4q .b b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $1 (o r /"fit (e c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES other than loan re a ments add 19.a. and 19.b. $ 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ 21. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must be shown in item 12.c.) I.......... IF 22.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ _ "q ei~r' b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22.a. and 22.b.) $ 23. OBLIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 23.a. and 23.b.) (must be shown i item 12.f.) $ SS-1133 (Rev. 4102) Page jr;~_ of ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE I 2. REPORT COVERING THE PE IOD ifkh. L -6 1 - 0 l~ FROM: !6 (e T0: J mount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totalin more than $100 from an contributor First Name Midd ame Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last NamelOrganizabon a Primary Election ❑ General Election QA 9~w Address ^ (1 aid ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City T W zip CnliaZ Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation j • f Employer First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution V & I It I Last Name/Organization Na Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Slate ZfpCodyI Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election City I Occupation ` U 3~6 Emp over FlrstName iddieName Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organization ame Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) icw City - state ZfpCode _ Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation mpoyer First Name ha-LA n cL Middle Name Contribution Received or: mount o Contribution Last NemefOrgenizationName rima y Election 13 General Election Address Runoff (Local Elections Only) City "M owe s nP 487p~ d Dale of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation) I l Vv t 0 >c Employer (f 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) J~ (If this is the fast page of contributions, this amount must be shown In Item 15b. of summary.) 4:v SS-1131(Rev. 2(06) Page ` of RDA 1159 Awmde)- Y/i3/l19"' ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: J TO: ✓ I Amount ° 3, TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) q2WL Ica 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution estNameiorganiza Nit me r'Election mary ❑ General Election "1 s ; Address 6'1 LW6x~ I ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) 02 City Statet I Zip Co Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election lm ffl~~ U~llf Occupation Employer 1 First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution (-F I Last Name/Organizati 4 rimary Election E3 General Election Address r Runoff (Local Elections Only) City « Slate Zip Cc Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation c5 C u 0" Employer % First Name iddle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last ame rgamzabon ameC rimary Election ❑ General Election V I Runoff Local Elections Only) city I~ stalfi~'v ZipCode Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation 1 iryu~ -Employer ~.A 147 «^tl First Name Middle Name ontdbution ecelve For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/OrganizationN me-,, ^ Xprimary Election ❑ General Election v O Local Elections Onl 1 Address Will c-el ❑ Runoff ( y) City ~I K Zip ode Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation ` Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS B' (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 151b. of summary.) ncxR 4 A, C!:2 1 SS-1131(Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1159 J ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPO T COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: TO: ~I Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 10 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION (contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor} First Name Middle Name , Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organi Primary Election ❑ General Election Address C V- ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City i Slat ZipCor~ Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Q_ l[" Employer First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organizaa a Primary Election El General Election Address ❑ cSe~ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Ciry U State ZiP oodgn, Date of Contributiof Aggregate This Election TV~ Occupation . ~ / LUk6A I L ` l g Employer First Name 1 ~ IiddleN Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution ast ame rgan za io ame Primary Election ry E] General Election n6v 0 ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address ~ tic pmu!]22 a, City 1 n state Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation rlyw l c a I ~Cs'f Employer ~r First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City State Zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carty forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 15b. of summary.) Q~ J` Jl I SS-1131(Rev. 2/06) Page v 1159 of RDA q113h Ayu* ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITT 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: T0: Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) First Name Middle Name I -Kin Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution Primary Election El General Election Last Name/Organiza a Ux w~ ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address f \n 1 f r~B Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City ^ , _I (~(S •L lZip Cood`e, d Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation dsfad}/w Employe l Tv VZ First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City Stale Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind ConMbution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election city state Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS LID, (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of in-kind contributions, this amount must be shown in item 22b. of summary.) All SS-1128 (Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1159 A.e 31) S/ ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: j 1v Iq TO: 31 moun 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than $100 to any payee during the period) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name •I~~/(~' ~ Address rl 0, City S Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Na Yb1 1 1~ / Address (Q I " cry Maq uu1 _ stale ( ZipCode First Name l`,(J~ Midoddllee Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name V Address ~/V ~V~~7~ . F1~ V~ ~ , J City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name U&j .I1.'