4489APhyllis Lee Crisp, Register Blount County Tennessee Rec #: 647567 Rec'd: 15.00 Instrument #: 970281 State: 0.00 Clerk: 0.00 Recorded other: 2.00 8/21/2023 at 3:00 PM Total: 17.00 in Map File FILE Pgs 4489A-4489A FORMER LOT 13 DB 2567 P.1890 AID GIS 025F A 055.00 WA0.217 AC. mo / _- I , METER,..-- • 00 / / Pown POLE i CONCRETE o 820, (PAD 0 i OUR65' _ 71• S713°31 G0��0�5 78 1L KIN, g�0 22*tit If S6Ao�8 LOT 15R \ 025 & WEN TAX MAP 02SF GRPP ZSL A A PARCEL 059.00 PLAT BK 303A TAT 15R liO WDB 628 PG 32 gyp• \ FORMER LOT 14 \\ DB 2567 P.1890 GIS 025F A 054.00 \ 0.160 AC. LINE I BEARING IDISTANCE 1-1 1 N74.51 10"E I42.69' o n1IRF 1' AREA STATEMENT THIS PLAT COMBINES LOTS 12, 13 & 14 TO CREATE LOT 12R LOT 12R: CONTAINS 0.550 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LOT 12: CONTAINS 0.173 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LOT 13: CONTAINS 0.217 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. LOT 14: CONTAINS 0.160 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. FORMER LOT 12 DB 2567 P.1890 GIS 025F A 056.00 0.173 AC. CERR IFICATION OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION I (we) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building restriction lines, and dedicate all rights -of -way, streets, alleys, walks, easements, parks, or other open spaces to public or private use as noted. Date Owner s) Owner(s) � -- CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY I hereby certify that the plan shown and described hereon is a true and correct survey to the accuracy required by the Louisville Planning Commission and that the monuments have been placed" as shown hereon to the specifications of the, Louisville Subdivision Regulations. -6/9/2023 -Date V#. 91,- �RL4 #3328 Registered Surveyor y CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF IRS STREETS AND UTILITIES 1/2„ The subdivision lies along an existing public road. The improvements related to streets or other public improvements have been installed according to Louisville Planning Commissions Subdivision Regulations or specifications, when Town of Louisville is acting as the County's Designee. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH The owner and/or developer of any lot, in developing the lot into building, whether primary structure or accessory structure, or conducting any development or use that will disturb soils on the lot, shall reserve and maintain area sufficient for primary, secondary (and tertiary when applicable) septic field lines appropriate to the size and use of buildings and other development or activities. The Blount County Environmental Health Department should be consulted prior to any construction to determine appropriate area to be reserved undisturbed for septic field use. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH In accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Department of Environmental and Conservation, the Blount County Health Department has not evaluated the existing subsurface sewage disposal system (SSDS) on the property represented by this plat. The Blount County Environmental Health Department makes no representation as to the performance of any existing or future SSDS system, or its future operation. _V i1-.----- Da DesignoWed Engineer for Louisville CERTIFI ATE OF APPROVAL OF ROAD NAMES AND PROPERTY NUMBERS E-911 I hereby certify that (1) the names of existing public roads shown on this subdivision plat are correct, (2) the names of any new roads, whether public or private, do not duplicate any existing names and said names are approved, and (3) the property numbers of the lots shown on this plot are in conformance with the E-911 system. Da e E-911 Authori REFERENCES: kill,11 <,� LOT 12- DB 2567 PG 1890 PB 303A LOT 12, OL T 13- DB 2567 ° c4'� PG 1890, PB 303A LOT 13, LOT 14- DB 2567 PG 1890, PB 303 &!U° LOT 14 01. PARCEL ID: L T 12- MAP 025F GRP A PARCEL 056.00, LOT AfiEICUL 'p e 13-MAP 025F GRP A PARCEL 055.00, LOT 14-MAP 025F GRP A PARCEL 054.00 ' J0B NO: 202214007 DRAFTED BY: J.T. HAUN LAN® l�t�VEYIi\! DATE: 1/6/2023- REVISED 6/9/2023 TrueLine Land Surveying, LLC (865) 607-0131 P.O. Box 32242 info®truelinels.com SCALE: 1 = 20' Knoxville, TN 37930 WWW.TRUELINELS.COM CERTIFICATION OF UTILITIES- ELECTRICAL I hereby certify that the electrical improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner and according to specifications of the Louisville Subdivision Regulations, except as noted hereon; or proper provisions have been made for their installation. Date -y Signature Position I hereb informa prelimin DeDartn Date that th p1 ns and related ired m et he specifications for )vol b th Blount County Health Countip Health Auth'ority or Authorized Representative CERTIFICATION OF GENERAL APPROVAh FOR INSTALLA ION OF SUBSQRFACE SEW DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Sub, ivisio s approve for subsu fa a sewage disposal. Ow er/ Devel per shall b in from