/~Y / All IS q~ ~ V P 1 1 Address I I !S- f City p~ C• Stale `Zip Code Cy'7~~/) Q, / r "V' T 1 JJ L 97 O First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure LaslName/Business Name Address r I /~~kp FV 1111 /1 ~l/ lt.~i ~C v V l V~ ~1 B I City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address WWW \ /r s 1 V c~ ca --3 3W C City State Zip Code u 11-41 Q 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES 79 (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 19b. of summary.) q SS-1129 (Rev. 4102) Page of O RDA 1159 I M. Aom lot Y//,?)) ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD j±!36L 1 14 FROM: 1(, T0: 6131((7 mount _ 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 5'740' 17, 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than $100 to any payee during the period) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure ///~I/ ; I/n~,~ J/►~ Amount of Expenditure Las! NamelB pe Address O - I 16J (2~ City S Zip Code r 7 Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name r Last Name/Business Nam6V&QL, _f~ fcl~ I ~0 Address R001, VqLl)mj G~\ (/~I~/`{~~Ln City State _ Zip Code Mt& ~WU(L (n~T~l Oas WS First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES ~~yyyy (Carry forward to Item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) 1 1 ► . (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 19b. of summary.) (0 r SS-1129 (Rev. 4102) Page ~ of RDA 1159 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEME NT For State and Local Candidates ' Tor Single-Candidate Committees 1. DATE OF REPORT I 2.a. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR V a ~l I 2.b. IF COMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELECTION O a l s~~~` 4.a. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural Route City Phone / IU~~ e ~~P Code 1 ' V ~/7~ 4.b. CAN IDATE'S HOME ADDRES (d different than 4.a.) VV ~ K/ `f s c Street or Rural Route city state Zip Code Phone 5. O CE SOUGHT (in ude Vj_' Ulf MLAA district number,( pplicable) _ 8, NAME OF PO IT CAL REASUR (may be candidate) 7. CA GORY REPORT (Check e) CJ C SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE PRE= MID-YEAR YEAR❑-END QUARTER QUARTER QUAR MARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 8.a. BEGINNING DATE OFREPOF~TI PERIOD T8.b. ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD I W ►T 3 3i ► 9. (Check one) a. [1) This campaign is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expendi- tures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 12e. and 12f.) b. This campaign is required to fie a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. J:D nly swear or affirm that the information contained In this campaign financial disclosure report is true and that this report is an unting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate committee by a Campaign osure Act. Additionally, r or affirm that no campaign contribution ve beqn expended for th rsonal financial ca idate or for n o Iitiical pu rpose as defined by the fede in coal ue code. 4 y lire signature o candidate *da, t r o easurer date 11. WI ESS SIGNATURE ~dlj IF yL/~ lure or Omwss date signature o w ss date 12. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT 3 IJ( b. TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD $ ✓ , - c. TOTAL DISBURS 6( 5 F.lv1EN'TS THIS PERIOD $ d. BALANCE ON HAND (12.a. plus 12.b. minus 12.c.) e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING $ - SS-1109 (Rev. 2/06) Page 1 of RDA 1169 SUMMARY PAGE - CANDIDATE 13. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR CO (1 Full) 14. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD ~C FROM: 10 1<? T0: ~ ~ ( I RECEIPTS 15. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than bans and interest) a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ S D c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest)(add 15.a. and 151.) 16. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD $ 17. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 18. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 15.c., 16., and 17.) (must be shown in item 12.b.) $ DISBURSEMENTS 19. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Expenditures ($100 or less each paye this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) $ $ $ cc& $ 1/r7•s~ $ $ Total of Expenditures ($100 or less each payee) $9 ! . b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $ ry c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than ban repayments)(add 19.a. and 19.b.) $ ' 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ os~ 21. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must be shown in item 12.c.) $ J 3 22.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ v~ ~O c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22.a. and 22.b.) 23.013LIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ v b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c, TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 23.a. and 23.b.) (must be shown i item 12.f.) SS-1133 (Rev. 4102) Page of .:.M.~.Aiiiriu....aa~a:..s.~x'~.W:.:.-...,.: ..ca. _1,.. ..,_.._.i...,. ....F. ._',I,....... ...~.....,..w..~~al~ ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: G =TO-5/31 ) Amount 3, TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor Midd ame Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution First Name Aprimary Last NamelOrganlzation Election ❑ General Election Address ^ add ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City p` (~-J ap1~ OI Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election i Na-Wlle YV ) V Al. Occupation 3 I g j ~ 11{ Employer 0 0+ First Name O&M I Middle Name Contribution Received For: A~~mmo~o,;~unt of Contribution rimary Election ❑ General Election VI LaslNamelOrgenizatianNa ll 1 L~ Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City f~ , ' n~ State Zipcotrin Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation mp Dyer First Nama iddleName Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Primary Election ❑ General Election es am rgen on tK Address I~ ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) low City I State ZlpCode _ Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation ~ ✓ ~ ~y~ ~ I g low Employer 4~j%4w First Name Middle Name ont u on Received or: -Amount o Contribution Last Narne/Organization Name 'may Election ❑ General Election ~o , ~l ~ no 0.), Address /a I lam Runoff (Local Elections Only) City "(fin Odle, S ZIP~pT Dale of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation I ( 0 V w O Wit Employer 'ak ~J l CJ 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) J (II this is the last page of contributions, this anwunt must be shown In Item 15b, of summary.) 'f SS•1131(Rev.2/06) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE r2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: T0: 3 Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totalin more than $100 from an contributor Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution First Name Last NamelOrganiza'o Name rimary Election ❑ General Election 1 Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City J Uhl Stagy Zip Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organizeti ~~l ~ & rimary Election ❑ General Election Address Runoff (Local Elections Only) City State ZipCo Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election OLY-~ I . lt-N,~k Occupation a ~ 01- l,t.Sf Employer First Name ~I^ ~I, iddleName Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution n' ~j as am rganization Name y rtmary Election E] General Election (rL~t;(b Address. Runoff (Local Elections Only) City Zlp Code I Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer First Name MiddleName Contribution Received or: mount o Contribution - Last Name/OrganizationN me-. Primary Election El General Election L), (on V ' ~L I w Address 1 „XiTnIE ❑ Runoff (Local Elections OnI r y) City ~Zip ode Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS /J 1 (Carry forward to item 3, of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) vl (if this is the last page of contributions, this amount must he shown in item t5b. of summary.) Sri) gip' SS-1131(Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PE IOD 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE FROM: ILO TO: 3) L mount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 If first itemized page) COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totatin more than $100 from an contributor Amount of Contribution Middle Name Contribution Received For: Flret Neme Primary Election ❑ General Election LaetNamelOrganlzaUon a ~ Address 1~ ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) gtarp , ZlpCoda~ ate of Contribution Aggregate This Election City Occupation U r ' 1 C (qtr Employer Middle Name Co tribution Received For: Amount of Contribution • k1,6tN AM 1 Primary Election ❑ General Election Orgenization Name ~ ~ ~,t~~df/1,,,,,,,Runoff (Local Elections Only) 4:~'~f g~u~tZipC Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election ~ ~5 g Employer IddleName Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Name ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Md state zip Code Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election moun o n n utlon Middle Name Contribution Received or: First Name Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address 00 state Zip Code Dale of Contribution Aggregate This Election City Occupation Employer L5. ~TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS rry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown In Item 15b, of summary.) ~s Page of RDA 1159 SS•1131(Rev. 2106) ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITT 2. REPORT COVERING THE P RIOD ( FROM: T0: ( (I Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page)' 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) First Name Middle Name In-Kin Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution (4- 1 Primary Election C3 General Election ~ Last NamelOrganiza ' a L/{, ar- P_' ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address M ry , , _ L)jn &(O` Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City (S~( ZiiJpCoode l q Description of In-Kind Contribution ~Ju Occupation Employe First Name y, Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election city State Zip Code Description ofln-Kind Contribution __7 Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution F] Primary Election E] General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution ccupa ion Employer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of in-kind contributions, this amount must be shown in item 22b. of summary.) J11 e' SS-1128 (Rev. 2106) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 2. REPORT COVWPERIOD 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE FROM: ~ b 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than $100 to any payee during the