the commissi n/ health a thority or re resentative a permit f r e h lot p or to an co struction on the property. The permit hall esta lish the maximum size dwel ing nd the pecific I eati n of the primary and the econ cry di osal or as.Owner/ Developer shall not do a y cons ruction or m tilation (cutting or filling of th so designate pri ary and secondarydispo al ar as wi u for approval of the B ount C unty nviron ental Health Department. nt. Date Blount Cbunty DepartWpnt of Environmental Health CERTIFICATION OF THE APPROVAL OF UTILITIES- WATER I hereby certify that the water, sewer, or electricity improvements have been installed in on acceptable manner and according to specifications of the Louisville Subdivision Regulations, except as noted hereon; or proper provisions have been made for their installation. G io --a---- DateI -------- i to e. ' - \_--------- Position le/0 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR RECORDING I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown here has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Louisville, Tennessee, with the exception of such variances, if any, as are noted in the minutes of the Planning Commission and that it has been approved for recording in the Office of the County Register _1 3_-Z3 Date - ."� 144 -- Secretary, PlanningrCommission LOCATION MAP - NOT TO SCALE ,SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS PRODUCED USING RTK GPS POSITIONAL DATA OBSERVED ON FEBRUARY 6, 2023, UTILIZING A CARLSON BRX7 DUAL FREQUENCY RECEIVER AND AUTONOMOUS BASE, LOCATED NEAR THE SUBJECT PARCEL. POSITIONAL ACCURACY OF THE GPS VECTORS DOES NOT EXCEED 0.07 FEET HORIZONTALLY. 2. FIXED CONTROL STATIONS ARE LISTED AS FOLLOWS: AUTONOMOUS GNSS BASE, LATITUDE N3549'09.492", LONGITUDE W84'02'17.356". 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO TENNESSEE GRID NORTH, DERIVED FROM THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 1983 (NAD 83). 4. ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD88) GEOID 18. 5. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE HORIZONTAL GRID DISTANCES MEASURED IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. THE COMBINED SCALE FACTOR FOR THIS PROJECT IS 1,0000000000. 6. ALL ABOVE GROUND IMPROVEMENTS AND UTILITIES WITHIN 5 FEET OF ALL PROPERTY LINES HAVE BEEN LOCATED AND ARE SHOWN HEREON. THERE HAS BEEN NO ATTEMPT TO LOCATE ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN WERE FROM ACTUAL FIELD EVIDENCE. OTHER UTILITIES MAY EXIST AND NOT BE SHOWN OR VARY FROM WHERE SHOWN. NO GUARANTEE IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF ANY UTILITY SHOWN, WHICH ARE NOT VISIBLE FROM THE SURFACE. 7. THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS COMPLETED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE COMMITMENT OR TITLE SEARCH. ALL PROPERTY OR DEED INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT. 8. SOURCES OF INFORMATION USED TO FACILITATE THIS SURVEY WERE PREVIOUS SURVEYS BY THIS SURVEYOR, SURVEYS BY OTHER SURVEYORS, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED BY THE CLIENT. NO TITLE SEARCH, TITLE OPINION OR ABSTRACT WAS PERFORMED BY THIS SURVEYOR. 9. THE SURVEY SHOWN HEREON MAY BE SUBJECT TO DEEDS OF RECORD, UNRECORDED DEEDS, EASEMENTS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, BUILDING SETBACKS, REGULATIONS, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD WHICH COULD AFFECT THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PROPERTY THAT WERE NOT FURNISHED AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 10. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE, PER THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 47009CO110C, EFFECTIVE DATE SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 FOR BLOUNT COUNTY. 11. CURRENT BUILDING SETBACK ARE FRONT 30'. SIDE 10' AND REAR 30'. PER CITY OF LOUISVILLE ZONING OFFICE. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A CATEGORY IV RTK GPS SURVEY WHICH MEETS ALL THE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY THE TENNESSEE STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR LAND SURVEYORS. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CURRENT TENNESSEE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE. 6/9/2023 DATE OF SIGNATURE LEGEND Y#. 91 MICHAEL P. MESSINA JR. TN. #3328 O = CALCULATED POINT = BOUNDARY/PROPERTY LINE O = '7PF" IRON PIPE FOUND ®= IRF" IRON ROD FOUND =FORMER BOUNDARY/PROPERTY LINE ®_ "IRS" IRON ROD & CAP SET = ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE. LINE �f = UTILITY POLE NOT SURVEYED. LINE MAPPED FROM DEEDS OR PLATS UNLESS NOTED ®= WATER METER = RIGHT OF WAY LINE. LINE NOT SURVEYED. LINE MAPPED FROM DEEDS OR PLATS UNLESS NOTED - - - - - = BUILDING SETBACK LINE = OVERHEAD ELECTRIC RESUBDIVTSION PLAT FOR: JUNALUS-KA SUBDIVISION - LOT 12R SHOWING A SURVEY REQUESTED BY DAVID KERNS CIVIL`DISTRICT w, COUNTY OF BLOUNT, STATE OF TENNESSEE SHEET 1 OF 1