pero) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure ~ Last Name/Business Name 'o ✓1~ Address ^ City 1/1~ f V 1 ~C DVS Y9; ~S-~J Zip Code CUU~ First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure -{-p, 1A~ Last Name/BusinessNa 111 O Y~~~-' _ 5 Address I aq City State Zip Code 1-QX~1 ~CC Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last Name/Business N;m7eV K- I Y lJ J IV Address ^ r LA City ( w ~tA 1 State Zip Code C k am fh'R GQ41~71 First Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Name I C Last NamelBusiness Nam Address /J•'} n, ~1 1 Iajs G c~rlcr / JJ~~JJ City State Zip Code l -X I First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name ~ V `I Address 1 Wets l ('v m~ . l1~✓~ City C J Stat,^l, 1 Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure 1- Last Name/Business Name / In r t4 Address ~r ~J~/ lW~~` I ~(MVt J) Pao 4--3 3g Cam! City State Zip Code jk~ u 2, 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES 79 (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) 1 (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 191b. of summary.) AWIL SS-1129 (Rev. 4102) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PE OD 1, NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE FROM: Ila I TO: ~p 51 /g moun 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than 5100 to any payee during the period) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure WAPLastNamelBU5In8sSN~^~ Address 3 Q N..[/ City Ste Zip Code w Middle Name c, Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City Slate Zip Code Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City Slate Zip Code Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last Name/Business Name Address City Stale Zip Code Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure First Name Last NamelBusiness Name Address City State Zip Code p 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES r „ fn ~q (Carry forward to item 3. of next page If additional pages of this form are used.) ~1 lL/ I (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 19b. of summary.) Page V of RDA 1159 SS-1129 (Rev. 4102) CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT For State and Local Candidates For Single-Candidate Committees 1. DATE OF REPORT 2.a. NAME OF NDIDATE OR COMMI EE / - 3-D i S'/ TR)ck- log', j 2.b. IF COMMITTEE, NAME OF CANDIDATE 3. ELECTION DATE 4.a. CAMPAIGN ADDRESS AND PHONE Street or Rural R ute city State Zip Code Phone 26 A Y A'-. Airoil r -/J 37 1q- 4.b. CANDIDATE'S HOME ADbRESS (if different than 4.a.) Street or Rural Route City State Zip Code Phone 5. OFFICE SOUGHT (include district number, if a/p~plilicable) 6. NAME OF POLITICAL TREASURER (may be candidate) 7. CATEGORY OR REPORT (C ck one) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH PRE- PRE- MID-YEAR YEAR-END QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER PRIMARY GENERAL SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL 8.a. BEGINNING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD 8.b. ENDING DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD /G - /0-/7 9. (Check one) a. ❑ This campaign is exempt from detailed disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total $1,000 or less AND expendi- ~~/t'ures total $1,000 or less for this reporting period. (Complete items 12d., 12e. and 12f.) b. IYI This campaign is required to file a detailed financial disclosure because contributions (including in-kind) received total more than $1,000 T~ and/or expenditures total more than $1,000 for this reporting period. 10. I/we do solemnly swear or affirm that the information contained in this campaign financial disclosure report is true and that this report is an accura accounting of campaign contributions and expenditures required to be reported by the candidate committee by the Campaign Fina I Disclosure A Additionally, I/we swear or affirm that no campaign contributions have been expended for the personal financial ben JAZ Mj_li~ f the candid e o for an th nonpolitical purpose as defined by the federal internal revenue code. - sv -i8 signature of candidat date signature of political treasurer date 11. TN S SIGNAT RE ignature of itness date signature of witness date 12. SUMMARY a. BALANCE ON HAND LAST REPORT ..~`~i.. b. TOTAL RECEIPTSTHIS PERIOD... 1~...........................$ JPN~p20 c. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD .................................~0OU~ b gvogsGl-+~N $ d. BALANCE ON HAND (12.a. plus 12.b. minus 12.c.) $,~3 ✓ e. TOTAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $ f. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING $ SS-1109 (Rev. 2/06) Page 1 of RDA 1159 SUMMARY PAGE - CANDIDATE 13. NAME OF CANDID OR COMMITTEE (I 411 14. REPORT COVERING TH PERIOD JL~~t)L. II ll..~u FROM: TO: f y - j~ RECEIPTS 15. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans and interest) u a. Unitemized Contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) u b. Itemized Contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ 4 ~L). c. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS other than loans and interest add 15.a. and 15.b. $ c 16. LOANS RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17. INTEREST RECEIVED THIS REPORTING PERIOD 18. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add 15.c., 16., and 17.) (must be shown in item 12.b.) $ 4q5 ,A 1 DISBURSEMENTS 19. EXPENDITURES (other than loan payments) a. Expenditures ($100 or less each payee this period) (must be listed by category - e.g., printing, postage, gasoline) ~ IC.. Cf ~1.Su1 $ CP ~ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total of Expenditures $100 or less each payee) b. Itemized Expenditures (Over $100 each payee this period) $ / c. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (other than loan repayments)(add 19.a. and 19.b.) 20. LOAN REPAYMENTS MADE THIS PERIOD $ 21. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add 19.c. and 20.) (must be shown in item 12.c.) $ `1 22.IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS a. Unitemized in-kind contributions ($100 or less from each source this period) $ b. Itemized in-kind contributions (over $100 from each source this period) $ c. TOTAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED THIS PERIOD (add 22.a. and 22.b.) $ 23. OBLIGATIONS a. Unitemized Obligations Outstanding ($100 or less each) $ b. Itemized Obligations Outstanding (Over $100 each) $ c. TOTAL OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING (add 23.a. and 23.b.) (must be shown i item 12.f.) $ SS-1133 (Rev. 4102) Page of ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR CO M E 2. REPORT COVERING THE PER OD ( FROM: (,L T0: 1 Jr t3 Amount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTION contributions totaling more than $100 from an contributor First Name Middle Name I Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organization Inocil 61 i lL°'l. x rimary Election El General Election . I V W Address /P 11 LI, o n C9 El Runoff (Local Elections Only) City 1' 4.V1 ° l 0.- L c-~ zp~~ Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation ~ ~ 1 1 I Employer _ First Name Middle Name Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last Name/Organizatio rimary Election ❑ General Election l Address ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) City ~'haq \1 l ) zip -7~h Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation mpoyer~y/~L~,l ` First Name Y~ iddleName Contribution Received For: Amount of Contribution Last an n am rimary Election ❑ General Election CLI 7~m (&-)d- ress Runoff (Local Elections Only) C X ❑ City Olap T'17V I - zipC Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation yer First Name Middle Name on utlon Received or: Amount 0 Contribution Last Name/Organization Name &M-H60- KOR ma ry Election ❑ General Election ~ I j (J 09 Address Lj{, e unoff (Local Elections Only) city l J ouf 1 q /I St at V/ zip cog `~r'71 3 Date of Contribution Aggregate This Election Occupation Employer 1T / W' 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED CONTRIBUTIONS (Carty forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of contributions, this amount must be shown in item 15b. of summary.) SS-1131(Rev. 2/06) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITTEE 2. REPORT COVERING THE PERIOD FROM: ID ~ TO: I t6 / mount 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 5~ u 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION (in-kind contributions totaling more than $100 from any contributor during the period) First Name ~h Middle Name Zdmary ntribution Received For. vatae U ( y r I Election ❑ General Election /n Last Name/OrganizationName 91, / f CL D l' off (Local Elections Only) L Address 2011 L~ Ll Date efln-KindContributon I Aggregate this Election Cdy J~J"1 Lr 1 M Zip Cod` Descriptiendin-KhIdC ntftjbw_.-- Occupation EmpI kn.(] I Middle Name / I Kind ontribution Received For. Value. ntn u on, First Name rimary Election ❑ General Election Q~ Last NarnWOrganizabon Name . `bl1 Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address to / tq~pL+ Date ofln- ConmWbi rl I r Aggregate this Election city Zip Description of In-Kind Contribution Clocupatim EEmplalier fZi1~~ SM First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For. Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of I n-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election City State Zip Cade Description of In-IGnd contribution Occupation m oyer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution ❑ Primary Election ❑ General Election Last Name/Organization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Kind Contribution Aggregate this Election city State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution Occupation Employer First Name Middle Name In-Kind Contribution Received For: Value of In-Kind Contribution [3 Primary Election [3 General Election Last NamelOrganization Name ❑ Runoff (Local Elections Only) Address Date of In-Knd Contribution Aggregate this Election city State Zip Code Description of In-Kind Contribution n mp oyer 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.)O (If this is the last page of in4dnd contributions, this amount must be shown in item 22b. of summary.) ~~~CCC 1111 SS-1128 (Rev. 2/06) Page of RDA 1159 ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - CANDIDATE 1. NAME OF CANDIDATE OR COMMITT , / 1 E n 2. REPORT COVERING THE PE OD 1 ' FROMa" 1~ T0: f - _ 116 morn 3. TOTAL ITEMIZED CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES FROM PRECEDING PAGE (enter $0 if first itemized page) 4. COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE ITEMS FOR EACH ITEMIZED EXPENDITURE (expenditures totaling more than $100 to any payee during the period) First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name v9cA vro% 11 Address G~ ~ J V City ky~ I I ~ S7UA-44 _j First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business N ~ t` `r~ - I 1 ~j ✓ ~1 Address ut -a5 4. sjlwov W S City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Naar./Business Name Address 670 ,SCl City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last NamrJBusirussName iv l fC Lc)c~ V 1(/G/t/ C l (i l lam' Address 3 l~J l S (AT& V City State Zip Code J 2N 33-7 First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Name/Business Name Address City State Zip Code First Name Middle Name Purpose of Expenditure Amount of Expenditure Last Na "usiness Name Address City State Zip Code 5. TOTAL ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES (Carry forward to item 3. of next page if additional pages of this form are used.) (If this is the last page of expenditures, this amount must be shown in item 19b. of summary.) Aft SS-1129 (Rev. 4/02) Page of RDA 1159